1,047 research outputs found

    Deep Unsupervised Similarity Learning using Partially Ordered Sets

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    Unsupervised learning of visual similarities is of paramount importance to computer vision, particularly due to lacking training data for fine-grained similarities. Deep learning of similarities is often based on relationships between pairs or triplets of samples. Many of these relations are unreliable and mutually contradicting, implying inconsistencies when trained without supervision information that relates different tuples or triplets to each other. To overcome this problem, we use local estimates of reliable (dis-)similarities to initially group samples into compact surrogate classes and use local partial orders of samples to classes to link classes to each other. Similarity learning is then formulated as a partial ordering task with soft correspondences of all samples to classes. Adopting a strategy of self-supervision, a CNN is trained to optimally represent samples in a mutually consistent manner while updating the classes. The similarity learning and grouping procedure are integrated in a single model and optimized jointly. The proposed unsupervised approach shows competitive performance on detailed pose estimation and object classification.Comment: Accepted for publication at IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 201

    Contributions to Time Series Classification: Meta-Learning and Explainability

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    This thesis includes 3 contributions of different types to the area of supervised time series classification, a growing field of research due to the amount of time series collected daily in a wide variety of domains. In this context, the number of methods available for classifying time series is increasing, and the classifiers are becoming more and more competitive and varied. Thus, the first contribution of the thesis consists of proposing a taxonomy of distance-based time series classifiers, where an exhaustive review of the existing methods and their computational costs is made. Moreover, from the point of view of a non-expert user (even from that of an expert), choosing a suitable classifier for a given problem is a difficult task. The second contribution, therefore, deals with the recommendation of time series classifiers, for which we will use a meta-learning approach. Finally, the third contribution consists of proposing a method to explain the prediction of time series classifiers, in which we calculate the relevance of each region of a series in the prediction. This method of explanation is based on perturbations, for which we will consider specific and realistic transformations for the time series.BES-2016-07689

    Contributions to Time Series Classification: Meta-Learning and Explainability

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    141 p.La presente tesis incluye 3 contribuciones de diferentes tipos al área de la clasificación supervisada de series temporales, un campo en auge por la cantidad de series temporales recolectadas día a día en una gran variedad en ámbitos. En este contexto, la cantidad de métodos disponibles para clasificar series temporales es cada vez más grande, siendo los clasificadores cada vez más competitivos y variados. De esta manera, la primera contribución de la tesis consiste en proponer una taxonomía de los clasificadores de series temporales basados en distancias, donde se hace una revisión exhaustiva de los métodos existentes y sus costes computacionales. Además, desde el punto de vista de un/a usuario/a no experto/a (incluso desde la de un/a experto/a), elegir un clasificador adecuado para un problema concreto es una tarea difícil. En la segunda contribución, por tanto, se aborda la recomendación de clasificadores de series temporales, para lo que usaremos un enfoque basado en el meta-aprendizaje. Por último, la tercera contribución consiste en proponer un método para explicar la predicción de los clasificadores de series temporales, en el que calculamos la relevancia de cada región de una serie en la predicción. Este método de explicación está basado en perturbaciones, para lo que consideraremos transformaciones específicas y realistas para las series temporales

    Large-scale inference in the focally damaged human brain

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    Clinical outcomes in focal brain injury reflect the interactions between two distinct anatomically distributed patterns: the functional organisation of the brain and the structural distribution of injury. The challenge of understanding the functional architecture of the brain is familiar; that of understanding the lesion architecture is barely acknowledged. Yet, models of the functional consequences of focal injury are critically dependent on our knowledge of both. The studies described in this thesis seek to show how machine learning-enabled high-dimensional multivariate analysis powered by large-scale data can enhance our ability to model the relation between focal brain injury and clinical outcomes across an array of modelling applications. All studies are conducted on internationally the largest available set of MR imaging data of focal brain injury in the context of acute stroke (N=1333) and employ kernel machines at the principal modelling architecture. First, I examine lesion-deficit prediction, quantifying the ceiling on achievable predictive fidelity for high-dimensional and low-dimensional models, demonstrating the former to be substantially higher than the latter. Second, I determine the marginal value of adding unlabelled imaging data to predictive models within a semi-supervised framework, quantifying the benefit of assembling unlabelled collections of clinical imaging. Third, I compare high- and low-dimensional approaches to modelling response to therapy in two contexts: quantifying the effect of treatment at the population level (therapeutic inference) and predicting the optimal treatment in an individual patient (prescriptive inference). I demonstrate the superiority of the high-dimensional approach in both settings

    A review on distance based time series classification

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    Time series classification is an increasing research topic due to the vast amount of time series data that is being created over a wide variety of fields. The particularity of the data makes it a challenging task and different approaches have been taken, including the distance based approach. 1-NN has been a widely used method within distance based time series classification due to its simplicity but still good performance. However, its supremacy may be attributed to being able to use specific distances for time series within the classification process and not to the classifier itself. With the aim of exploiting these distances within more complex classifiers, new approaches have arisen in the past few years that are competitive or which outperform the 1-NN based approaches. In some cases, these new methods use the distance measure to transform the series into feature vectors, bridging the gap between time series and traditional classifiers. In other cases, the distances are employed to obtain a time series kernel and enable the use of kernel methods for time series classification. One of the main challenges is that a kernel function must be positive semi-definite, a matter that is also addressed within this review. The presented review includes a taxonomy of all those methods that aim to classify time series using a distance based approach, as well as a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of each method.TIN2016-78365-
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