9 research outputs found

    On Distance Magic Harary Graphs

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    This paper establishes two techniques to construct larger distance magic and (a, d)-distance antimagic graphs using Harary graphs and provides a solution to the existence of distance magicness of legicographic product and direct product of G with C4, for every non-regular distance magic graph G with maximum degree |V(G)|-1.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    An infinite family of counterexamples to a conjecture on distance magic labeling

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    This work is about a partition problem which is an instance of the distance magic graph labeling problem. Given positive integers n,kn,k and p1≤p2≤⋯≤pkp_1\le p_2\le \cdots\le p_k such that p1+⋯+pk=np_1+\cdots+p_k=n and kk divides ∑i=1ni\sum_{i=1}^ni, we study the problem of characterizing the cases where it is possible to find a partition of the set {1,2,…,n}\{1,2,\ldots,n\} into kk subsets of respective sizes p1,…,pkp_1,\dots,p_k, such that the element sum in each subset is equal. Using a computerized search we found examples showing that the necessary condition, ∑i=1p1+⋯+pj(n−i+1)≥j(n+12)/k\sum_{i=1}^{p_1+\cdots+p_j} (n-i+1)\ge j{\binom{n+1}{2}}/k for all j=1,…,kj=1,\ldots,k, is not generally sufficient, refuting a past conjecture. Moreover, we show that there are infinitely many such counter-examples. The question whether there is a simple characterization is left open and for all we know the corresponding decision problem might be NP-complete

    Vertex Magic Group Edge Labelings

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    A project submitted to the faculty of the graduate school of the University of Minnesota in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. May 2017. Major: Mathematics and Statistics. Advisor: Dalibor Froncek. 1 computer file (PDF); vi, 46 pages, appendix A, Ill. (some col.)A vertex-magic group edge labeling of a graph G(V;E) with |E| = n is an injection from E to an abelian group ᴦ of order n such that the sum of labels of all incident edges of every vertex x ϵ V is equal to the same element µ ϵ ᴦ. We completely characterize all Cartesian products Cn□Cm that admit a vertex-magic group edge labeling by Z2nm, as well as provide labelings by a few other finite abelian groups

    Distance magic-type and distance antimagic-type labelings of graphs

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    Generally speaking, a distance magic-type labeling of a graph G of order n is a bijection f from the vertex set of the graph to the first n natural numbers or to the elements of a group of order n, with the property that the weight of each vertex is the same. The weight of a vertex x is defined as the sum (or appropriate group operation) of all the labels of vertices adjacent to x. If instead we require that all weights differ, then we refer to the labeling as a distance antimagic-type labeling. This idea can be generalized for directed graphs; the weight will take into consideration the direction of the arcs. In this manuscript, we provide new results for d-handicap labeling, a distance antimagic-type labeling, and introduce a new distance magic-type labeling called orientable Gamma-distance magic labeling. A d-handicap distance antimagic labeling (or just d-handicap labeling for short) of a graph G=(V,E) of order n is a bijection f from V to {1,2,...,n} with induced weight function w(x_{i})=\underset{x_{j}\in N(x_{i})}{\sum}f(x_{j}) \] such that f(x_{i})=i and the sequence of weights w(x_{1}),w(x_{2}),...,w(x_{n}) forms an arithmetic sequence with constant difference d at least 1. If a graph G admits a d-handicap labeling, we say G is a d-handicap graph. A d-handicap incomplete tournament, H(n,k,d) is an incomplete tournament of n teams ranked with the first n natural numbers such that each team plays exactly k games and the strength of schedule of the ith ranked team is d more than the i+1st ranked team. That is, strength of schedule increases arithmetically with strength of team. Constructing an H(n,k,d) is equivalent to finding a d-handicap labeling of a k-regular graph of order n. In Chapter 2 we provide general constructions for every d at least 1 for large classes of both n and k, providing breadth and depth to the catalog of known H(n,k,d)\u27s. In Chapters 3 - 6, we introduce a new type of labeling called orientable Gamma-distance magic labeling. Let Gamma be an abelian group of order n. If for a graph G=(V,E) of order n there exists an orientation of G and a companion bijection f from V to Gamma with the property that there is an element mu in Gamma (called the magic constant) such that \[ w(x)=\sum_{y\in N_{G}^{+}(x)}\overrightarrow{f}(y)-\sum_{y\in N_{G}^{-}(x)}\overrightarrow{f}(y)=\mu for every x in V where w(x) is the weight of vertex x, we say that G is orientable Gamma-distance magic}. In addition to introducing the concept, we provide numerous results on orientable Z_n distance magic graphs, where Z_n is the cyclic group of order n. In Chapter 7, we summarize the results of this dissertation and provide suggestions for future work