271,375 research outputs found

    Magnetic Field Strength in the Upper Solar Corona Using White-light Shock Structures Surrounding Coronal Mass Ejections

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    To measure the magnetic field strength in the solar corona, we examined 10 fast (> 1000 km/s) limb CMEs which show clear shock structures in SOHO/LASCO images. By applying piston-shock relationship to the observed CME's standoff distance and electron density compression ratio, we estimated the Mach number, Alfven speed, and magnetic field strength in the height range 3 to 15 solar radii (Rs). Main results from this study are: (1) the standoff distance observed in solar corona is consistent with those from a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model and near-Earth observations; (2) the Mach number as a shock strength is in the range 1.49 to 3.43 from the standoff distance ratio, but when we use the density compression ratio, the Mach number is in the range 1.47 to 1.90, implying that the measured density compression ratio is likely to be underestimated due to observational limits; (3) the Alfven speed ranges from 259 to 982 km/s and the magnetic field strength is in the range 6 to 105 mG when the standoff distance is used; (4) if we multiply the density compression ratio by a factor of 2, the Alfven speeds and the magnetic field strengths are consistent in both methods; (5) the magnetic field strengths derived from the shock parameters are similar to those of empirical models and previous estimates.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 11 Figures, 1 Tabl

    Magnetic Field Strength in the Upper Solar Corona Using White-light Shock Structures Surrounding Coronal Mass Ejections

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    To measure the magnetic field strength in the solar corona, we examined 10 fast (> 1000 km/s) limb CMEs which show clear shock structures in SOHO/LASCO images. By applying piston-shock relationship to the observed CME's standoff distance and electron density compression ratio, we estimated the Mach number, Alfven speed, and magnetic field strength in the height range 3 to 15 solar radii (Rs). Main results from this study are: (1) the standoff distance observed in solar corona is consistent with those from a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) model and near-Earth observations; (2) the Mach number as a shock strength is in the range 1.49 to 3.43 from the standoff distance ratio, but when we use the density compression ratio, the Mach number is in the range 1.47 to 1.90, implying that the measured density compression ratio is likely to be underestimated due to observational limits; (3) the Alfven speed ranges from 259 to 982 km/s and the magnetic field strength is in the range 6 to 105 mG when the standoff distance is used; (4) if we multiply the density compression ratio by a factor of 2, the Alfven speeds and the magnetic field strengths are consistent in both methods; (5) the magnetic field strengths derived from the shock parameters are similar to those of empirical models and previous estimates.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 11 Figures, 1 Tabl

    Tides or dark matter sub-halos: Which ones are more attractive?

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    Young tidal dwarf galaxies (TDGs) are observed in the tidal debris of gas-rich interacting galaxies. In contrast to what is generally assumed to be the case for isolated dwarf galaxies, TDGs are not embedded in their own dark matter (DM) sub-halo. Hence, they are more sensitive to stellar feedback and could be disrupted on a short time-scale. Detailed numerical and observational studies demonstrate that isolated DM-dominated dwarf galaxies can have lifetimes of more than 10 Gyr. For TDGs that evolve in a tidal field with compressing accelerations equal to the gravitational acceleration within a DM sub-halo typical of an isolated dwarf galaxy, a similar survival time is expected. The tidal acceleration profile depends on the virial mass of the host galaxy and the distance between the TDG and its host. We analytically compare the tidal compression to the gravitational acceleration due to either cuspy or cored DM sub-halos of various virial masses. For example, the tidal field at a distance of 100 kpc to a host halo of 10^13 Msol can be as stabilizing as a 10^9 Msol DM sub-halo. By linking the tidal field to the equivalent gravitational field of a DM sub-halo, we can use existing models of isolated dwarfs to estimate the survivability of TDGs. We show that part of the unexpectedly high dynamical masses inferred from observations of some TDGs can be explained by tidal compression and hence TDGs require to contain less unobservable matter to understand their rotation curves.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Underestimation Of Egocentric Distance: Evidence From Frontal Matching Tasks

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    There is controversy over the existence, nature, and cause of error in egocentric distance judgments. One proposal is that the systematic biases often found in explicit judgments of egocentric distance along the ground may be related to recently observed biases in the perceived declination of gaze (Durgin & Li, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, in press), To measure perceived egocentric distance nonverbally, observers in a field were asked to position themselves so that their distance from one of two experimenters was equal to the frontal distance between the experimenters. Observers placed themselves too far away, consistent with egocentric distance underestimation. A similar experiment was conducted with vertical frontal extents. Both experiments were replicated in panoramic virtual reality. Perceived egocentric distance was quantitatively consistent with angular bias in perceived gaze declination (1.5 gain). Finally, an exocentric distance-matching task was contrasted with a variant of the egocentric matching task. The egocentric matching data approximate a constant compression of perceived egocentric distance with a power function exponent of nearly 1; exocentric matches had an exponent of about 0.67. The divergent pattern between egocentric and exocentric matches suggests that they depend on different visual cues

    Coronal Magnetic Field Measurement from EUV Images made by the Solar Dynamics Observatory

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    By measuring the geometrical properties of the coronal mass ejection (CME) flux rope and the leading shock observed on 2010 June 13 by the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) mission's Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) we determine the Alfv\'en speed and the magnetic field strength in the inner corona at a heliocentric distance of ~ 1.4 Rs. The basic measurements are the shock standoff distance (deltaR) ahead of the CME flux rope, the radius of curvature of the flux rope (Rc), and the shock speed. We first derive the Alfv\'enic Mach number (M) using the relationship, deltaR/Rc = 0.81[(gamma-1) M^2 + 2]/[(gamma+1)(M^2-1)], where gamma is the only parameter that needed to be assumed. For gamma =4/3, the Mach number declined from 3.7 to 1.5 indicating shock weakening within the field of view of the imager. The shock formation coincided with the appearance of a type II radio burst at a frequency of ~300 MHz (harmonic component), providing an independent confirmation of the shock. The shock compression ratio derived from the radio dynamic spectrum was found to be consistent with that derived from the theory of fast mode MHD shocks. From the measured shock speed and the derived Mach number, we found the Alfv\'en speed to increase from ~140 km/s to 460 km/s over the distance range 1.2 to 1.5 Rs. By deriving the upstream plasma density from the emission frequency of the associated type II radio burst, we determined the coronal magnetic field to be in the range 1.3 to 1.5 G. The derived magnetic field values are consistent with other estimates in a similar distance range. This work demonstrates that the EUV imagers, in the presence of radio dynamic spectra, can be used as coronal magnetometers.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, 2 table
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