516 research outputs found

    Dispatching Stochastic Heterogeneous Resources Accounting for Grid and Battery Losses

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    We compute an optimal day-ahead dispatch plan for distribution networks with stochastic resources and batteries, while accounting for grid and battery losses. We formulate and solve a scenario-based AC Optimal Power Flow (OPF), which is by construction non-convex. We explain why the existing relaxation methods do not apply and we propose a novel iterative scheme, Corrected DistFlow (CoDistFlow), to solve the scenario-based AC OPF problem in radial networks. It uses a modified branch flow model for radial networks with angle relaxation that accounts for line shunt capacitances. At each step, it solves a convex problem based on a modified DistFlow OPF with correction terms for line losses and node voltages. Then, it updates the correction terms using the results of a full load flow. We prove that under a mild condition, a fixed point of CoDistFlow provides an exact solution to the full AC power flow equations. We propose treating battery losses similarly to grid losses by using a single-port electrical equivalent instead of battery efficiencies. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in a simple and real electrical networks. We conclude that grid and battery losses affect the feasibility of the day-ahead dispatch plan and show how CoDistFlow can handle them correctly

    A Receding Horizon Control Approach For Re-Dispatching Stochastic Heterogeneous Resources Accounting for Grid and Battery Losses

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    In this paper, we propose a re-dispatch scheme for radial distribution grids hosting stochastic Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and controllable batteries. At each re-dispatch round, the proposed scheme computes a new dispatch plan that modifies and extends the existing one. To do so, it uses the CoDistFlow algorithm and applies a receding horizon control principle, while accounting for hard time computation constraints that impact on the instantaneous update of a dispatch plan. CoDistFlow handles stochastic DERs and prosumers uncertainties via scenario-based optimization and the non-convexity of the AC Optimal Power Flow by iteratively solving suitably defined convex problems until convergence. We perform numerical evaluations based on real-data, obtained from a real Swiss grid. We show that, with our proposed re-dispatch scheme, the daily dispatch tracking error can decrease more than 80%, even for small battery capacities, and if re-dispatch is frequent enough, it can be eliminated. Finally, we show that re-dispatch should be performed as often as the market allows and the performance continues to improve

    Achieving the Dispatchability of Distribution Feeders through Prosumers Data Driven Forecasting and Model Predictive Control of Electrochemical Storage

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    We propose and experimentally validate a control strategy to dispatch the operation of a distribution feeder interfacing heterogeneous prosumers by using a grid-connected battery energy storage system (BESS) as a controllable element coupled with a minimally invasive monitoring infrastructure. It consists in a two-stage procedure: day-ahead dispatch planning, where the feeder 5-minute average power consumption trajectory for the next day of operation (called \emph{dispatch plan}) is determined, and intra-day/real-time operation, where the mismatch with respect to the \emph{dispatch plan} is corrected by applying receding horizon model predictive control (MPC) to decide the BESS charging/discharging profile while accounting for operational constraints. The consumption forecast necessary to compute the \emph{dispatch plan} and the battery model for the MPC algorithm are built by applying adaptive data driven methodologies. The discussed control framework currently operates on a daily basis to dispatch the operation of a 20~kV feeder of the EPFL university campus using a 750~kW/500~kWh lithium titanate BESS.Comment: Submitted for publication, 201

    Scheduling of energy storage using probabilistic forecasts and energy-based aggregated models

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    Systematic categorization of optimization strategies for virtual power plants

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    Due to the rapid growth in power consumption of domestic and industrial appliances, distributed energy generation units face difficulties in supplying power efficiently. The integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) and energy storage systems (ESSs) provides a solution to these problems using appropriate management schemes to achieve optimal operation. Furthermore, to lessen the uncertainties of distributed energy management systems, a decentralized energy management system named virtual power plant (VPP) plays a significant role. This paper presents a comprehensive review of 65 existing different VPP optimization models, techniques, and algorithms based on their system configuration, parameters, and control schemes. Moreover, the paper categorizes the discussed optimization techniques into seven different types, namely conventional technique, offering model, intelligent technique, price-based unit commitment (PBUC) model, optimal bidding, stochastic technique, and linear programming, to underline the commercial and technical efficacy of VPP at day-ahead scheduling at the electricity market. The uncertainties of market prices, load demand, and power distribution in the VPP system are mentioned and analyzed to maximize the system profits with minimum cost. The outcome of the systematic categorization is believed to be a base for future endeavors in the field of VPP development
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