1,524 research outputs found

    Multimodal and Multiscale Deep Neural Networks for the Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease using structural MR and FDG-PET images.

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease where biomarkers for disease based on pathophysiology may be able to provide objective measures for disease diagnosis and staging. Neuroimaging scans acquired from MRI and metabolism images obtained by FDG-PET provide in-vivo measurements of structure and function (glucose metabolism) in a living brain. It is hypothesized that combining multiple different image modalities providing complementary information could help improve early diagnosis of AD. In this paper, we propose a novel deep-learning-based framework to discriminate individuals with AD utilizing a multimodal and multiscale deep neural network. Our method delivers 82.4% accuracy in identifying the individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) who will convert to AD at 3 years prior to conversion (86.4% combined accuracy for conversion within 1-3 years), a 94.23% sensitivity in classifying individuals with clinical diagnosis of probable AD, and a 86.3% specificity in classifying non-demented controls improving upon results in published literature

    Hyper-connectivity of functional networks for brain disease diagnosis

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    Exploring structural and functional interactions among various brain regions enables better understanding of pathological underpinnings of neurological disorders. Brain connectivity network, as a simplified representation of those structural and functional interactions, has been widely used for diagnosis and classification of neurodegenerative diseases, especially for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and its early stage - mild cognitive impairment (MCI). However, the conventional functional connectivity network is usually constructed based on the pairwise correlation among different brain regions and thus ignores their higher-order relationships. Such loss of high-order information could be important for disease diagnosis, since neurologically a brain region predominantly interacts with more than one other brain regions. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose a novel framework for estimating the hyper-connectivity network of brain functions and then use this hyper-network for brain disease diagnosis. Here, the functional connectivity hyper-network denotes a network where each of its edges representing the interactions among multiple brain regions (i.e., an edge can connect with more than two brain regions), which can be naturally represented by a hyper-graph. Specifically, we first construct connectivity hyper-networks from the resting-state fMRI (R-fMRI) time series by using sparse representation. Then, we extract three sets of brain-region specific features from the connectivity hyper-networks, and further exploit a manifold regularized multi-task feature selection method to jointly select the most discriminative features. Finally, we use multi-kernel support vector machine (SVM) for classification. The experimental results on both MCI dataset and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) dataset demonstrate that, compared with the conventional connectivity network-based methods, the proposed method can not only improve the classification performance, but also help discover disease-related biomarkers important for disease diagnosis

    Sparse temporally dynamic resting-state functional connectivity networks for early MCI identification

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    In conventional resting-state functional MRI (R-fMRI) analysis, functional connectivity is assumed to be temporally stationary, overlooking neural activities or interactions that may happen within the scan duration. Dynamic changes of neural interactions can be reflected by variations of topology and correlation strength in temporally correlated functional connectivity networks. These connectivity networks may potentially capture subtle yet short neural connectivity disruptions induced by disease pathologies. Accordingly, we are motivated to utilize disrupted temporal network properties for improving control-patient classification performance. Specifically, a sliding window approach is firstly employed to generate a sequence of overlapping R-fMRI sub-series. Based on these sub-series, sliding window correlations, which characterize the neural interactions between brain regions, are then computed to construct a series of temporal networks. Individual estimation of these temporal networks using conventional network construction approaches fails to take into consideration intrinsic temporal smoothness among successive overlapping R-fMRI subseries. To preserve temporal smoothness of R-fMRI sub-series, we suggest to jointly estimate the temporal networks by maximizing a penalized log likelihood using a fused sparse learning algorithm. This sparse learning algorithm encourages temporally correlated networks to have similar network topology and correlation strengths. We design a disease identification framework based on the estimated temporal networks, and group level network property differences and classification results demonstrate the importance of including temporally dynamic R-fMRI scan information to improve diagnosis accuracy of mild cognitive impairment patients

    A novel grading biomarker for the prediction of conversion from mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease

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    OBJECTIVE: Identifying mild cognitive impairment (MCI) subjects who will progress to Alzheimer's disease is not only crucial in clinical practice, but also has a significant potential to enrich clinical trials. The purpose of this study is to develop an effective biomarker for an accurate prediction of MCI-to-AD conversion from magnetic resonance (MR) images. METHODS: We propose a novel grading biomarker for the prediction of MCI-to-AD conversion. First, we comprehensively study the effects of several important factors on the performance in the prediction task including registration accuracy, age correction, feature selection and the selection of training data. Based on the studies of these factors, a grading biomarker is then calculated for each MCI subject using sparse representation techniques. Finally, the grading biomarker is combined with age and cognitive measures to provide a more accurate prediction of MCI-to-AD conversion. RESULTS: Using the ADNI dataset, the proposed global grading biomarker achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) in the range of 79%-81% for the prediction of MCI-to-AD conversion within 3 years in 10-fold cross validations. The classification AUC further increases to 84%-92% when age and cognitive measures are combined with the proposed grading biomarker. CONCLUSION: The obtained accuracy of the proposed biomarker benefits from the contributions of different factors: a tradeoff registration level to align images to the template space; the removal of the normal aging effect; selection of discriminative voxels; the calculation of the grading biomarker using AD and normal control groups; the integration of sparse representation technique and the combination of cognitive measures. SIGNIFICANCE: The evaluation on the ADNI dataset shows the efficacy of the proposed biomarker and demonstrates a significant contribution in accurate prediction of MCI-to-AD conversion