67 research outputs found

    Discrete-time Optimal Adaptive RBFNN Control for Robot Manipulators with Uncertain Dynamics

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    In this paper, a novel optimal adaptive radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) control has been investigated for a class of multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) nonlinear robot manipulators with uncertain dynamics in discrete time. To facilitate digital implementations of the robot controller, a robot model in discrete time has been employed. A high order uncertain robot model is able to be transformed to a predictor form, and a feedback control system has been then developed without noncausal problem in discrete time. The controller has been designed by an adaptive neural network (NN) based on the feedback system. The adaptive RBFNN robot control system has been investigated by a critic RBFNN and an actor RBFNN to approximate a desired control and a strategic utility function, respectively. The rigorous Lyapunov analysis is used to establish uniformly ultimate boundedness (UUB) of closed-loop signals, and the high-quality dynamic performance against uncertainties and disturbances is obtained by appropriately selecting the controller parameters. Simulation studies validate that the proposed control scheme has performed better than other available methods currently, for robot manipulators

    A brief review of neural networks based learning and control and their applications for robots

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    As an imitation of the biological nervous systems, neural networks (NN), which are characterized with powerful learning ability, have been employed in a wide range of applications, such as control of complex nonlinear systems, optimization, system identification and patterns recognition etc. This article aims to bring a brief review of the state-of-art NN for the complex nonlinear systems. Recent progresses of NNs in both theoretical developments and practical applications are investigated and surveyed. Specifically, NN based robot learning and control applications were further reviewed, including NN based robot manipulator control, NN based human robot interaction and NN based behavior recognition and generation

    Neural Adaptive Backstepping Control of a Robotic Manipulator With Prescribed Performance Constraint

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    IEEE This paper presents an adaptive neural network (NN) control of a two-degree-of-freedom manipulator driven by an electrohydraulic actuator. To restrict the system output in a prescribed performance constraint, a weighted performance function is designed to guarantee the dynamic and steady tracking errors of joint angle in a required accuracy. Then, a radial-basis-function NN is constructed to train the unknown model dynamics of a manipulator by traditional backstepping control (TBC) and obtain the preliminary estimated model, which can replace the preknown dynamics in the backstepping iteration. Furthermore, an adaptive estimation law is adopted to self-tune every trained-node weight, and the estimated model is online optimized to enhance the robustness of the NN controller. The effectiveness of the proposed control is verified by comparative simulation and experimental results with Proportional-integral-derivative and TBC methods

    Disturbance observer-based neural network control of cooperative multiple manipulators with input saturation

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    In this paper, the complex problems of internal forces and position control are studied simultaneously and a disturbance observer-based radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) control scheme is proposed to: 1) estimate the unknown parameters accurately; 2) approximate the disturbance experienced by the system due to input saturation; and 3) simultaneously improve the robustness of the system. More specifically, the proposed scheme utilizes disturbance observers, neural network (NN) collaborative control with an adaptive law, and full state feedback. Utilizing Lyapunov stability principles, it is shown that semiglobally uniformly bounded stability is guaranteed for all controlled signals of the closed-loop system. The effectiveness of the proposed controller as predicted by the theoretical analysis is verified by comparative experimental studies

    Admittance-based adaptive cooperative control for multiple manipulators with output constraints

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    This paper proposes a novel adaptive control methodology based on the admittance model for multiple manipulators transporting a rigid object cooperatively along a predefined desired trajectory. First, an admittance model is creatively applied to generate reference trajectory online for each manipulator according to the desired path of the rigid object, which is the reference input of the controller. Then, an innovative integral barrier Lyapunov function is utilized to tackle the constraints due to the physical and environmental limits. Adaptive neural networks (NNs) are also employed to approximate the uncertainties of the manipulator dynamics. Different from the conventional NN approximation method, which is usually semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, a switching function is presented to guarantee the global stability of the closed loop. Finally, the simulation studies are conducted on planar two-link robot manipulators to validate the efficacy of the proposed approach

    Force Sensorless Admittance Control for Teleoperation of Uncertain Robot Manipulator Using Neural Networks

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    In this paper, a force sensorless control scheme based on neural networks (NNs) is developed for interaction between robot manipulators and human arms in physical collision. In this scheme, the trajectory is generated by using geometry vector method with Kinect sensor. To comply with the external torque from the environment, this paper presents a sensorless admittance control approach in joint space based on an observer approach, which is used to estimate external torques applied by the operator. To deal with the tracking problem of the uncertain manipulator, an adaptive controller combined with the radial basis function NN (RBFNN) is designed. The RBFNN is used to compensate for uncertainties in the system. In order to achieve the prescribed tracking precision, an error transformation algorithm is integrated into the controller. The Lyapunov functions are used to analyze the stability of the control system. The experiments on the Baxter robot are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and correctness of the proposed control scheme

    Neural-learning-based force sensorless admittance control for robots with input deadzone

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    This paper presents a neural networks based admittance control scheme for robotic manipulators when interacting with the unknown environment in the presence of the actuator deadzone without needing force sensing. A compliant behaviour of robotic manipulators in response to external torques from the unknown environment is achieved by admittance control. Inspired by broad learning system (BLS), a flatted neural network structure using Radial Basis Function (RBF) with incremental learning algorithm is proposed to estimate the external torque, which can avoid retraining process if the system is modelled insufficiently. To deal with uncertainties in the robot system, an adaptive neural controller with dynamic learning framework is developed to ensure the tracking performance. Experiments on the Baxter robot have been implemented to test the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Neural Control of Bimanual Robots With Guaranteed Global Stability and Motion Precision

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    Robots with coordinated dual arms are able to perform more complicated tasks that a single manipulator could hardly achieve. However, more rigorous motion precision is required to guarantee effective cooperation between the dual arms, especially when they grasp a common object. In this case, the internal forces applied on the object must also be considered in addition to the external forces. Therefore, a prescribed tracking performance at both transient and steady states is first specified, and then, a controller is synthesized to rigorously guarantee the specified motion performance. In the presence of unknown dynamics of both the robot arms and the manipulated object, the neural network approximation technique is employed to compensate for uncertainties. In order to extend the semiglobal stability achieved by conventional neural control to global stability, a switching mechanism is integrated into the control design. Effectiveness of the proposed control design has been shown through experiments carried out on the Baxter Robot

    Deterministic learning enhanced neutral network control of unmanned helicopter

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    In this article, a neural network-based tracking controller is developed for an unmanned helicopter system with guaranteed global stability in the presence of uncertain system dynamics. Due to the coupling and modeling uncertainties of the helicopter systems, neutral networks approximation techniques are employed to compensate the unknown dynamics of each subsystem. In order to extend the semiglobal stability achieved by conventional neural control to global stability, a switching mechanism is also integrated into the control design, such that the resulted neural controller is always valid without any concern on either initial conditions or range of state variables. In addition, deterministic learning is applied to the neutral network learning control, such that the adaptive neutral networks are able to store the learned knowledge that could be reused to construct neutral network controller with improved control performance. Simulation studies are carried out on a helicopter model to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed control design
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