20 research outputs found

    Discrete exterior calculus (DEC) for the surface Navier-Stokes equation

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    We consider a numerical approach for the incompressible surface Navier-Stokes equation. The approach is based on the covariant form and uses discrete exterior calculus (DEC) in space and a semi-implicit discretization in time. The discretization is described in detail and related to finite difference schemes on staggered grids in flat space for which we demonstrate second order convergence. We compare computational results with a vorticity-stream function approach for surfaces with genus 0 and demonstrate the interplay between topology, geometry and flow properties. Our discretization also allows to handle harmonic vector fields, which we demonstrate on a torus.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Bijective Mappings Of Meshes With Boundary And The Degree In Mesh Processing

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    This paper introduces three sets of sufficient conditions, for generating bijective simplicial mappings of manifold meshes. A necessary condition for a simplicial mapping of a mesh to be injective is that it either maintains the orientation of all elements or flips all the elements. However, these conditions are known to be insufficient for injectivity of a simplicial map. In this paper we provide additional simple conditions that, together with the above mentioned necessary conditions guarantee injectivity of the simplicial map. The first set of conditions generalizes classical global inversion theorems to the mesh (piecewise-linear) case. That is, proves that in case the boundary simplicial map is bijective and the necessary condition holds then the map is injective and onto the target domain. The second set of conditions is concerned with mapping of a mesh to a polytope and replaces the (often hard) requirement of a bijective boundary map with a collection of linear constraints and guarantees that the resulting map is injective over the interior of the mesh and onto. These linear conditions provide a practical tool for optimizing a map of the mesh onto a given polytope while allowing the boundary map to adjust freely and keeping the injectivity property in the interior of the mesh. The third set of conditions adds to the second set the requirement that the boundary maps are orientation preserving as-well (with a proper definition of boundary map orientation). This set of conditions guarantees that the map is injective on the boundary of the mesh as-well as its interior. Several experiments using the sufficient conditions are shown for mapping triangular meshes. A secondary goal of this paper is to advocate and develop the tool of degree in the context of mesh processing

    Small grid embeddings of 3-polytopes

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    We introduce an algorithm that embeds a given 3-connected planar graph as a convex 3-polytope with integer coordinates. The size of the coordinates is bounded by O(27.55n)=O(188n)O(2^{7.55n})=O(188^{n}). If the graph contains a triangle we can bound the integer coordinates by O(24.82n)O(2^{4.82n}). If the graph contains a quadrilateral we can bound the integer coordinates by O(25.46n)O(2^{5.46n}). The crucial part of the algorithm is to find a convex plane embedding whose edges can be weighted such that the sum of the weighted edges, seen as vectors, cancel at every point. It is well known that this can be guaranteed for the interior vertices by applying a technique of Tutte. We show how to extend Tutte's ideas to construct a plane embedding where the weighted vector sums cancel also on the vertices of the boundary face

    VOLMAP: a Large Scale Benchmark for Volume Mappings to Simple Base Domains

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    Correspondences between geometric domains (mappings) are ubiquitous in computer graphics and engineering, both for a variety of downstream applications and as core building blocks for higher level algorithms. In particular, mapping a shape to a convex or star-shaped domain with simple geometry is a fundamental module in existing pipelines for mesh generation, solid texturing, generation of shape correspondences, advanced manufacturing etc. For the case of surfaces, computing such a mapping with guarantees of injectivity is a solved problem. Conversely, robust algorithms for the generation of injective volume mappings to simple polytopes are yet to be found, making this a fundamental open problem in volume mesh processing. VOLMAP is a large scale benchmark aimed to support ongoing research in volume mapping algorithms. The dataset contains 4.7K tetrahedral meshes, whose boundary vertices are mapped to a variety of simple domains, either convex or star-shaped. This data constitutes the input for candidate algorithms, which are then required to position interior vertices in the domain to obtain a volume map. Overall, this yields more than 22K alternative test cases. VOLMAP also comprises tools to process this data, analyze the resulting maps, and extend the dataset with new meshes, boundary maps and base domains. This article provides a brief overview of the field, discussing its importance and the lack of effective techniques. We then introduce both the dataset and its major features. An example of comparative analysis between two existing methods is also present