46,195 research outputs found

    Modelling and simulation framework for reactive transport of organic contaminants in bed-sediments using a pure java object - oriented paradigm

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    Numerical modelling and simulation of organic contaminant reactive transport in the environment is being increasingly relied upon for a wide range of tasks associated with risk-based decision-making, such as prediction of contaminant profiles, optimisation of remediation methods, and monitoring of changes resulting from an implemented remediation scheme. The lack of integration of multiple mechanistic models to a single modelling framework, however, has prevented the field of reactive transport modelling in bed-sediments from developing a cohesive understanding of contaminant fate and behaviour in the aquatic sediment environment. This paper will investigate the problems involved in the model integration process, discuss modelling and software development approaches, and present preliminary results from use of CORETRANS, a predictive modelling framework that simulates 1-dimensional organic contaminant reaction and transport in bed-sediments

    Efficient Reactive Brownian Dynamics

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    We develop a Split Reactive Brownian Dynamics (SRBD) algorithm for particle simulations of reaction-diffusion systems based on the Doi or volume reactivity model, in which pairs of particles react with a specified Poisson rate if they are closer than a chosen reactive distance. In our Doi model, we ensure that the microscopic reaction rules for various association and disassociation reactions are consistent with detailed balance (time reversibility) at thermodynamic equilibrium. The SRBD algorithm uses Strang splitting in time to separate reaction and diffusion, and solves both the diffusion-only and reaction-only subproblems exactly, even at high packing densities. To efficiently process reactions without uncontrolled approximations, SRBD employs an event-driven algorithm that processes reactions in a time-ordered sequence over the duration of the time step. A grid of cells with size larger than all of the reactive distances is used to schedule and process the reactions, but unlike traditional grid-based methods such as Reaction-Diffusion Master Equation (RDME) algorithms, the results of SRBD are statistically independent of the size of the grid used to accelerate the processing of reactions. We use the SRBD algorithm to compute the effective macroscopic reaction rate for both reaction- and diffusion-limited irreversible association in three dimensions. We also study long-time tails in the time correlation functions for reversible association at thermodynamic equilibrium. Finally, we compare different particle and continuum methods on a model exhibiting a Turing-like instability and pattern formation. We find that for models in which particles diffuse off lattice, such as the Doi model, reactions lead to a spurious enhancement of the effective diffusion coefficients.Comment: To appear in J. Chem. Phy

    Reactive Programming of Simulations in Physics

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    We consider the Reactive Programming (RP) approach to simulate physical systems. The choice of RP is motivated by the fact that RP genuinely offers logical parallelism, instantaneously broadcast events, and dynamic creation/destruction of parallel components and events. To illustrate our approach, we consider the implementation of a system of Molecular Dynamics, in the context of Java with the Java3D library for 3D visualisation

    Enhancing simulation education with intelligent tutoring systems

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    The demand for education in the area of simulation is in the increase. This paper describes how education in the field of simulation can take advantage of the virtues of intelligent tutoring with respect to enhancing the educational process. For this purpose, this paper gives an overview of what constitutes the objectives and the content of a comprehensive course in discrete event simulation. The architecture of an intelligent tutoring system is presented and it is discussed how these sophisticated learning aids offer individualised student guidance and support within a learning environment. The paper then introduces a prototype intelligent tutoring system, the simulation tutor, and suggests how the system might be developed to enhance education in simulation

    Prädiktiv-reaktives Scheduling zur Steigerung der Robustheit in der Matrix-Produktion

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    Due to the increasing individualization of products, manufacturing companies are offering more and more variants with decreased quantities per variant. In addition, customer demand is becoming more volatile and difficult to predict. The main challenge is to eco-nomically produce a fluctuating mix of variants with fluctuating total quantities. Matrix-Production systems aiming for a production in batch size 1 decoupled from a takt are therefore a current object of research. In addition to the design of these systems, an increasingly important role is filled by production planning and control, since the material flows in such production systems are highly complex. The state of research is characterized by a multitude of predictive-reactive methods for scheduling even in complex production systems. However, there is no approach that specifically considers robustness in predictive planning in order to enable reactive rescheduling to maintain the desired logistical performance despite unforeseen disruptions. Therefore, a method for predictive-reactive product control of matrix-structured produc-tion systems was developed in this thesis, which allows the determination of an optimal degree of robustness in predictive robust scheduling and thus enables an optimal mix of prevention and reaction in production control. The method consists of three parts: First, in predictive robust scheduling, a schedule is generated on the basis of the pro-duction program, in which a desired extent of slip times between processing steps is then inserted. The robust schedules are then carried out in a discrete-event simulation. In the event of longer disturbances, a rescheduling corridor is determined secondly, which indicates which processing steps of which orders must be rescheduled depending on the duration of the disturbance and the underlying schedule. The rescheduling corridors are then rescheduled thirdly in reactive rescheduling and the results are transferred to the discrete event simulation for reintegration. Reactive rescheduling uses reinforcement learning based on a decentralized Markov process to learn optimal selection strategies for orders depending on the station. The method was tested in an application for a concept of a flexible body-in-white production with a partner from the automotive industry. The developed method contributes to the understanding of the concept of robustness as well as to the application possibilities and limits of reinforcement learning in production control. To the author’s knowledge, the work is the first approach to integrate robustness considerations directly into predictive-reactive scheduling approaches in order to improve the logistical performance

    Dynamic scheduling in a multi-product manufacturing system

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    To remain competitive in global marketplace, manufacturing companies need to improve their operational practices. One of the methods to increase competitiveness in manufacturing is by implementing proper scheduling system. This is important to enable job orders to be completed on time, minimize waiting time and maximize utilization of equipment and machineries. The dynamics of real manufacturing system are very complex in nature. Schedules developed based on deterministic algorithms are unable to effectively deal with uncertainties in demand and capacity. Significant differences can be found between planned schedules and actual schedule implementation. This study attempted to develop a scheduling system that is able to react quickly and reliably for accommodating changes in product demand and manufacturing capacity. A case study, 6 by 6 job shop scheduling problem was adapted with uncertainty elements added to the data sets. A simulation model was designed and implemented using ARENA simulation package to generate various job shop scheduling scenarios. Their performances were evaluated using scheduling rules, namely, first-in-first-out (FIFO), earliest due date (EDD), and shortest processing time (SPT). An artificial neural network (ANN) model was developed and trained using various scheduling scenarios generated by ARENA simulation. The experimental results suggest that the ANN scheduling model can provided moderately reliable prediction results for limited scenarios when predicting the number completed jobs, maximum flowtime, average machine utilization, and average length of queue. This study has provided better understanding on the effects of changes in demand and capacity on the job shop schedules. Areas for further study includes: (i) Fine tune the proposed ANN scheduling model (ii) Consider more variety of job shop environment (iii) Incorporate an expert system for interpretation of results. The theoretical framework proposed in this study can be used as a basis for further investigation