4,544 research outputs found

    Characterization of Reachable Attractors Using Petri Net Unfoldings

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    International audienceAttractors of network dynamics represent the long-term behaviours of the modelled system. Their characterization is therefore crucial for understanding the response and differentiation capabilities of a dynamical system. In the scope of qualitative models of interaction networks, the computation of attractors reachable from a given state of the network faces combinatorial issues due to the state space explosion. In this paper, we present a new algorithm that exploits the concurrency between transitions of parallel acting components in order to reduce the search space. The algorithm relies on Petri net unfoldings that can be used to compute a compact representation of the dynamics. We illustrate the applicability of the algorithm with Petri net models of cell signalling and regulation networks, Boolean and multi-valued. The proposed approach aims at being complementary to existing methods for deriving the attractors of Boolean models, while being %so far more generic since it applies to any safe Petri net

    Rule Algebras for Adhesive Categories

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    We demonstrate that the most well-known approach to rewriting graphical structures, the Double-Pushout (DPO) approach, possesses a notion of sequential compositions of rules along an overlap that is associative in a natural sense. Notably, our results hold in the general setting of M\mathcal{M}-adhesive categories. This observation complements the classical Concurrency Theorem of DPO rewriting. We then proceed to define rule algebras in both settings, where the most general categories permissible are the finitary (or finitary restrictions of) M\mathcal{M}-adhesive categories with M\mathcal{M}-effective unions. If in addition a given such category possess an M\mathcal{M}-initial object, the resulting rule algebra is unital (in addition to being associative). We demonstrate that in this setting a canonical representation of the rule algebras is obtainable, which opens the possibility of applying the concept to define and compute the evolution of statistical moments of observables in stochastic DPO rewriting systems