48,718 research outputs found

    P-splines with derivative based penalties and tensor product smoothing of unevenly distributed data

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    The P-splines of Eilers and Marx (1996) combine a B-spline basis with a discrete quadratic penalty on the basis coefficients, to produce a reduced rank spline like smoother. P-splines have three properties that make them very popular as reduced rank smoothers: i) the basis and the penalty are sparse, enabling efficient computation, especially for Bayesian stochastic simulation; ii) it is possible to flexibly `mix-and-match' the order of B-spline basis and penalty, rather than the order of penalty controlling the order of the basis as in spline smoothing; iii) it is very easy to set up the B-spline basis functions and penalties. The discrete penalties are somewhat less interpretable in terms of function shape than the traditional derivative based spline penalties, but tend towards penalties proportional to traditional spline penalties in the limit of large basis size. However part of the point of P-splines is not to use a large basis size. In addition the spline basis functions arise from solving functional optimization problems involving derivative based penalties, so moving to discrete penalties for smoothing may not always be desirable. The purpose of this note is to point out that the three properties of basis-penalty sparsity, mix-and-match penalization and ease of setup are readily obtainable with B-splines subject to derivative based penalization. The penalty setup typically requires a few lines of code, rather than the two lines typically required for P-splines, but this one off disadvantage seems to be the only one associated with using derivative based penalties. As an example application, it is shown how basis-penalty sparsity enables efficient computation with tensor product smoothers of scattered data

    Construction of Hilbert Transform Pairs of Wavelet Bases and Gabor-like Transforms

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    We propose a novel method for constructing Hilbert transform (HT) pairs of wavelet bases based on a fundamental approximation-theoretic characterization of scaling functions--the B-spline factorization theorem. In particular, starting from well-localized scaling functions, we construct HT pairs of biorthogonal wavelet bases of L^2(R) by relating the corresponding wavelet filters via a discrete form of the continuous HT filter. As a concrete application of this methodology, we identify HT pairs of spline wavelets of a specific flavor, which are then combined to realize a family of complex wavelets that resemble the optimally-localized Gabor function for sufficiently large orders. Analytic wavelets, derived from the complexification of HT wavelet pairs, exhibit a one-sided spectrum. Based on the tensor-product of such analytic wavelets, and, in effect, by appropriately combining four separable biorthogonal wavelet bases of L^2(R^2), we then discuss a methodology for constructing 2D directional-selective complex wavelets. In particular, analogous to the HT correspondence between the components of the 1D counterpart, we relate the real and imaginary components of these complex wavelets using a multi-dimensional extension of the HT--the directional HT. Next, we construct a family of complex spline wavelets that resemble the directional Gabor functions proposed by Daugman. Finally, we present an efficient FFT-based filterbank algorithm for implementing the associated complex wavelet transform.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure

    Fused kernel-spline smoothing for repeatedly measured outcomes in a generalized partially linear model with functional single index

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    We propose a generalized partially linear functional single index risk score model for repeatedly measured outcomes where the index itself is a function of time. We fuse the nonparametric kernel method and regression spline method, and modify the generalized estimating equation to facilitate estimation and inference. We use local smoothing kernel to estimate the unspecified coefficient functions of time, and use B-splines to estimate the unspecified function of the single index component. The covariance structure is taken into account via a working model, which provides valid estimation and inference procedure whether or not it captures the true covariance. The estimation method is applicable to both continuous and discrete outcomes. We derive large sample properties of the estimation procedure and show a different convergence rate for each component of the model. The asymptotic properties when the kernel and regression spline methods are combined in a nested fashion has not been studied prior to this work, even in the independent data case.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/15-AOS1330 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Error analysis for quadratic spline quasi-interpolants on non-uniform criss-cross triangulations of bounded rectangular domains

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    Given a non-uniform criss-cross partition of a rectangular domain Ω\Omega, we analyse the error between a function ff defined on Ω\Omega and two types of C1C^1-quadratic spline quasi-interpolants (QIs) obtained as linear combinations of B-splines with discrete functionals as coefficients. The main novelties are the facts that supports of B-splines are contained in Ω\Omega and that data sites also lie inside or on the boundary of Ω\Omega. Moreover, the infinity norms of these QIs are small and do not depend on the triangulation: as the two QIs are exact on quadratic polynomials, they give the optimal approximation order for smooth functions. Our analysis is done for ff and its partial derivatives of the first and second orders and a particular effort has been made in order to give the best possible error bounds in terms of the smoothness of ff and of the mesh ratios of the triangulation

    Cardinal Exponential Splines: Part II—Think Analog, Act Digital

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    By interpreting the Green-function reproduction property of exponential splines in signal processing terms, we uncover a fundamental relation that connects the impulse responses of allpole analog filters to their discrete counterparts. The link is that the latter are the B-spline coefficients of the former (which happen to be exponential splines). Motivated by this observation, we introduce an extended family of cardinal splines—the generalized E-splines—to generalize the concept for all convolution operators with rational transfer functions. We construct the corresponding compactly-supported B-spline basis functions, which are characterized by their poles and zeros, thereby establishing an interesting connection with analog filter design techniques. We investigate the properties of these new B-splines and present the corresponding signal processing calculus, which allows us to perform continuous-time operations, such as convolution, differential operators, and modulation, by simple application of the discrete version of these operators in the B-spline domain. In particular, we show how the formalism can be used to obtain exact, discrete implementations of analog filters. Finally, we apply our results to the design of hybrid signal processing systems that rely on digital filtering to compensate for the nonideal characteristics of real-world analog-to-digital (A-to-D) and D-to-A conversion systems

    Isotropic Polyharmonic B-Splines: Scaling Functions and Wavelets

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    In this paper, we use polyharmonic B-splines to build multidimensional wavelet bases. These functions are nonseparable, multidimensional basis functions that are localized versions of radial basis functions. We show that Rabut's elementary polyharmonic B-splines do not converge to a Gaussian as the order parameter increases, as opposed to their separable B-spline counterparts. Therefore, we introduce a more isotropic localization operator that guarantees this convergence, resulting into the isotropic polyharmonic B-splines. Next, we focus on the two-dimensional quincunx subsampling scheme. This configuration is of particular interest for image processing, because it yields a finer scale progression than the standard dyadic approach. However, up until now, the design of appropriate filters for the quincunx scheme has mainly been done using the McClellan transform. In our approach, we start from the scaling functions, which are the polyharmonic B-splines and, as such, explicitly known, and we derive a family of polyharmonic spline wavelets corresponding to different flavors of the semi-orthogonal wavelet transform; e.g., orthonormal, B-spline, and dual. The filters are automatically specified by the scaling relations satisfied by these functions. We prove that the isotropic polyharmonic B-spline wavelet converges to a combination of four Gabor atoms, which are well separated in the frequency domain. We also show that these wavelets are nearly isotropic and that they behave as an iterated Laplacian operator at low frequencies. We describe an efficient fast Fourier transform-based implementation of the discrete wavelet transform based on polyharmonic B-splines
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