1,533 research outputs found

    Combined administration of a small-molecule inhibitor of TRAF6 and Docetaxel reduces breast cancer skeletal metastasis and osteolysis:Running title : TRAF6/NFkB inhibition reduced breast cancer metastasis

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    Tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) has been implicated in breast cancer and osteoclastic bone destruction. Here, we report that 6877002, a verified small-molecule inhibitor of TRAF6, reduced metastasis, osteolysis and osteoclastogenesis in models of osteotropic human and mouse breast cancer. First, we observed that TRAF6 is highly expressed in osteotropic breast cancer cells and its level of expression was higher in patients with bone metastasis. Pre-exposure of osteoclasts and osteoblasts to non-cytotoxic concentrations of 6877002 inhibited cytokine-induced NF\u3baB activation and osteoclastogenesis, and reduced the ability of osteotropic human MDA-MB-231 and mouse 4T1 breast cancer cells to support bone cell activity. 6877002 inhibited human MDA-MB-231-induced osteolysis in the mouse calvaria organ system, and reduced soft tissue and bone metastases in immuno-competent mice following intra-cardiac injection of mouse 4T1-Luc2 cells. Of clinical relevance, combined administration of 6877002 with Docetaxel reduced metastasis and inhibited osteolytic bone damage in mice bearing 4T1-Luc2 cells. Thus, TRAF6 inhibitors such as 6877002 - alone or in combination with conventional chemotherapy - show promise for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer

    Novel mechanisms and therapeutic targets in atherosclerosis: inflammation and beyond

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    This review based on the ESC William Harvey Lecture in Basic Science 2022 highlights recent experimental and translational progress on the therapeutic targeting of the inflammatory components in atherosclerosis, introducing novel strategies to limit side effects and to increase efficacy. Since the validation of the inflammatory paradigm in CANTOS and COLCOT, efforts to control the residual risk conferred by inflammation have centred on the NLRP3 inflammasome-driven IL-1 beta-IL6 axis. Interference with the co-stimulatory dyad CD40L-CD40 and selective targeting of tumour necrosis factor-receptor associated factors (TRAFs), namely the TRAF6-CD40 interaction in macrophages by small molecule inhibitors, harbour intriguing options to reduce established atherosclerosis and plaque instability without immune side effects. The chemokine system crucial for shaping immune cell recruitment and homoeostasis can be fine-tuned and modulated by its heterodimer interactome. Structure-function analysis enabled the design of cyclic, helical, or linked peptides specifically targeting or mimicking these interactions to limit atherosclerosis or thrombosis by blunting myeloid recruitment, boosting regulatory T cells, inhibiting platelet activity, or specifically blocking the atypical chemokine MIF without notable side effects. Finally, adventitial neuroimmune cardiovascular interfaces in advanced atherosclerosis show robust restructuring of innervation from perivascular ganglia and employ sensory neurons of dorsal root ganglia to enter the central nervous system and to establish an atherosclerosis-brain circuit sensor, while sympathetic and vagal efferents project to the celiac ganglion to create an atherosclerosis-brain circuit effector. Disrupting this circuitry by surgical or chemical sympathectomy limited disease progression and enhanced plaque stability, opening exciting perspectives for selective and tailored intervention beyond anti-inflammatory strategies

    2016 Jeffrey M. Hoeg Award Lecture: Immune Checkpoints in Atherosclerosis: Toward Immunotherapy for Atheroprotection

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    Innate and adaptive immune effector mechanisms, in conjunction with hyperlipidemia, are important drivers of atherosclerosis. The interaction between the different immune cells and the secretion of cytokines and chemokines determine the progression of atherosclerosis. The activation or dampening of the immune response is tightly controlled by immune checkpoints. Costimulatory and coinhibitory immune checkpoints represent potential targets for immune modulatory therapies for atherosclerosis. This review will discuss the current knowledge on immune checkpoints in atherosclerosis and the clinical potential of immune checkpoint targeted therapy for atherosclerosis

    Targeting TRAF6 E3 ligase activity with a small-molecule inhibitor combats autoimmunity

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    Constitutive NF-B signaling represents a hallmark of chronic inflammation and autoimmune diseases. The E3 ligase TNF receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6) acts as a key regulator bridging innate immunity, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and antigen receptors to the canonical NF-B pathway. Structural analysis and point mutations have unraveled the essential role of TRAF6 binding to the E2-conjugating enzyme ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 N (Ubc13 or UBE2N) to generate Lys63-linked ubiquitin chains for inflammatory and immune signal propagation. Genetic mutations disrupting TRAF6 -Ubc13 binding have been shown to reduce TRAF6 activity and, consequently, NF-B activation. However, to date, no small-molecule modulator is available to inhibit the TRAF6 -Ubc13 interaction and thereby counteract NF-B signaling and associated diseases. Here, using a high-throughput small-molecule screening approach, we discovered an inhibitor of the TRAF6 -Ubc13 interaction that reduces TRAF6 -Ubc13 activity both in vitro and in cells. We found that this compound, C25-140, impedes NF-B activation in various immune and inflammatory signaling pathways also in primary human and murine cells. Importantly, C25-140 ameliorated inflammation and improved disease outcomes of autoimmune psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis in preclinical in vivo mouse models. Hence, the first-in-class TRAF6 -Ubc13 inhibitor C25-140 expands the toolbox for studying the impact of the ubiquitin system on immune signaling and underscores the importance of TRAF6 E3 ligase activity in psoriasis and rheumatoid arthritis. We propose that inhibition of TRAF6 activity by small molecules represents a promising novel strategy for targeting autoimmune and chronic inflammatory diseases

    Targeting TRAF6 for Cancer Therapeutical Development

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    Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-Receptor Associated Factors (TRAFs) are a family of signal transducer proteins. TRAF6 is a unique member of this family in that it is involved in not only the TNF superfamily, but the toll-like receptor (TLR)/IL-1R (TIR) superfamily. The formation of the complex consisting of Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor κ B (RANK), with its ligand (RANKL) results in the recruitment of TRAF6, which activates NF-κB, JNK and MAP kinase pathways. TRAF6 is critical in signaling with leading to release of various growth factors in bone, and promotes osteoclastogenesis. TRAF6 has also been implicated as an oncogene in lung cancer and as a target in multiple myeloma. In the hopes of developing small molecule inhibitors of the TRAF6-RANK interaction, multiple steps were carried out. Computational prediction of hot spot residues on the protein-protein interaction of TRAF6 and RANK were examined. Three methods were used: Robetta, KFC2, and HotPoint, each of which uses a different methodology to determine if a residue is a hot spot. These hot spot predictions were considered the basis for resolving the binding site for in silico high-throughput screening using GOLD and the MyriaScreen database of drug/lead-like compounds. Computationally intensive molecular dynamics simulations highlighted the binding mechanism and TRAF6 structural changes upon hit binding. Compounds identified as hits were verified using a GST-pull down assay, comparing inhibition to a RANK decoy peptide. Since many drugs fail due to lack of efficacy and toxicity, predictive models for the evaluation of the LD50 and bioavailability of our TRAF6 hits, and these models can be used towards other drugs and small molecule therapeutics as well. Datasets of compounds and their corresponding bioavailability and LD50 values were curated based, and QSAR models were built using molecular descriptors of these compounds using the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) method, and quality of these models were cross-validated

    Anti-inflammatory, but not osteoprotective, effect of the TRAF6/CD40 inhibitor 6877002 in rodent models of local and systemic osteolysis

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    NFκB plays a key role in inflammation and skeletal disorders. Previously, we reported that pharmacological inhibition of NFκB at the level of TRAF6 suppressed RANKL, CD40L and IL1β-induced osteoclastogenesis and attenuated cancer-induced bone disease. TNFα is also known to regulate TRAF6/NFκB signalling, however the anti-inflammatory and osteoprotective effects associated with inhibition of the TNFα/TRAF6/NFκB axis have not been investigated. Here, we show that in vitro and ex vivo exposure to the verified small-molecule inhibitor of TRAF6, 6877002 prevented TNFα-induced NFκB activation, osteoclastogenesis and calvarial osteolysis, but it had no effects on TNFα-induced apoptosis or growth inhibition in osteoblasts. Additionally, 6877002 disrupted T-cells support for osteoclast formation and synoviocyte motility, without affecting the viability of osteoblasts in the presence of T-cells derived factors. Using the collagen-induced arthritis model, we show that oral and intraperitoneal administration of 6877002 in mice reduced joint inflammation and arthritis score. Unexpectedly, no difference in trabecular and cortical bone parameters were detected between vehicle and 6877002 treated mice, indicating lack of osteoprotection by 6877002 in the arthritis model described. Using two independent rodent models of osteolysis, we confirmed that 6877002 had no effect on trabecular and cortical bone loss in both osteoporotic rats or RANKL- treated mice. In contrast, the classic anti-osteolytic alendronate offered complete osteoprotection in RANKL- treated mice. In conclusion, TRAF6 inhibitors may be of value in the management of the inflammatory component of bone disorders, but may not offer protection against local or systemic bone loss, unless combined with anti-resorptive therapy such as bisphosphonates

    Unlocking the NF-κB Conundrum: Embracing Complexity to Achieve Specificity.

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    Transcription factors of the nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) family are central coordinating regulators of the host defence responses to stress, injury and infection. Aberrant NF-κB activation also contributes to the pathogenesis of some of the most common current threats to global human health, including chronic inflammatory diseases, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, vascular diseases and the majority of cancers. Accordingly, the NF-κB pathway is widely considered an attractive therapeutic target in a broad range of malignant and non-malignant diseases. Yet, despite the aggressive efforts by the pharmaceutical industry to develop a specific NF-κB inhibitor, none has been clinically approved, due to the dose-limiting toxicities associated with the global suppression of NF-κB. In this review, we summarise the main strategies historically adopted to therapeutically target the NF-κB pathway with an emphasis on oncology, and some of the emerging strategies and newer agents being developed to pharmacologically inhibit this pathway

    Targeting the TRAF6-Ubc13 interaction for therapeutic intervention

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    Novel TRAF6-Protein Interactions and the Molecular Mechanisms by Which They Regulate TRAF6 Dependent Signaling

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    TRAF6 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that is unique among TRAF family proteins in both its structure and protein-protein interaction specificity. It is further distinguished by its ability to transduce a multiplicity of receptors in varied biological systems. Although TRAF6 activity is induced by these receptors, the mechanisms by which TRAF6 is activated under these stimulating conditions remain largely unclear. To address this, standard molecular biological techniques were used to gain insight into the interplay of three proteins with TRAF6: 1) Syntenin-1 (Syn); 2) SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 4 (Sox4); and 3) IL-1 receptor associated kinase 1 (IRAK1). These three proteins physically interact with TRAF6 and affect its signaling activity by modulating subcellular localization, conformation or activation of the NF-κB/Rel family of transcription factors under stimulating conditions in cell lines of various tissue types. While many studies have focused on cytoplasmic TRAF6 and its activation, there are a several reports on the nuclear localization of TRAF6 as well as TRAF3 and TRAF4 in response to either extracellular stimulation or disease. Ectopic Syn or Sox4 was found to not only attenuate TRAF6 signaling, translocates it into the nucleus of hematopoietic and monocytic cells. Syn attenuates TRAF6 activity in an ubiquitin and Sox4 dependent manner. This, and the observation that Syn is impaired in its ability to attenuate a non-ubiquitinated TRAF6 mutein (TRAF6ΔK), led to a hypothesis that Syn associates with TRAF6 in the cytoplasm following activation by IRAK1. Notably, knockdown of Sox4 was found to potentiate TRAF6 activation and abrogates Syn inhibition of TRAF6. Contrary to prior reports, use of domain deletions in both TRAF6 and Syn demonstrate that the full-length molecules are not necessary for their interaction. Instead, mutagenesis or deletion of a newly identified TRAF Interaction motif (TIM) in Syn affects TRAF6 signaling and localization. Interestingly, Syn also localizes to the nucleus when overexpressed with either wild type (WT) or a constitutively active TRAF6 (RZcc). This study demonstrates that Sox4 also attenuates TRAF6 signaling and identifies a unique Sox4 TIM that is necessary for binding TRAF6. TRAF6 and Sox4 colocalize under stimulatory conditions, thus providing a novel mechanism for TRAF6 entry into the nucleus. In sum, TIR and TNF receptor signaling through TRAF6 dependent NF-κB activity is modulated by novel interactions with the Sox4 transcription factor in cooperation with Syn The pair act on TRAF6 nucleocytoplasmic partitioning, conformation and modification state, modulating TRAF6c-dependent ell morphogenesis and intracellular signaling