13,295 research outputs found

    A Probabilistic Generative Model for Latent Business Networks Mining

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    The structural embeddedness theory posits that a company’s embeddedness in a business network impacts its competitive performance. This highlights the theoretical and practical values toward business network mining and analysis. Given the fact that latent business relationships may exist and business networks continuously evolve over time, a manual approach for the discovery and analysis of business network is ineffective. Though numerous research has been devoted to social network discovery and analysis, relatively little research is conducted on business network discovery. Guided by the design science research methodology, the main contribution of our research is the design and development of a novel probabilistic generative model for latent business relationship mining. The proposed method can effectively and efficiently discover evolving latent business networks over time. Our experimental results confirm that the proposed method outperforms the well-known vector space model based latent business relationship mining method by 28% in terms of AUC value

    Econometrics meets sentiment : an overview of methodology and applications

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    The advent of massive amounts of textual, audio, and visual data has spurred the development of econometric methodology to transform qualitative sentiment data into quantitative sentiment variables, and to use those variables in an econometric analysis of the relationships between sentiment and other variables. We survey this emerging research field and refer to it as sentometrics, which is a portmanteau of sentiment and econometrics. We provide a synthesis of the relevant methodological approaches, illustrate with empirical results, and discuss useful software


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    While much research work has been devoted to analysis and prediction of individuals’ behavior in social networks, very few studies about the analysis of business networks are conducted. Empowered by recent research on automated mining of business networks, this paper illustrates the design of a novel business network-based model called Energy Cascading Model (ECM) for the analysis and prediction of business performance using the proxies of stock prices. More specifically, the proposed prediction model takes into account both influential business relationships and twitter sentiments of firms to infer their stock price movements. Our empirical experiments based on a publicly available financial corpus and social media postings reveal that the proposed ECM model is effective for the prediction of directional stock price movements. The business implication of our research is that business managers can apply our design artifacts to more effectively analyze and predict the potential business performance of targeted firms

    Capacity building for transnationalisation of higher education

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    Purpose – Transnationalism and transnational concept are extensively researched in many social science areas; however, transnational management and transnational marketing is relatively a less explored research domain. Also, knowledge management for transnational education (TNE) marketing is not well-researched. Capacity building is an established research-stream, with a key focus on socio-economic and ecological development; however, prior research on capacity building from the context of TNE’s knowledge management and marketing is scarce. The purpose of this study is to analyse TNE marketing mix, to understand the influence of transnational stakeholders’ causal scope(s) on knowledge management in TNE to uphold their transnatioalisation processes through capacity building in TNEs’ marketing management. Design/methodology/approach – An inductive constructivist method is followed. Findings – Organisational learning from the context of transnational market and socio-economic competitive factors, based on analysing the transnational stakeholders’ causal scope(s) is imperative for proactive knowledge management capacity in TNE marketing. Following the analysis of transnational stakeholders’ causal scope(s) to learn about the cause and consequence of the transnational stakeholders’ relationships and interactions, an initial conceptual framework of knowledge management for TNE marketing is proposed. Practical insights from different TNE markets are developed in support of this novel knowledge management capacity building framework of TNE, and its generalisation perspectives and future research areas are discussed. Practical implications – These insights will be useful for TNE administrators to better align their knowledge management perspectives and propositions with their transnational stakeholders to underpin TNE marketing. Academics will be able to use these insights as a basis for future research. Originality/value – This study proposes a novel conceptual stakeholder-centred capacity building framework for TNE’s knowledge management to uphold TNE marketing and supports the framework, based on practical insights from three different transnational markets

    Reciprocal influence? Investigating implicit frames in press releases and financial newspaper coverage during the German banking crisis

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    This study investigates the interrelation of implicit frames in press releases by the two largest German banks (Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank) and the German financial media from 2007 until 2013. Findings suggest that an increase in the salience of certain frames in press releases by German banks resulted in a decrease of that same frame in the financial media the subsequent months. Furthermore, time series analyses indicate that the banks adopted frames that were present in the media the previous month. The results imply a resistance of German financial media towards the frames used by Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank

    A Network-based Approach to Mining Competitor Relationships from Online News

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    Identifying competitors for an individual company or a group of companies is important for businesses. Although people can consult paid company profile resources such as Hoover’s and Mergent, these sources are incomplete in company relationship coverage. We present an approach that uses graph-theoretic measures and machine learning techniques to achieve automated discovery of competitor relationships on the basis of structure of an intercompany network derived from company citations (cooccurrence) in online news articles. We also estimate to what extent our approach could extend the competitor relationships available from the data sources, Hoover’s and Mergent
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