3 research outputs found

    Efficient mining of Fuzzy Association Rules from the Pre-Processed Dataset

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    Association rule mining is an active data mining research area. Recent years have witnessed many efforts on discovering fuzzy associations. The key strength of fuzzy association rule mining is its completeness. This strength, however, comes with a major drawback to handle large datasets. It often produces a huge number of candidate itemsets. The huge number of candidate itemsets makes it ineffective for a data mining system to analyze them. In the end, it produces a huge number of fuzzy associations. This is particularly true for datasets whose attributes are highly correlated. The huge number of fuzzy associations makes it very difficult for a human user to analyze them. Existing research has shown that most of the discovered rules are actually redundant or insignificant. In this paper, we propose a novel technique to overcome these problems; we are preprocessing the data tuples by focusing on similar behaviour attributes and ontology. Finally, the efficiency and advantages of this algorithm have been proved by experimental results

    Fuzzy-Granular Based Data Mining for Effective Decision Support in Biomedical Applications

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    Due to complexity of biomedical problems, adaptive and intelligent knowledge discovery and data mining systems are highly needed to help humans to understand the inherent mechanism of diseases. For biomedical classification problems, typically it is impossible to build a perfect classifier with 100% prediction accuracy. Hence a more realistic target is to build an effective Decision Support System (DSS). In this dissertation, a novel adaptive Fuzzy Association Rules (FARs) mining algorithm, named FARM-DS, is proposed to build such a DSS for binary classification problems in the biomedical domain. Empirical studies show that FARM-DS is competitive to state-of-the-art classifiers in terms of prediction accuracy. More importantly, FARs can provide strong decision support on disease diagnoses due to their easy interpretability. This dissertation also proposes a fuzzy-granular method to select informative and discriminative genes from huge microarray gene expression data. With fuzzy granulation, information loss in the process of gene selection is decreased. As a result, more informative genes for cancer classification are selected and more accurate classifiers can be modeled. Empirical studies show that the proposed method is more accurate than traditional algorithms for cancer classification. And hence we expect that genes being selected can be more helpful for further biological studies

    Design for Customer - Methodik für nachhaltige Kundenlösungen unter Zuhilfenahme eines bedürfnisorientierten Leistungskonfigurators

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    Zunehmender Wettbewerbsdruck sowie die Internationalisierung der Märkte stellen Unternehmen vor neue Herausforderungen. Eine Möglichkeit sich diesen Herausforderungen zu stellen ist die Vermarktung von Lösungen als Kombination aus Produkten und Dienstleistungen. Die entwickelte Methodik stellt einen Ansatz zur Integration des Kunden in die Prozesse von Lösungsanbietern bereit. Neben der Differenzierung vom Wettbewerb fällt darunter auch die Steigerung von Umsatz und Gewinnmarge