190 research outputs found

    Brain network signatures of depressive symptoms

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    Depressive symptoms are common in the general population. Even in individuals who do not meet the criteria for a Major Depression Disorder (MDD), their symptoms are of clinical relevance because they increase the likelihood of progressing into a full-blown depressive episode, which in turn increases the prevalence of future episodes. The studies in this thesis apply advanced computational methods to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data to investigate the dynamics of network connectivity, with the aim of understanding what brain mechanisms make a person more vulnerable to depression. Our results suggest that imbalances in whole-brain connectivity can already be linked to higher levels of depressive symptoms in healthy (undiagnosed) individuals. These imbalances correspond to a reduced dynamism in the overall functional organization of the brain, suggesting a link between a ‘rigid brain’ and rigid behavior, such as the lack of flexibility in cognitive and emotional responses that often accompanies depressive symptoms. Additionally, individual differences in the repertoire of brain states indicate that people with more depressive symptoms engage more in states related to self-referential thinking. This tendency was also observed in remitted patients during the transition into a depressive episode. This emphasizes that the present experience of depressive symptoms, whether in healthy individuals or MDD patients, is associated with changes in brain communication. The findings of this thesis lead to a deeper understanding of the complex orchestration of brain communication and its changes concerning depressive symptomatology in clinical and nonclinical populations

    Geodesic distance on optimally regularized functional connectomes uncovers individual fingerprints

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    Background: Functional connectomes (FCs), have been shown to provide a reproducible individual fingerprint, which has opened the possibility of personalized medicine for neuro/psychiatric disorders. Thus, developing accurate ways to compare FCs is essential to establish associations with behavior and/or cognition at the individual-level. Methods: Canonically, FCs are compared using Pearson's correlation coefficient of the entire functional connectivity profiles. Recently, it has been proposed that the use of geodesic distance is a more accurate way of comparing functional connectomes, one which reflects the underlying non-Euclidean geometry of the data. Computing geodesic distance requires FCs to be positive-definite and hence invertible matrices. As this requirement depends on the fMRI scanning length and the parcellation used, it is not always attainable and sometimes a regularization procedure is required. Results: In the present work, we show that regularization is not only an algebraic operation for making FCs invertible, but also that an optimal magnitude of regularization leads to systematically higher fingerprints. We also show evidence that optimal regularization is dataset-dependent, and varies as a function of condition, parcellation, scanning length, and the number of frames used to compute the FCs. Discussion: We demonstrate that a universally fixed regularization does not fully uncover the potential of geodesic distance on individual fingerprinting, and indeed could severely diminish it. Thus, an optimal regularization must be estimated on each dataset to uncover the most differentiable across-subject and reproducible within-subject geodesic distances between FCs. The resulting pairwise geodesic distances at the optimal regularization level constitute a very reliable quantification of differences between subjects.Comment: 39 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Dimensional Neuroimaging Endophenotypes: Neurobiological Representations of Disease Heterogeneity Through Machine Learning

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    Machine learning has been increasingly used to obtain individualized neuroimaging signatures for disease diagnosis, prognosis, and response to treatment in neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. Therefore, it has contributed to a better understanding of disease heterogeneity by identifying disease subtypes that present significant differences in various brain phenotypic measures. In this review, we first present a systematic literature overview of studies using machine learning and multimodal MRI to unravel disease heterogeneity in various neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders, including Alzheimer disease, schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, autism spectrum disorder, multiple sclerosis, as well as their potential in transdiagnostic settings. Subsequently, we summarize relevant machine learning methodologies and discuss an emerging paradigm which we call dimensional neuroimaging endophenotype (DNE). DNE dissects the neurobiological heterogeneity of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders into a low dimensional yet informative, quantitative brain phenotypic representation, serving as a robust intermediate phenotype (i.e., endophenotype) largely reflecting underlying genetics and etiology. Finally, we discuss the potential clinical implications of the current findings and envision future research avenues

    Can biological quantum networks solve NP-hard problems?

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    There is a widespread view that the human brain is so complex that it cannot be efficiently simulated by universal Turing machines. During the last decades the question has therefore been raised whether we need to consider quantum effects to explain the imagined cognitive power of a conscious mind. This paper presents a personal view of several fields of philosophy and computational neurobiology in an attempt to suggest a realistic picture of how the brain might work as a basis for perception, consciousness and cognition. The purpose is to be able to identify and evaluate instances where quantum effects might play a significant role in cognitive processes. Not surprisingly, the conclusion is that quantum-enhanced cognition and intelligence are very unlikely to be found in biological brains. Quantum effects may certainly influence the functionality of various components and signalling pathways at the molecular level in the brain network, like ion ports, synapses, sensors, and enzymes. This might evidently influence the functionality of some nodes and perhaps even the overall intelligence of the brain network, but hardly give it any dramatically enhanced functionality. So, the conclusion is that biological quantum networks can only approximately solve small instances of NP-hard problems. On the other hand, artificial intelligence and machine learning implemented in complex dynamical systems based on genuine quantum networks can certainly be expected to show enhanced performance and quantum advantage compared with classical networks. Nevertheless, even quantum networks can only be expected to efficiently solve NP-hard problems approximately. In the end it is a question of precision - Nature is approximate.Comment: 38 page

    Constructing high-order functional connectivity network based on central moment features for diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder

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    The sliding-window-based dynamic functional connectivity network (D-FCN) has been becoming an increasingly useful tool for understanding the changes of brain connectivity patterns and the association of neurological diseases with these dynamic variations. However, conventional D-FCN is essentially low-order network, which only reflects the pairwise interaction pattern between brain regions and thus overlooking the high-order interactions among multiple brain regions. In addition, D-FCN is innate with temporal sensitivity issue, i.e., D-FCN is sensitive to the chronological order of its subnetworks. To deal with the above issues, we propose a novel high-order functional connectivity network framework based on the central moment feature of D-FCN. Specifically, we firstly adopt a central moment approach to extract multiple central moment feature matrices from D-FCN. Furthermore, we regard the matrices as the profiles to build multiple high-order functional connectivity networks which further capture the higher level and more complex interaction relationships among multiple brain regions. Finally, we use the voting strategy to combine the high-order networks with D-FCN for autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. Experimental results show that the combination of multiple functional connectivity networks achieves accuracy of 88.06%, and the best single network achieves accuracy of 79.5%

    Blending generative models with deep learning for multidimensional phenotypic prediction from brain connectivity data

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    Network science as a discipline has provided us with foundational machinery to study complex relational entities such as social networks, genomics, econometrics etc. The human brain is a complex network that has recently garnered immense interest within the data science community. Connectomics or the study of the underlying connectivity patterns in the brain has become an important field of study for the characterization of various neurological disorders such as Autism, Schizophrenia etc. Such connectomic studies have provided several fundamental insights into its intrinsic organisation and implications on our behavior and health. This thesis proposes a collection of mathematical models that are capable of fusing information from functional and structural connectivity with phenotypic information. Here, functional connectivity is measured by resting state functional MRI (rs-fMRI), while anatomical connectivity is captured using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). The phenotypic information of interest could refer to continuous measures of behavior or cognition, or may capture levels of impairment in the case of neuropsychiatric disorders. We first develop a joint network optimization framework to predict clinical severity from rs-fMRI connectivity matrices. This model couples two key terms into a unified optimization framework: a generative matrix factorization and a discriminative linear regression model. We demonstrate that the proposed joint inference strategy is successful in generalizing to prediction of impairments in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) when compared with several machine learning, graph theoretic and statistical baselines. At the same time, the model is capable of extracting functional brain biomarkers that are informative of individual measures of clinical severity. We then present two modeling extensions to non-parametric and neural network regression models that are coupled with the same generative framework. Building on these general principles, we extend our framework to incorporate multimodal information from Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and dynamic functional connectivity. At a high level, our generative matrix factorization now estimates a time-varying functional decomposition. At the same time, it is guided by anatomical connectivity priors in a graph-based regularization setup. This connectivity model is coupled with a deep network that predicts multidimensional clinical characterizations and models the temporal dynamics of the functional scan. This framework allows us to simultaneously explain multiple impairments, isolate stable multi-modal connectivity signatures, and study the evolution of various brain states at rest. Lastly, we shift our focus to end-to-end geometric frameworks. These are designed to characterize the complementarity between functional and structural connectivity data spaces, while using clinical information as a secondary guide. As an alternative to the previous generative framework for functional connectivity, our representation learning scheme of choice is a matrix autoencoder that is crafted to reflect the underlying data geometry. This is coupled with a manifold alignment model that maps from function to structure and a deep network that maps to phenotypic information. We demonstrate that the model reliably recovers structural connectivity patterns across individuals, while robustly extracting predictive yet interpretable brain biomarkers. Finally, we also present a preliminary analytical and experimental exposition on the theoretical aspects of the matrix autoencoder representation
