221 research outputs found

    Intersection SPaT Estimation by means of Single-Source Connected Vehicle Data

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version.Current traffic management systems in urban networks require real-time estimation of the traffic states. With the development of in-vehicle and communication technologies, connected vehicle data has emerged as a new data source for traffic measurement and estimation. In this work, a machine learning-based methodology for signal phase and timing information (SPaT) which is highly valuable for many applications such as green light optimal advisory systems and real-time vehicle navigation is proposed. The proposed methodology utilizes data from connected vehicles travelling within urban signalized links to estimate the queue tail location, vehicle accumulation, and subsequently, link outflow. Based on the produced high-resolution outflow estimates and data from crossing connected vehicles, SPaT information is estimated via correlation analysis and a machine learning approach. The main contribution is that the single-source proposed approach relies merely on connected vehicle data and requires neither prior information such as intersection cycle time nor data from other sources such as conventional traffic measuring tools. A sample four-leg intersection where each link comprises different number of lanes and experiences different traffic condition is considered as a testbed. The validation of the developed approach has been undertaken by comparing the produced estimates with realistic micro-simulation results as ground truth, and the achieved simulation results are promising even at low penetration rates of connected vehicles

    A Machine Learning Method for Predicting Traffic Signal Timing from Probe Vehicle Data

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    Traffic signals play an important role in transportation by enabling traffic flow management, and ensuring safety at intersections. In addition, knowing the traffic signal phase and timing data can allow optimal vehicle routing for time and energy efficiency, eco-driving, and the accurate simulation of signalized road networks. In this paper, we present a machine learning (ML) method for estimating traffic signal timing information from vehicle probe data. To the authors best knowledge, very few works have presented ML techniques for determining traffic signal timing parameters from vehicle probe data. In this work, we develop an Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) model to estimate signal cycle lengths and a neural network model to determine the corresponding red times per phase from probe data. The green times are then be derived from the cycle length and red times. Our results show an error of less than 0.56 sec for cycle length, and red times predictions within 7.2 sec error on average

    Estimating Signal Timing of Actuated Signal Control Using Pattern Recognition under Connected Vehicle Environment

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    The Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) message is an important input for research and applications of Connected Vehicles (CVs). However, the actuated signal controllers are not able to directly give the SPaT information since the SPaT is influenced by both signal control logic and real-time traffic demand. This study elaborates an estimation method which is proposed according to the idea that an actuated signal controller would provide similar signal timing for similar traffic states. Thus, the quantitative description of traffic states is important. The traffic flow at each approaching lane has been compared to fluids. The state of fluids can be indicated by state parameters, e.g. speed or height, and its energy, which includes kinetic energy and potential energy. Similar to the fluids, this paper has proposed an energy model for traffic flow, and it has also added the queue length as an additional state parameter. Based on that, the traffic state of intersections can be descripted. Then, a pattern recognition algorithm was developed to identify the most similar historical states and also their corresponding SPaTs, whose average is the estimated SPaT of this second. The result shows that the average error is 3.1 seconds

    Connected Vehicles at Signalized Intersections: Traffic Signal Timing Estimation and Optimization

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    Summary: While traffic signals ensure safety of conflicting movements at intersections, they also cause much delay, wasted fuel, and tailpipe emissions. Frequent stops and goes induced by a series of traffic lights often frustrates passengers. However, the connectivity provided by connected vehicles applications can improve this situation. A uni-directional traffic signal to vehicle communication can be used to guide the connected vehicles to arrive at green which increases their energy efficiency; and in the first part of the dissertation, we propose a traffic signal phase and timing estimator as a complementary solution in situations where timing information is not available directly from traffic signals or a city’s Traffic Management Center. Another approach for improving the intersection flow is optimizing the timing of traditional traffic signals informed by uni-directional communication from connected vehicles. Nevertheless, one can expect further increase in energy efficiency and intersection flow with bi-directional vehicle-signal communication where signals adjust their timings and vehicles their speeds. Autonomous vehicles can further benefit from traffic signal information because they not only process the incoming information rather effortlessly but also can precisely control their speed and arrival time at a green light. The situation can get even better with 100%penetration of autonomous vehicles since a physical traffic light is not needed anymore. However, the optimal scheduling of the autonomous vehicle arrivals at such intersections remains an open problem. The second part of the dissertation attempts to address the scheduling problem formulation and to show its benefits in microsimulation as well as experiments. Intellectual Merit: In the first part of this research, we study the statistical patterns hidden in the connected vehicle historical data stream in order to estimate a signal’s phase and timing (SPaT). The estimated SPaT data communicated in real-time to connected vehicles can help drivers plan over time the best vehicle velocity profile and route of travel. We use low-frequency probe data streams to show what the minimum achievable is in estimating SPaT. We use a public feed of bus location and velocity data in the city of San Francisco as an example data source. We show it is possible to estimate, fairly accurately, cycle times and duration of reds for pre-timed traffic lights traversed by buses using a few days worth of aggregated bus data. Furthermore, we also estimate the start of greens in real-time by monitoring movement of buses across intersections. The results are encouraging, given that each bus sends an update only sporadically (≈ every 200 meters) and that bus passages are infrequent (every 5-10 minutes). The accuracy of the SPaT estimations are ensured even in presence of queues; this is achieved by extending our algorithms to include the influence of queue delay. A connected vehicle test bed is implemented in collaboration with industry. Our estimated SPaT information is communicated uni-directionally to a connected test vehicle for those traffic signals which are not connected. In the second part of the dissertation, another test bed, but with bi-directional communication capability, is implemented to transfer the connected vehicle data to an intelligent intersection controller through cellular network. We propose a novel intersection control scheme at the cyber layer to encourage platoon formation and facilitate uninterrupted intersection passage. The proposed algorithm is presented for an all autonomous vehicle environment at an intersection with no traffic lights. Our three key contributions are in communica-tion, control, and experimental evaluation: i) a scalable mechanism allowing a large number of vehicles to subscribe to the intersection controller, ii) reducing the vehicle-intersection coordination problem to a Mixed Integer Linear Program (MILP), and iii) a Vehicle-in-the-Loop (VIL) test bed with a real vehicle interacting with the intersection control cyber-layer and with our customized microsimulations in a virtual road network environment. The proposed MILP-based controller receives information such as location and speed from each subscribing vehicle and advises vehicles of the optimal time to access the intersection. The access times are computed by periodically solving a MILP with the objective of minimizing intersection delay, while ensuring intersection safety and considering each vehicle’s desired velocity. In order to estimate the fuel consumption reduction potential of the implemented system, a new method is proposed for estimating fuel consumption using the basic engine diagnostic information of the vehicle-in-the-loop car. Broader Impacts: This research can transform not only the way we drive our vehicles at signalized intersec-tions but also the way intersections are managed. As we evaluated in a connected test vehicle in the first part of the dissertation, our SPaT estimations in conjunction with the SPaT information available directly from Traffic Management Centers, enables the drivers to plan over time the best vehicle velocity profile to reduce idling at red lights. Other fuel efficiency and safety functionalities in connected vehicles can also benefit from such information about traffic signals’ phase and timing. For example, advanced engine management strategies can shut down the engine in anticipation of a long idling interval at red, and intersection collision avoidance and active safety systems could foresee potential signal violations at signalized intersections. In addition, as shown in the second part of the dissertation, when a connected traffic signal or intersection con-troller is available, intelligent control methods can plan in real-time the best timings and the lengths of signal phases in response to prevailing traffic conditions with the use of connected vehicle data. Our MILP-based intersection control is proposed for an all autonomous driving environment; and right now, it can be utilized in smart city projects where only autonomous vehicles are allowed to travel. This is expected to transform driving experience in the sense that our linear formulations minimizes the intersection delay and number of stops significantly compared to pre-timed intersections

    A Framework for a Self-Sustained Traffic Operations System Using V2V Communications

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    abstract: This study explores an innovative framework for a self-sustained traffic operations system using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications alone. The proposed framework is envisioned as the foundation to an alternative or supplemental traffic operation and management system, which could be particularly helpful under abnormal traffic conditions caused by unforeseen disasters and special events. Its two major components, a distributed traffic monitoring and platoon information aggregation system and a platoon-based automated intersection control system, are investigated in this study. The distributed traffic monitoring and platoon information aggregation system serves as the foundation. Specifically, each equipped vehicle, through the distributed protocols developed, keeps track of the average traffic density and speed within a certain range, flags itself as micro-discontinuity in traffic if appropriate, and cross-checks its flag status with its immediate up- and down-stream vehicles. The micro-discontinuity flags define vehicle groups with similar traffic states, for initiating and terminating traffic information aggregation. The impact of market penetration rate (MPR) is also investigated with a new methodology for performance evaluation under multiple traffic scenarios. In addition to MPR, the performance of the distributed traffic monitoring and platoon information aggregation system depends on the spatial distribution of equipped vehicles in the road network as well. The latter is affected by traffic dynamics. Traffic signal controls at intersections play a significant role in governing traffic dynamics and will in turn impact the distributed monitoring system. The performance of the monitoring framework is investigated with different g/C ratios under multiple traffic scenarios. With the distributed traffic monitoring and platoon information aggregation system, platoons can be dynamically identified on the network in real time. This enables a platoon-based automated intersection control system for connected and autonomous vehicles. An exploratory study on such a control system with two control stages are proposed. At Stage I, vehicles of each platoon will synchronize into a target speed through cooperative speed harmonization. Then, a platoon of vehicles with the same speed can be treated as a single vehicle for speed profile planning at Stage II. Its speed profile will be immediately determined given speed profiles of other platoons and the control goal.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 201

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2012

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    Proceedings of the 6th Annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Student Capstone Conference held on April 19, 2012 at VMASC in Suffolk, Virginia

    Identification of Air Traffic Flow Segments via Incremental Deterministic Annealing Clustering

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    Many of the traffic management decisions and initiatives in air traffic are based on "flows" of traffic in the National Airspace System (NAS), but the actual identification of the location and time of the flow segments are often left to interpretation based on observations of traffic data points over time. Having an automated method of identifying major flow segments can help to target traffic management initiatives, evaluate design of airspace, and enable actions to be taken on the collection of flights in a flow segment rather than on the flights individually. A novel approach is developed to identify the major flow segments of air traffic in the NAS that consists of a robust method for partitioning 4-dimensional traffic trajectories into a series of great circle segments, and clustering the segments using an Agglomerate Deterministic Annealing clustering algorithm. In addition, a very efficient algorithm to incrementally cluster the segments is developed that takes into account the spatial and temporal properties of the segments, and makes the method very suitable for real-time applications. Further, an enhancement to the algorithm is provided that requires only a small subset of the segments to be clustered, drastically reducing the run time. Results of the clustering technique are shown, highlighting various major traffic flow patterns in the NAS. In addition, organizing the traffic into the flow segments identified using the Incremental Clustering method is shown to have a potential reduction in the number of conflict points. An application of the flow information is presented in the form of a Decision Support Tool (DST) that aids traffic managers in establishing and managing Airspace Flow Programs. In addition, the flow segment information is applied to a low-level form of aggregated traffic management, showing that aggregating flights into the flow segments and rerouting the whole flow segment can be efficiently performed as compared to rerouting individual aircraft separately, and can reduce the number of conflict points. Considerations for implementing these techniques in real-time systems are also discussed

    Kaijus as environments: design & production of a colossal monster functioning as a boss level

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    Boss fights are a staple in most video game genres. They are milestones in the adventure, designed and intended to test the skills that the player has acquired throughout their adventure. In some cases, they even define the whole experience of the game, especially one type of enemy that has appeared in several instances and every genre: colossal bosses, monsters of giant proportions usually used as a matter of spectacle and a simple yet effective way to showcase the sheer power that players have achieved up until that point in the adventure. Titles like God of War, Shadow of the Colossus and even many Super Mario titles use this concept in their video games in imaginative ways to create Kaiju-like creatures working as a living environment the player has to traverse to defeat them. However, what is the process behind creating a colossal boss that works as a breathing environment, and how can it be achieved? This project aims to study the process of colossal boss creation and design and apply level design and asset creation. To do this, the author will investigate the main aspects and key-defining features of these bosses, analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of existing bosses in videogames such as God of War 3’s Cronos and Shadow of the Colossus and Solar Ash’s bosses in terms of art production and game design. From this study and following the art process for creating creatures in the video game industry, the author will conceptualize, design and produce a working, playable prototype of a boss fight, showcased in the final presentation


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    Automated vehicles are those which are capable of sensing their environments in order to perform at least some aspects of the safety-critical control (like steering, throttling, or braking) without direct human input. As a guide for planners and policymakers, the objective of this thesis is to develop a strong foundation for anticipating the potential impacts resulting from advancements in vehicle automation. To establish the foundation, this thesis uses a robust qualitative methodology, coupling a review of literature on the potential advantages and disadvantages of vehicle automation and lessons from past innovations in transportation, with recent trends of the Millennial Generation, carsharing services, and a series of interviews with thought-leaders in automation, planning, policymaking, transportation, and aviation. Five significant findings emerged from this thesis: (1) the impacts of vehicle automation differ depending on one’s visions of what automation means, how it is implemented, what the automation does, and where it operates; (2) current limitations of vehicle automation to perform all aspects of the dynamic driving task in all driving conditions make it difficult to move from level-4 to level-5 automation; (3) level-5 automation is required to have any effect on carsharing, mobility, and quality of life; (4) assuming effective planning and policymaking techniques, housing preferences, urban growth, and increases in total VMT will likely not be significantly impacted by vehicle automation; (5) human drivers may never be allowed to disengage their attention from a partially-automated vehicle, specifically in applications where drivers are expected to reengage their attention in safety-critical situations. From the perspective of understanding the bigger picture, this thesis developed a proposed future scenario of vehicle automation in the next five to ten years that is used to suggest guiding principles for policymakers, and key recommendations for planners, engineers, and researchers

    Cooperative speed assistance : interaction and persuasion design

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