7 research outputs found

    Grounding robot motion in natural language and visual perception

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    The current state of the art in military and first responder ground robots involves heavy physical and cognitive burdens on the human operator while taking little to no advantage of the potential autonomy of robotic technology. The robots currently in use are rugged remote-controlled vehicles. Their interaction modalities, usually utilizing a game controller connected to a computer, require a dedicated operator who has limited capacity for other tasks. I present research which aims to ease these burdens by incorporating multiple modes of robotic sensing into a system which allows humans to interact with robots through a natural-language interface. I conduct this research on a custom-built six-wheeled mobile robot. First I present a unified framework which supports grounding natural-language semantics in robotic driving. This framework supports learning the meanings of nouns and prepositions from sentential descriptions of paths driven by the robot, as well as using such meanings to both generate a sentential description of a path and perform automated driving of a path specified in natural language. One limitation of this framework is that it requires as input the locations of the (initially nameless) objects in the floor plan. Next I present a method to automatically detect, localize, and label objects in the robot’s environment using only the robot’s video feed and corresponding odometry. This method produces a map of the robot’s environment in which objects are differentiated by abstract class labels. Finally, I present work that unifies the previous two approaches. This method detects, localizes, and labels objects, as the previous method does. However, this new method integrates natural-language descriptions to learn actual object names, rather than abstract labels

    Where Can I Do This? Geometric Affordances from a Single Example with the Interaction Tensor

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    Characterizing Objects in Images using Human Context

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    Humans have an unmatched capability of interpreting detailed information about existent objects by just looking at an image. Particularly, they can effortlessly perform the following tasks: 1) Localizing various objects in the image and 2) Assigning functionalities to the parts of localized objects. This dissertation addresses the problem of aiding vision systems accomplish these two goals. The first part of the dissertation concerns object detection in a Hough-based framework. To this end, the independence assumption between features is addressed by grouping them in a local neighborhood. We study the complementary nature of individual and grouped features and combine them to achieve improved performance. Further, we consider the challenging case of detecting small and medium sized household objects under human-object interactions. We first evaluate appearance based star and tree models. While the tree model is slightly better, appearance based methods continue to suffer due to deficiencies caused by human interactions. To this end, we successfully incorporate automatically extracted human pose as a form of context for object detection. The second part of the dissertation addresses the tedious process of manually annotating objects to train fully supervised detectors. We observe that videos of human-object interactions with activity labels can serve as weakly annotated examples of household objects. Since such objects cannot be localized only through appearance or motion, we propose a framework that includes human centric functionality to retrieve the common object. Designed to maximize data utility by detecting multiple instances of an object per video, the framework achieves performance comparable to its fully supervised counterpart. The final part of the dissertation concerns localizing functional regions or affordances within objects by casting the problem as that of semantic image segmentation. To this end, we introduce a dataset involving human-object interactions with strong i.e. pixel level and weak i.e. clickpoint and image level affordance annotations. We propose a framework that utilizes both forms of weak labels and demonstrate that efforts for weak annotation can be further optimized using human context

    Discovering Object Classes from Activities

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    In order to avoid an expensive manual labeling process or to learn object classes autonomously without human intervention, object discovery techniques have been proposed that extract visual similar objects from weakly labelled videos. However, the problem of discovering small or medium sized objects is largely unexplored. We observe that videos with activities involving human-object interactions can serve as weakly labelled data for such cases. Since neither object appearance nor motion is distinct enough to discover objects in these videos, we propose a framework that samples from a space of algorithms and their parameters to extract sequences of object proposals. Furthermore, we model similarity of objects based on appearance and functionality, which is derived from human and object motion. We show that functionality is an important cue for discovering objects from activities and demonstrate the generality of the model on three challenging RGB-D and RGB datasets