1,315 research outputs found

    Co-Clustering Network-Constrained Trajectory Data

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    Recently, clustering moving object trajectories kept gaining interest from both the data mining and machine learning communities. This problem, however, was studied mainly and extensively in the setting where moving objects can move freely on the euclidean space. In this paper, we study the problem of clustering trajectories of vehicles whose movement is restricted by the underlying road network. We model relations between these trajectories and road segments as a bipartite graph and we try to cluster its vertices. We demonstrate our approaches on synthetic data and show how it could be useful in inferring knowledge about the flow dynamics and the behavior of the drivers using the road network

    Knowledge discovery from trajectories

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesAs a newly proliferating study area, knowledge discovery from trajectories has attracted more and more researchers from different background. However, there is, until now, no theoretical framework for researchers gaining a systematic view of the researches going on. The complexity of spatial and temporal information along with their combination is producing numerous spatio-temporal patterns. In addition, it is very probable that a pattern may have different definition and mining methodology for researchers from different background, such as Geographic Information Science, Data Mining, Database, and Computational Geometry. How to systematically define these patterns, so that the whole community can make better use of previous research? This paper is trying to tackle with this challenge by three steps. First, the input trajectory data is classified; second, taxonomy of spatio-temporal patterns is developed from data mining point of view; lastly, the spatio-temporal patterns appeared on the previous publications are discussed and put into the theoretical framework. In this way, researchers can easily find needed methodology to mining specific pattern in this framework; also the algorithms needing to be developed can be identified for further research. Under the guidance of this framework, an application to a real data set from Starkey Project is performed. Two questions are answers by applying data mining algorithms. First is where the elks would like to stay in the whole range, and the second is whether there are corridors among these regions of interest

    Group-In: Group Inference from Wireless Traces of Mobile Devices

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    This paper proposes Group-In, a wireless scanning system to detect static or mobile people groups in indoor or outdoor environments. Group-In collects only wireless traces from the Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices for group inference. The key problem addressed in this work is to detect not only static groups but also moving groups with a multi-phased approach based only noisy wireless Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSIs) observed by multiple wireless scanners without localization support. We propose new centralized and decentralized schemes to process the sparse and noisy wireless data, and leverage graph-based clustering techniques for group detection from short-term and long-term aspects. Group-In provides two outcomes: 1) group detection in short time intervals such as two minutes and 2) long-term linkages such as a month. To verify the performance, we conduct two experimental studies. One consists of 27 controlled scenarios in the lab environments. The other is a real-world scenario where we place Bluetooth scanners in an office environment, and employees carry beacons for more than one month. Both the controlled and real-world experiments result in high accuracy group detection in short time intervals and sampling liberties in terms of the Jaccard index and pairwise similarity coefficient.Comment: This work has been funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Programme under Grant Agreements No. 731993 AUTOPILOT and No.871249 LOCUS projects. The content of this paper does not reflect the official opinion of the EU. Responsibility for the information and views expressed therein lies entirely with the authors. Proc. of ACM/IEEE IPSN'20, 202

    Detecting Flow Anomalies in Distributed Systems

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    Deep within the networks of distributed systems, one often finds anomalies that affect their efficiency and performance. These anomalies are difficult to detect because the distributed systems may not have sufficient sensors to monitor the flow of traffic within the interconnected nodes of the networks. Without early detection and making corrections, these anomalies may aggravate over time and could possibly cause disastrous outcomes in the system in the unforeseeable future. Using only coarse-grained information from the two end points of network flows, we propose a network transmission model and a localization algorithm, to detect the location of anomalies and rank them using a proposed metric within distributed systems. We evaluate our approach on passengers' records of an urbanized city's public transportation system and correlate our findings with passengers' postings on social media microblogs. Our experiments show that the metric derived using our localization algorithm gives a better ranking of anomalies as compared to standard deviation measures from statistical models. Our case studies also demonstrate that transportation events reported in social media microblogs matches the locations of our detect anomalies, suggesting that our algorithm performs well in locating the anomalies within distributed systems

    3D Reconstruction of Indoor Corridor Models Using Single Imagery and Video Sequences

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    In recent years, 3D indoor modeling has gained more attention due to its role in decision-making process of maintaining the status and managing the security of building indoor spaces. In this thesis, the problem of continuous indoor corridor space modeling has been tackled through two approaches. The first approach develops a modeling method based on middle-level perceptual organization. The second approach develops a visual Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) system with model-based loop closure. In the first approach, the image space was searched for a corridor layout that can be converted into a geometrically accurate 3D model. Manhattan rule assumption was adopted, and indoor corridor layout hypotheses were generated through a random rule-based intersection of image physical line segments and virtual rays of orthogonal vanishing points. Volumetric reasoning, correspondences to physical edges, orientation map and geometric context of an image are all considered for scoring layout hypotheses. This approach provides physically plausible solutions while facing objects or occlusions in a corridor scene. In the second approach, Layout SLAM is introduced. Layout SLAM performs camera localization while maps layout corners and normal point features in 3D space. Here, a new feature matching cost function was proposed considering both local and global context information. In addition, a rotation compensation variable makes Layout SLAM robust against cameras orientation errors accumulations. Moreover, layout model matching of keyframes insures accurate loop closures that prevent miss-association of newly visited landmarks to previously visited scene parts. The comparison of generated single image-based 3D models to ground truth models showed that average ratio differences in widths, heights and lengths were 1.8%, 3.7% and 19.2% respectively. Moreover, Layout SLAM performed with the maximum absolute trajectory error of 2.4m in position and 8.2 degree in orientation for approximately 318m path on RAWSEEDS data set. Loop closing was strongly performed for Layout SLAM and provided 3D indoor corridor layouts with less than 1.05m displacement errors in length and less than 20cm in width and height for approximately 315m path on York University data set. The proposed methods can successfully generate 3D indoor corridor models compared to their major counterpart

    Mobility increases localizability: A survey on wireless indoor localization using inertial sensors

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    Wireless indoor positioning has been extensively studied for the past 2 decades and continuously attracted growing research efforts in mobile computing context. As the integration of multiple inertial sensors (e.g., accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer) to nowadays smartphones in recent years, human-centric mobility sensing is emerging and coming into vogue. Mobility information, as a new dimension in addition to wireless signals, can benefit localization in a number of ways, since location and mobility are by nature related in the physical world. In this article, we survey this new trend of mobility enhancing smartphone-based indoor localization. Specifically, we first study how to measure human mobility: what types of sensors we can use and what types of mobility information we can acquire. Next, we discuss how mobility assists localization with respect to enhancing location accuracy, decreasing deployment cost, and enriching location context. Moreover, considering the quality and cost of smartphone built-in sensors, handling measurement errors is essential and accordingly investigated. Combining existing work and our own working experiences, we emphasize the principles and conduct comparative study of the mainstream technologies. Finally, we conclude this survey by addressing future research directions and opportunities in this new and largely open area.</jats:p

    Using time-series similarity measures to compare animal movement trajectories in ecology

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    Identifying and understanding patterns in movement data are amongst the principal aims of movement ecology. By quantifying the similarity of movement trajectories, inferences can be made about diverse processes, ranging from individual specialisation to the ontogeny of foraging strategies. Movement analysis is not unique to ecology however, and methods for estimating the similarity of movement trajectories have been developed in other fields but are currently under-utilised by ecologists. Here, we introduce five commonly used measures of trajectory similarity: dynamic time warping (DTW), longest common subsequence (LCSS), edit distance for real sequences (EDR), Fréchet distance and nearest neighbour distance (NND), of which only NND is routinely used by ecologists. We investigate the performance of each of these measures by simulating movement trajectories using an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) model in which we varied the following parameters: (1) the point of attraction, (2) the strength of attraction to this point and (3) the noise or volatility added to the movement process in order to determine which measures were most responsive to such changes. In addition, we demonstrate how these measures can be applied using movement trajectories of breeding northern gannets (Morus bassanus) by performing trajectory clustering on a large ecological dataset. Simulations showed that DTW and Fréchet distance were most responsive to changes in movement parameters and were able to distinguish between all the different parameter combinations we trialled. In contrast, NND was the least sensitive measure trialled. When applied to our gannet dataset, the five similarity measures were highly correlated despite differences in their underlying calculation. Clustering of trajectories within and across individuals allowed us to easily visualise and compare patterns of space use over time across a large dataset. Trajectory clusters reflected the bearing on which birds departed the colony and highlighted the use of well-known bathymetric features. As both the volume of movement data and the need to quantify similarity amongst animal trajectories grow, the measures described here and the bridge they provide to other fields of research will become increasingly useful in ecology