33 research outputs found


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    Paths, Players, Places: Towards an Understanding of Mazes and Spaces in Videogames

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    This thesis contributes to the field of academic game studies by reworking and updating the established theories of Espen Aarseth, Janet Murray and Marie-Laure Ryan in understanding the path in videogames. It also draws upon the more recent theoretical discussions of figures such as Jesper Juul, Lev Manovich, Frans MĂ€yrĂ€ and James Newman in order to explore the player’s experience along these paths in the gameworld. By defining a vocabulary of routes through space, the thesis uses the maze in particular as a way of understanding the paths of videogames. The research starts by examining our cultural understanding of the maze within videogames. Various mazes around the UK were walked in order to understand their design and how this may translate into the virtual world of the videogame. The thesis examines the uses of real world mazes through the work of Penelope Doob, and Herman Kern to discuss how the videogame may rework our cultural understanding of the maze due to its increasingly ubiquitous nature. This enables a discussion of maze-paths found within many videogames that are not necessarily categorised by what is often discussed as the maze genre of games. A morphology of maze-paths is devised through comparing the mazes of the real world and the virtual mazes of the videogame. This is achieved by breaking down the maze into separate path types and shows how these paths may link to one another. The thesis argues that the paths of the videogame are generated by the player’s actions. Therefore the focus of this thesis is on the player’s experience along these paths and the objects found at points on them. In acknowledging how to overcome obstacles along the path it is also possible to understand the role of the path in the player’s learning and mastery of the gameworld. This leads to discussions of different types of play experienced by the player in the videogame. Play is separated into what I term purposeful play, being the activities intended by the designer, and appropriated play which is the play formed out of the player’s exploration of the game system. These two terms help to understand player’s incentives for playing along the ruled paths of the gameworld as well as exploring the game’s system further to find new types of play outside of the pre-determined rules. As this thesis is concerned with videogames involving the player’s avatar having a direct relationship with the path, the research also investigates what happens when certain devices break these paths. It was discovered that warp devices reconstruct both temporal and narrative elements within the gamespace, and cause the player’s avatar to temporarily move on tracks through the gameworld. In defining a vocabulary of movement through space on a fixed track, as opposed to a player-determined path, there is a further understanding of the player experience related to each type of route taken in the game. Through an understanding of the maze and defining a vocabulary of maze-paths, tracks and objects found along them, this thesis adds a new contribution to knowledge. It also acknowledges the importance of different types of play within videogames and how these can shape the player experience along the paths of the game

    Aesthetic choices: Defining the range of aesthetic views in interactive digital media including games and 3D virtual environments (3D VEs)

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    Defining aesthetic choices for interactive digital media such as games is a challenging task. Objective and subjective factors such as colour, symmetry, order and complexity, and statistical features among others play an important role for defining the aesthetic properties of interactive digital artifacts. Computational approaches developed in this regard also consider objective factors such as statistical image features for the assessment of aesthetic qualities. However, aesthetics for interactive digital media, such as games, requires more nuanced consideration than simple objective and subjective factors, for choosing a range of aesthetic features. From the study it was found that the there is no one single optimum position or viewpoint with a corresponding relationship to the aesthetic considerations that influence interactive digital media. Instead, the incorporation of aesthetic features demonstrates the need to consider each component within interactive digital media as part of a range of possible features, and therefore within a range of possible camera positions. A framework, named as PCAWF, emphasized that combination of features and factors demonstrated the need to define a range of aesthetic viewpoints. This is important for improved user experience. From the framework it has been found that factors including the storyline, user state, gameplay, and application type are critical to defining the reasons associated with making aesthetic choices. The selection of a range of aesthetic features and characteristics is influenced by four main factors and sub-factors associated with the main factors. This study informs the future of interactive digital media interaction by providing clarity and reasoning behind the aesthetic decision-making inclusions that are integrated into automatically generated vision by providing a framework for choosing a range of aesthetic viewpoints in a 3D virtual environment of a game. The study identifies critical juxtapositions between photographic and cinema-based media aesthetics by incorporating qualitative rationales from experts within the interactive digital media field. This research will change the way Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated interactive digital media in the way that it chooses visual outputs in terms of camera positions, field-view, orientation, contextual considerations, and user experiences. It will impact across all automated systems to ensure that human-values, rich variations, and extensive complexity are integrated in the AI-dominated development and design of future interactive digital media production

    Pivotal Visualization:A Design Method to Enrich Visual Exploration

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    Minds Online: The Interface between Web Science, Cognitive Science, and the Philosophy of Mind

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    Alongside existing research into the social, political and economic impacts of the Web, there is a need to study the Web from a cognitive and epistemic perspective. This is particularly so as new and emerging technologies alter the nature of our interactive engagements with the Web, transforming the extent to which our thoughts and actions are shaped by the online environment. Situated and ecological approaches to cognition are relevant to understanding the cognitive significance of the Web because of the emphasis they place on forces and factors that reside at the level of agent–world interactions. In particular, by adopting a situated or ecological approach to cognition, we are able to assess the significance of the Web from the perspective of research into embodied, extended, embedded, social and collective cognition. The results of this analysis help to reshape the interdisciplinary configuration of Web Science, expanding its theoretical and empirical remit to include the disciplines of both cognitive science and the philosophy of mind

    Embodied Historiographies: Affect and Realism in the "Medal of Honor" and "Call of Duty" Franchises after "Saving Private Ryan"

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    This dissertation examines the representation of World War II in First Person Shooters (FPSs) and the shift in their perception after the release of Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan (1998). It argues that the release of Saving Private Ryan (1998) allowed the genre to unhinge itself from a popular discourse critical of immersive video games and attach itself to a discourse that regarded embodiment as a privileged way of representing history realistically. The first chapter analyzes the PC game Wolfenstein 3D (1992) to establish the genre’s state of play before the release of Spielberg’s film. It lays out the limitations faced by the game genre: due to the perception that FPSs engage the players’ bodies more directly than other media, they found themselves unable to function as fact-based historiographies. As a result, they approached representations of WWII by combining them with the genre inventories of science fiction and horror. Chapter II introduces the term “visceral realism” to analyze the impact of Steven Spielberg’s 1998 war film Saving Private Ryan on representations of WWII and their perception. It argues that the highly physical opening battle scene in particular shifted the perception of such representations from associations with horror and the ‘body genre’ to the idea that bodily experienced WWII historiographies offer a privileged access to the hardships and struggles of the ‘Greatest Generation.’ Chapter III analyzes the first FPS to react to this shift, Medal of Honor (1999), and argues that it unhinged the genre from public controversies in the wake of the Columbine High School Massacre by alluding to accepted genres like the spy thriller and ideologies like the celebration of the ‘Greatest Generation.’ Chapter IV discusses the 2003 FPS Call of Duty and its use of cinematic conventions and portrayal of historical artifacts to establish a U.S.-centric narrative of war from the perspectives of the U.S., U.K. and USSR troops. I argue that this shift in national subjectivities during the game serves as an extension of Cold War ideology by constructing a moral hierarchy between the United States, Great Britain and Communist Russia. Finally, the conclusion considers the historical and cultural environment of this dissertation’s analyses and, using postwar Germany as an example, shows the wide variety of possible readings of these games.PHDGermLang&Lit&ScrArtsCult PhDUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147519/1/hecknerm_1.pd

    The Digital Logic of Death

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    In The Digital Logic of Death, Steven Pustay skillfully makes visible the immensely important but often overlooked role that moving images play in shaping our understanding of mortality. This relationship, he argues, is made all the more urgent by the technologies of the digital age, which have profoundly altered our ability to represent and contemplate death through moving images, resulting in an entirely new cultural logic of death. To draw out this new logic, Pustay presents accessible readings of otherwise dense and difficult philosophical approaches to death – such as those found in existentialism, psychoanalysis, and critical theory – by reading them through the lens of contemporary media. From art-house films like IrrĂ©versible and The Fountain to blockbusters like the Matrix trilogy, from television commercials for M&M's to pay-cable dramas like The Sopranos and Breaking Bad, from first-person shooters like Bioshock to indie-games like LIMBO, Pustay shows how moving images have shifted our understanding of death in general and our recognition of our own finiteness in particular

    Ambiguous worlds: understanding the design of first-person walker games

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    The ‘walker’ is a burgeoning form of videogame with a growing body of literature primarily discussing how the genre challenges the accepted norms of games. These discussions widely use the derogatory term ‘walking simulator’, which implies its non-game status. What is also clear from these discussions is how these games draw on, but also push back against game design conventions. Walking is the primary means of interaction in walker games, rather than prioritising ‘skill-based’ mechanics. For example, the mechanics of gameplay in walker games are typically minimal, slow and non-violent. The unique design focus of walker games exists within a contested and complicated area of game design literature, yet many players find the exploration and experiences of these game environments to be compelling. This research asks: What gameplay experiences do walkers elicit, and how might designers understand these experiences? What are the game design attributes that engage players to explore 3D walker environments? How can these design attributes be used to design first-person walker games and 3D games more broadly? Drawing upon game design and design research literature, I explore these questions with specific focus on player interaction and level design in walker game world exploration. My research approach consists of three major investigative stages. I conduct a formal analysis of four existing walker games: Dear Esther, Proteus, Gone Home and The Stanley Parable. My analysis reveals four key themes for investigating walker design. These four themes are then applied to the development of my design project, WORLD4, a multi-view exploration game where players explore a 3D layered abstract world. I develop a methodological approach based upon indie gameplay testing to conduct an analysis of WORLD4’s design through a two-stage qualitative player study. Based on these three stages of analysis, I conclude that a particular kind of experience of curiosity emerges, driving player exploration in walker games. My findings indicate that the experience of curiosity is fostered by incorporating ambiguity into the game design, which modifies game world exploration into a more investigative and interpretive activity. I support this conclusion through three design themes to understand the player experience of WORLD4 and six design strategies for fostering ambiguity in the design of exploratory game environments. More generally, I contribute a perspective on game design that emphasises ambiguity in order to create heightened and compelling exploration experiences

    Co-operative coevolution for computational creativity: a case study In videogame design

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    The term procedural content generation (PCG) refers to writing software which can synthesise content for a game (or other media such as film) without further intervention from a designer. PCG has become a rich area of research in recent years, finding new ways to apply artificial intelligence to generate high-quality game content such as levels, weapons or puzzles for games. Such research is generally constrained to a single type of content, however, with the assumption that the remainder of the game's design will be fixed by an external designer. Generating many aspects of a game's design simultaneously, perhaps ultimately generating the entirety of a game's design, using PCG is not a well-explored idea. The notion of automated game design is not well-established, and is not seen as a task distinct from simply performing lots of PCG tasks at the same time. In particular, the high-level design tasks guiding the creative direction of a game are all but completely absent in PCG literature, because it is rare that a designer wishes to hand over such responsibility to a PCG system. We present here ANGELINA, an automated game designer that has developed games using a multi-faceted approach to content generation underpinned by a co-operative co-evolutionary approach which breaks down a game design into several distinct tasks, each of which controlled by an evolutionary subsystem within ANGELINA. We will show that this approach works well to automate game design, can be ported across many game engines and game genres, and can be enhanced and extended using novel computational creativity techniques to give the system a heightened sense of autonomy and independence.Open Acces