11 research outputs found

    Differences Over Discourse Structure Differences: A Reply to Urquhart and Urquhart

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    Purpose – In this paper we respond to Urquhart and Urquhart’s critique of our previous work entitled “Discourse structure differences in lay and professional health communication”, published in this journal in 2012 (Vol. 68 No. 6, pp.826 – 851, doi: 10.1108/00220411211277064). Design/methodology/approach – We examine Urquhart and Urquhart’s critique and provide responses to their concerns and cautionary remarks against cross-disciplinary contributions. We reiterate our central claim. Findings – We argue that Mann and Thompson’s (1987, 1988) Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) offers valuable insights into computer-mediated health communication and deserves further discussion of its methodological strength and weaknesses for application in LIS. Research limitations/implications – While we agree that some methodological limitations pointed out by Urquhart and Urquhart are valid, we take this opportunity to correct certain misunderstandings and misstatements. Originality/value – We argue for continued use of innovative techniques borrowed from neighboring disciplines, in spite of objections from the researchers accustomed to a familiar strand of literature. We encourage researchers to consider RST and other computational linguistics-based discourse analysis annotation frameworks that could provide the basis for integrated research, and eventual applications in information behaviour and information retrieval

    Online Health Recommendation System: A Social Support Perspective

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    Online Health Communities (OHC) aim to support patients through offer them the opportunities to exchange support with others. However, patients have difficulties and problems locating expertise within the online health communities. In this regard, this study aims to create a patient recommender system to help users locate those with relevant experience and similar health status. Specifically, we aim to leverage the type of online social support users seek to determine the patient health status to build a patient status prediction model. Building the model will help create a peer recommendation system for online support group members to easily locate peers and build a sustainable online health community. Building this type of recommendation system will help patients to effectively interact with other patients who have same health status. Moreover, it will help online health communities in improving the services provided, which in turn will be reflected positively on patient’s health status

    Isu dalam amalan komunikasi profesional doktor-pesakit

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    Kertas konsep ini akan menghuraikan tentang komunikasi doktor-pesakit. Masalah dan ketidakpuasan berkaitan dengan kualiti hubungan yang terjalin antara doktor-pesakit sering diperkatakan. Komunikasi profesional yakni kompetensi seseorang penjawat berkomunikasi selaras dengan profesion beliau dan tatacara komunikasi beliau berkomunikasi akan mendatangkan kesan kepada kualiti sesuatu hubungan yang terjalin. Kajian di Barat membuktikan kepentingan komunikasi profesional, namun penelitian berkaitan dengan aspek ini masih perlu diperbincangkan dalam konteks masyarakat Malaysia yang mempunyai nilai, budaya, dan tatacara tersendiri dalam berkomunikasi. Situasi ini menjadi lebih mencabar apabila diramalkan era IR 4.0 yang memerlukan para doktor memanfaatkan teknologi komunikasi dalam membina hubungan dengan pesakit. Tanpa persediaan untuk berkomunikasi secara profesional dengan pesakit secara maya, para doktor mungkin akan berhadapan dengan tekanan dan pelbagai tuntutan daripada pemegang taruh khususnya para pesakit. Oleh itu, kertas kerja ini ditulis bertujuan untuk meneroka isu-isu tentang keperluan komunikasi profesional doktor-pesakit dari pelbagai aspek untuk mendokong lanskap kesihatan di Malaysia tentang penglibatan pesakit dalam perubatan seperti yang dirangka dalam Pelan Strategik KKM 2016-2020, dan Pelan Strategik Teknologi Maklumat Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (2016-2020)

    Relações semânticas em tesauros: um estudo da abordagem pragmática

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Florianópolis, 2014.Analisa como a abordagem semântica pragmática é ou pode ser adotada para o estabelecimento de relações semânticas em tesauros. Utiliza a técnica de análise de conteúdo para caracterizar a abordagem pragmática e identificar o grau de compatibilidade dessa com as recomendações das normas para elaboração de tesauros ANSI/NISO Z39.19 (2005), ISO25964-1 (2011) e ISO25964-2 (2013). Identifica ideias compartilhadas pelos diferentes autores dos textos que compõem o corpus da pesquisa, formado por 79 trabalhos. Agrupa as ideias comuns em 9 enunciados que destacam aspectos importantes do paradigma pragmático no campo de organização do conhecimento e identifica a compatibilidade dos aspectos que caracterizam essa abordagem com as recomendações das normas para elaboração de tesauros. Identificou-se que apesar de alguns aspectos das normas serem compatíveis com os princípios da abordagem pragmática, esses possuem menor importância, uma vez que não se configuram em elementos centrais para o desenvolvimento de um tesauro. Por outro lado, outros aspectos incompatíveis se configuram em elementos centrais para o desenvolvimento de um tesauro, por exemplo a definição de conceito como unidade de pensamento e uma maior preocupação com a representação (essencialismo) do que com a efetiva comunicação. Uma vez que as normas apresentam as práticas já consolidadas no desenvolvimento de tesauros, podemos dizer que a abordagem pragmática ainda é pouco utilizada para o desenvolvimento de tesauros e para o estabelecimento de relações semânticas. Assim, procuramos mostrar como a abordagem pragmática na OC pode ser adotada. Para isso sistematizamos um conjunto de orientações para o estabelecimento de relações semânticas em tesauros, com base nas recomendações das normas e nos enunciados da abordagem pragmática na OC. A variedade de aspectos que caracterizam essa abordagem trazem contribuições distintas para os diferentes tipos de relações semânticas em tesauros. Para as relações associativas destaca-se a importância da bibliografia para a identificação das relações que podem guiar o usuário a localizar informações úteis ao alcance de seus objetivos. O que não se aplica de forma tão efetiva no caso das relações de equivalência, nas quais a identificação da variedade de termos que podem representar um conceito é essencial, e para isso os usuários, e não apenas a bibliografia, são fontes importantes para a coleta das variações linguísticas. Os aspectos contextuais envolvidos na construção do conhecimento, que10são multiplos e heterogêneos, acarretam implicações éticas para o estabelecimento de relações semânticas em tesauros. A importância de considerar a práica para a formação dos significados pode ser útil para o desenvolvimento de tesauros mais orientados para a comunicação do que para a representação do conhecimento. O entendimento de que os significados variam de acordo com o contexto também é importante para as relações hierárquicas, uma vez que se forem estabelecidas apenas a partir de premissas universalistas podem se tornar demasiadamente rígidas. Ao adotar princípios da abordagem pragmática, os tesauros podem contribuir para uma comunicação efetiva, ao possibilitar a comprensão dos diferentes pontos de vista presentes numa comunidade discursiva e não optar por um como sendo o melhor para representar uma realidade que é, por natureza, heterogênea. As relações semânticas poderiam desempenhar papel crucial nessa comunicação, ao permitir que o usuário possa partir do seu ponto de vista inicial e ir até aqueles defendidos pela frente de pesquisa sobre o tema.Abstract : It examines how the pragmatic semantic approach is or can be adopted for the establishment of semantic relationships in thesaurus. It uses the content analysis technique to characterize the pragmatic approach and identify the degree of compatibility of this with the recommendations of standards for developing thesaurus ANSI/NISO Z39.19 (2005), ISO25964-1(2011) e ISO25964-2(2013). It identifies shared ideas by different authors of the texts that make up the research corpus, consisting of 79 works. It groups together common ideas in 9 statements that highlight important aspects of the pragmatic paradigm in the knowledge organization area and it identifies the aspect compatibility that characterizes this approach with the recommendations of standards for developing thesaurus. It was found that although some aspects of the rules are compatible with the principles of pragmatic approach, they are less important, since they do not constitute in core elements for the development of a thesaurus. On the other hand, other incompatible aspects constitute in core elements for the development of a thesaurus, for example the definition of concept as thought unit and a greater concern for the representation (essentialism) than the actual communication. Once the standards have already established practices in the development of thesaurus, we can say that the pragmatic approach is not widely used for developing thesaurus and to establish semantic relationships. So we try to show how the pragmatic approach can be adopted in the OC. For that, we systematized a set of guidelines for establishing semantic relationships in thesauri, based on the rule recommendations and in the pragmatic approach listed in the OC. The variety of aspects that characterize this approach brings distinct contributions to different types of semantic relationships in thesaurus. For associative relationships, one highlights the importance of literature to identify relationships that can guide the user to find useful information to reach his goals. This is not applied so effectively in the case of equivalence relationships, in which the identification of the variety of terms that can represent a concept is essential, and for this the users and not only the bibliography are important sources for gathering linguistic variations. Contextual aspects involved in knowledge construction, which are multiple and heterogeneous, cause ethical implications for the establishment of semantic relationships in thesaurus. The importance of considering the practice for the formation of meanings can be useful for the development of thesaurus more targeted12towards communication than towards knowledge representation. The understanding that meanings vary according to the context is also important to hierarchical relationships, because if they are established only from universal assumptions they may become too rigid. By adopting pragmatic approach principles, thesaurus may contribute to effective communication, by enabling comprehension of different points of view present in a discursive community and not choosing one as the best to represent a reality that is inherently heterogeneous. Semantic relationships could play a crucial role in this communication by allowing the user to go from his initial point of view to those advocated by the research front on the topic

    Exploring Visitors Experiences of Online Cancer Communities

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    Background There will be approximately four million people living with cancer in the United Kingdom (UK) by 2030. The National Health Service faces a major challenge meeting the support needs of this growing population, who commonly report feeling isolated and lacking social support. Approximately 45 million adults in the UK use the internet, and online communities might be a culturally relevant way to connect people affected by cancer, allowing them to support one another. However, internet communication is fraught with challenges such as misleading or untrustworthy information. We have a limited understanding of how people experience these communities and whether they can provide meaningful support for people affected by cancer. Aims To explore and understand the experiences and interactions of people affected by cancer who visit online cancer communities. Methods This was a qualitative study involving 23 people who had visited online cancer communities. Participants were affected by a range of cancers and were a combination of cancer survivors and families members. Semi-structured interviews elicited participants’ experiences, preferences and perceived consequences of using online communities. Data analysis was guided by principles of Constructivist Grounded Theory. Findings Participants used communities to ‘navigate’ the challenges they faced with cancer. This navigation produced three categories of experience in online communities. Firstly, advice from fellow community members set participants on a ‘journey to become informed’. Secondly, participants were cast into a ‘journey to recreate identity’ as they connected and formed friendships online. Thirdly, participants discovered a ‘journey through different online worlds’ to the most relevant and often hidden social communities. Conclusions This was the first qualitative in-depth study exploring how contemporary online cancer communities are used by people affected by cancer. Online communities offered multifaceted opportunities to support the cancer experience, and they may promote self-management in cancer care. These findings can inform and improve the delivery of existing online communities

    Wellbeing: a theoretical and empirical study

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    There is mounting theoretical evidence that wellbeing has been mobilised within a personal responsibility agenda (PRA). However, there is little empirical evidence to support this. Additionally, little is understood about the role of historical/linguistic factors in this mobilisation and their influence on mainstream representations of wellbeing. Research indicates current representations of wellbeing assign primacy to academic/professional conceptualisations neglecting lay conceptualisations. This thesis examines wellbeing through complementary theoretical and empirical investigations. This responds to a need to explore: the mobilisation of wellbeing through empirical investigation; how and why historical and linguistic factors contribute to this mobilisation; whether this mobilisation is assimilated into lay conceptualisations. This is important given wellbeing is a central focus of international and national healthcare policy, an influential concept in health discourse and widely utilised to underpin health and social care services. Three research strategies were utilised: a synthesis of theoretical evidence; a historical/linguistic contextualisation of wellbeing and qualitative analysis of participant data. Data were collected from existing literature, historical/linguistic sources and semi-structured interviews. Findings illustrated that historical/linguistic associations between wellbeing and personal responsibility have facilitated its mobilisation within a PRA. Findings also identified that participants rarely associated wellbeing with personal responsibility, which was primarily perceived as the responsibility of the state, despite widespread dissemination of agentic representations of wellbeing. Findings suggest that wellbeing has been mobilised within a PRA for governance purposes. This has been achieved primarily through the promulgation of agentic representations of wellbeing. However, findings indicated a disjunction between participant and academic/professional conceptualisations of responsibility for wellbeing. This contributes to the revitalised debate about representations of wellbeing and the division of responsibility for wellbeing between the individual and the state