62,173 research outputs found


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    Dalam penelitian ini, penulis memfokuskan analisisnya pada makna teks tekstual dari teks eksposisi yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris angkatan 2008 di Universitas Diponegoro. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain untuk menjelaskan dan menganalisis jenis-jenis theme, theme dan mood serta thematic structures yang paling sering digunakan pada teks eksposisi yang ditulis oleh mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Inggris angkatan 2008 di Universitas Diponegoro. Selain itu, penulis juga bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial dari tipe teks eksposisi dan mengidentifikasi struktur general teks eksposisi tersebut. Sehingga, pada akhirnya penulis dapat mengetahui bagaimana mahasiswa mengembangkan dan mengorganisir tulisan mereka dalam teks eksposisi agar ide, pendapat dan pesan mereka akan suatu hal dapat tersampaikan pada pembaca. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualintatif dan kuantitatif, karena selain menjelaskan analisis theme-rheme, pengembangan tulisan, fungsi sosial dan struktur general teks eksposisi, penulis juga menghitung frekuensi kemunculan jenis theme, mood dan struktur sehingga dapat diketahui jenis theme, mood dan struktur dominan digunakan pada teks eksposisi. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan metode dokumentasi dengan teknik pancing dimana penulis memberikan tes untuk memancing mahasiswa menuliskan teks eksposisi sehingga penulis memperoleh data yang diharapkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, penulis mengidentifikasikan bahwa topical theme, thematic pada declarative mood dan thematic pada klausa kompleks merupakan jenis theme, mood dan struktur yang paling sering digunakan pada 18 teks eksposisi. Dalam pengembangan teks, metode re-iteration dan pola zig-zag adalah metode yang paling banyak digunakan oleh mahasiswa. Lebih lanjut, penulis dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial 18 teks eksposisi yaitu menyampaikan pandangan maupun pendapat mengenai suatu hal. Dari, kedelapanbelas teks, penulis juga dapat mengidentifikasikan struktur general tipe teks eksposisi; thesis, argument1, argument2, argument3 dan reiteration. Namun, penulis juga menemukan penyimpangan lain pada hasil analisis data. Menurut Martin, conjuctive adjuncts merupakan bentuk textual theme yang paling sering digunakan pada teks eksposisi. Akan tetapi, penulis menemukan bahwa bentuk textual theme yang sering digunakan adalah conjunctions. Hal ini dikarenakan, sebagian besar mahasiswa salah paham dalam penggunaan conjunctions dan conjunctive adjuncts. Dalam penulisan teks eksposisi, textual theme merupakan jenis theme yang memiliki peranan peting dalam menambahkan, membandingkan dan menyusun pendapat serta membuat kesimpulan pada akhir teks eksposisi


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    Newspaper commentaries constitute a part of media discourse, which is a significant area of inquiry in intercultural rhetoric analysis. Through conducting a contrastive textual analysis of newspaper commentaries culled from the English newspapers in the Philippines and Sri Lanka, this paper explored the notions of genre and micro-genre on the 2015 papal visit in the two countries. To set a tertium comparationisin examining the genre-newspaper commentaries on the papal visit, the timeframe was set during the two-week duration of the visit. To investigate the micro-genres employed by the writers, two sets of 15 newspaper commentaries on the visit respectively in the Philippines and Sri Lanka were selected and analyzed. Findings revealed that both Filipino and Sinhalese writers in English newspaper commentaries tended to employ the micro-genre of “media explanatory exposition” more often than other micro-genres, and in terms of rhetorical structures, both of these writers tended to show variation, dynamism, and individuality. Implications for ESL (English as a second language) and EFL (English as a foreign language) teaching are provided in the light of these findings.

    Generic and rhetorical structures of texts : two sides of the same coin?

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    Two major approaches to textual macro-structures have been developed during the last decades: Register & Genre Theory (R&GT) and Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST). Both stress that textual structures co-occur with contextual relations involving social action and subject matter, role structure and symbolic organization. The approaches, however, significantly differ in their conceptions of textual organization. Whereas R&GT conceives of texts as goal-oriented staged (i.e. linearly progressing, while still allowing for prosodic and recursive realizations of stages) interactions, RST conceptualises them as hierarchically structured entities in which certain elements are foregrounded (nuclei) and others are backgrounded (satellites); Based on empirical analyses of Viennese university students' essays, we will discuss in what ways generic and rhetorical organizations of texts relate to each other and what advances a combination of these two approaches may offer for text analysis and text linguistics. Through such a combinatory approach to analyzing texts, it becomes possible to identify systematic patterns of textual features in context (using R&GT) and culturally influenced, semantic coherence relations (using RST). Central to our discussion are issues involving the relation between hierarchical versus linear perspectives on text organization and the relation between cohesion and coherence

    Grammatical properties of pronouns and their representation : an exposition

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    This volume brings together a cross-section of recent research on the grammar and representation of pronouns, centering around the typology of pronominal paradigms, the generation of syntactic and semantic representations for constructions containing pronouns, and the neurological underpinnings for linguistic distinctions that are relevant for the production and interpretation of these constructions. In this introductory chapter we first give an exposition of our topic (section 2). Taking the interpretation of pronouns as a starting point, we discuss the basic parameters of pronominal representations, and draw a general picture of how morphological, semantic, discourse-pragmatic and syntactic aspects come together. In section 3, we sketch the different domains of research that are concerned with these phenomena, and the particular questions they are interested in, and show how the papers in the present volume fit into the picture. Section 4 gives summaries of the individual papers, and a short synopsis of their main points of convergence

    Exploring the interplay of mode of discourse and proficiency level in ESL writing performance

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    Recent theory in discourse and practice in rhetoric has suggested that writers require different skills and strategies when writing for different purposes, and in using different genres and modes (Kinneavy, 1972; Carrell and Connor, 1991) in writing. The importance of taking into account these various aspectual skills and forms of writing is recognised in teaching (e.g. Scarcella and Oxford, 1992), and in the assessment of writing (e.g. Odell and Cooper, 1980). For instance, Odell and Cooper argued that any claims about writing ability cannot be made until students’ performance on a variety of writing tasks has been examined. Thus, the issue of what writing task(s) are to be included in a test is crucial, since a task will be regarded as useless if it does not provide the basis for making generalisations regarding an individual’s writing ability. This paper presents the findings of a study on the effects of mode of discourse on L2 writing performance as well as the interplay between learner variable, namely, proficiency level and task variable, mode of discourse amongst Malaysian upper secondary ESL learners. The findings provide some evidence for the need to re-examine issues of reliability and validity in test practice of manipulating variables in the design of assessment tasks to evaluate ESL writing performance. Given the status and complexity of the writing skill, it stands to reason that studies into this area will continue to shed light onto how best the construct can be understood, taught and tested to give a fair chance for language learners to exhibit their true ability and be reliably reported on


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    The media, a controlling discourse, is presupposed to perform social power of groups that have ability to control the minds of other groups. The practice of this mind control involves more than acquiring beliefs. It encapsulates such specific and/or social dominance and hegemony of scarce social resource like “language” and “culture” (See Van Dijk in Schiffrin, 2001). Since mind control employs the acts, it is argued that Sundaneses’ attitude to their language and culture may be deconstructed by exercising persuasive power of narrator and media based on knowledge, information, and authority. In Rosidi’s article, Urang Sunda di Lingkungan Indonesia, the practice of ideological-hegemony deconstruction itself is conducted concerning to the fact that many Sundaneses become ignorant society. At this point, the paper intends to the research focusing on how such discourse controls mind and action of less powerful groups. Theoretically, recipients tend to accept beliefs, knowledge, and opinion through discourse from what they see as authoritative, trustworthy, and credible sources such as scholars, or reliable media (Nesler et al, 1993). The issue arises out of such particular strategies and function of the structure used in controlling mind. To learn the issue, critical discourse analysis is used. In this study, it is argued that deconstruction of ideological hegemony is executed by providing linguistic structure and communicative events formed by context-social structure and personal and social cognition

    From contrastive rhetoric to intercultural rhetoric: Why intercultural rhetoric needs to reframe the concept of culture

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00