7 research outputs found

    Disciplinarity and Trandisciplinarity in the Study of Knowledge

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    Scholarly inquiry about the nature and significance of knowledge has been shaped by disciplinary traditions and priorities that define “knowledge” differently and result in disconnected literatures. In the mid to late twentieth century, library science educator Jesse Shera sought to bridge the conceptual gap between epistemological and sociological approaches to knowledge in proposing a new discipline he called social epistemology. Around the same time, long-term projects by the economist Fritz Machlup and the physical chemist turned philosopher of science Michael Polanyi did not merely combine existing disciplinary approaches but transcended conventional frameworks for conceptualizing knowledge. These scholars can be viewed in retrospect as bringing to the study of knowledge the germs of a transdisciplinary approach. The concept of transdisciplinarity gained traction only after these authors produced their works and has been applied mainly to scientific and technological topics such as climate change, nanotechnology, and sustainability. However, such an approach is highly applicable in studying the meanings, uses, and roles of knowledge in an environment that has changed with the advent of computer-enabled communication networks. Transdisciplinary accounts of knowledge ought to foster a dialogue between liberal arts and applied, client-oriented disciplines

    Disciplinarity and Trandisciplinarity in the Study of Knowledge

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    Scholarly inquiry about the nature and significance of knowledge has been shaped by disciplinary traditions and priorities that define “knowledge” differently and result in disconnected literatures. In the mid to late twentieth century, library science educator Jesse Shera sought to bridge the conceptual gap between epistemological and sociological approaches to knowledge in proposing a new discipline he called social epistemology. Around the same time, long-term projects by the economist Fritz Machlup and the physical chemist turned philosopher of science Michael Polanyi did not merely combine existing disciplinary approaches but transcended conventional frameworks for conceptualizing knowledge. These scholars can be viewed in retrospect as bringing to the study of knowledge the germs of a transdisciplinary approach. The concept of transdisciplinarity gained traction only after these authors produced their works and has been applied mainly to scientific and technological topics such as climate change, nanotechnology, and sustainability. However, such an approach is highly applicable in studying the meanings, uses, and roles of knowledge in an environment that has changed with the advent of computer-enabled communication networks. Transdisciplinary accounts of knowledge ought to foster a dialogue between liberal arts and applied, client-oriented disciplines


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    У статті розглядаються наукові підходи до трактування поняття «освітнє середовище» у системі професійно-технічної освіти. Визначаються характеристики і джерела інноваційного освітнього середовища ПТНЗ. Обґрунтовується актуальність створення мультилінгвального виробничого середовища для професійно-технічних закладів західного регіону України. Досліджуються особливості мультилінгвального навчально-виробничого середовища у системі ПТНЗ. Презентується авторський підхід до організації навчального процесу у професійному училищі – мультилінгвальне навчально-виробниче проектування. Ідентифікується поняття «навчально-виробниче проектування». Визначається його триєдина мета. Встановлюються категоріальні ознаки, обґрунтовується доцільність імплементації та визначаються трансдисциплінарні характеристики мультилінгвального навчально-виробничого проектування у ПТНЗ західного регіону України. Описуються особливості організаційного менеджменту такого типу проектування. Прогнозується доцільність перспективи дослідження впливу аудиторного простору на формування трансдисциплінарного мультилінгвального навчально -виробничого середовища/The article under review deals with the problem of innovative educational environment in the sphere of vocational schools and professional colleges. The author investigates the concept of transdisciplinarity and its didactic potential when applied to multilingual projects sporadically implemented in the educational environment of vocational schools. It is stated that when studying multiple levels of vocational curriculum, professional realization, language communication reality simultaneously, transdisciplinary work provides an intriguing potential to invigorate scholarly and scientific inquiry both in and outside specific educational environment of vocational schools.The paper introduces a new approach to educational process organization – a transdisciplinary multilingual project. As it dares to be a new type of project in a present day project classification, scientific understanding of this innovative phenomenon is needed. Numerous theoretical investigations and practical observations prove the idea that multilingual group projects have different advantages. Group projects cover broader problems, they are more likely to reach an integration of the results from different sub-problems. In case of foreign language learning through industrial training the author presents the idea of combining basic characteristics of transdisciplinarity, foreign language learning methodology, projectivity, students’ institutional practice and industrial training to reach a number of didactic objectives. The paper makes an attempt to justify the idea that a transdisciplinary multilingual project meets the requirements of the innovative educational environment whereas a target foreign language is not an end in itself but an instrument of transdisciplinary educational goals achievement. In order to distinguish transdisciplinary multilingual projects in the educational environment of vocational schools, the paper includes their description, theoretical justification of their practical value, and didactic expediency. The paper shows that the above stated transdisciplinary approach to organize multilingual projects at vocational schools and professional colleges provokes intellectual lability, zest for professional and language learning enhancement, to say nothing about new experiments in the field of teaching foreign languages for professional purposes

    Interdisciplinaridade na Social Web: uma contribuição das mídias sociais

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    In this work, some fundamental topics of interdisciplinary thought are discussed, besides presenting two elementary theories, namely: general systems theory and second-order cybernetic theory. Such theoretical approach had the purpose of briefly explaining the main topics founding interdisciplinarity in order to clarify the importance of both thinking and the holistic attitude of humanity. Subsequently, the discussion regarding the social media currently available was held. The researchers explained about the potential for collaboration, interaction, socialization and sharing of data, information and knowledge via technological devices. Aiming to present the similarities of the two areas, this bibliographical research assumed a theoretical character, with a qualitative and exploratory approach, which pointed towards the understanding of current media as practical applications of systemic and interdisciplinary thinking. Topics such as interaction, feedback, homeostasis and equifinality were observed within the presented outline, which leads to the conclusion of the belonging of social media within the interdisciplinary spectrum. The principles brought by Bertalanffy and Foerster are present in the dynamics of Social Web and can be clearly observed in social media. Such resources are also seen as mediators of specific ecosystems and potential arenas for the creation, organization and sharing of information and knowledge; Collaboration and interaction are fundamental parts when it comes to the experience of a community to create a favorable context for sharing and creating new information and knowledge.Neste trabalho discutem-se alguns tópicos fundantes do pensamento interdisciplinar além de apresentar duas teorias elementares, a saber: a teoria geral de sistemas e a teoria cibernética de segunda ordem. Tal recorte teórico teve o propósito de explanar de forma resumida sobre os principais tópicos fundantes da interdisciplinaridade para aclarar a importância tanto do pensamento quanto da atitude holística da humanidade. Posteriormente foi realizada a discussão relativa às mídias sociais disponibilizadas atualmente. Os pesquisadores explanaram acerca do potencial de colaboração, interação, socialização e compartilhamento de dados, informações e conhecimentos via aparatos tecnológicos. Objetivando apresentar as similitudes das duas áreas, esta pesquisa bibliográfica assumiu um caráter teórico, de abordagem qualitativa e exploratória, que apontou no sentido do entendimento das mídias atuais como aplicações práticas do pensamento sistêmico e interdisciplinar. Tópicos como a interação, a retroação, a homeostasia e a equifinalidade foram observados dentro do recorte apresentado, o que leva à conclusão da pertença das mídias sociais dentro do espectro interdisciplinar. Os princípios trazidos por Bertalanffy e Foerster estão presentes na dinâmica da Web 2.0 e podem ser claramente observados nas mídias sociais. Tais recursos são vislumbrados, ainda, como mediadores de ecossistemas específicos e potenciais arenas para criação, organização e compartilhamento de informações e conhecimentos; a colaboração e a interação, são peças fundamentais no que tange à vivência de uma comunidade para criar um contexto favorável à partilha e criação de novas informações e conhecimentos

    A gestão do conhecimento rumo a uma abordagem holística

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    Há um expressivo número de modelos de Gestão do Conhecimento; no entanto não há um modelo amplamente aceito. Isso pode ser derivado da complexidade inerente a Gestão do Conhecimento e ao ambiente organizacional. Todavia, é salientada a necessidade de um modelo que seja unificador e que aborde a Gestão do Conhecimento de forma holística, mas as caraterísticas que devem ser consideradas para essa abordagem ainda não foram consolidadas. Assim, esse estudo se propõe a investigar quais aspectos deveriam ser contemplados em novos modelos de GC rumo a uma abordagem holística. Por um percurso metodológico qualitativo de natureza exploratória e com técnica de pesquisa bibliográfica, essa pesquisa apresenta por resultados a síntese desses aspectos, alicerçados em três perspectivas: limitações dos modelos existentes, lacunas e teorias de suporte à Gestão do Conhecimento. Por limitação se tem que esses aspectos não foram validados junto a especialistas, sendo essa uma sugestão de pesquisa futura, bem como o desenvolvimento de um modelo de Gestão do Conhecimento que apreenda todos esses aspectos. Esse estudo contribui por delinear aspectos a serem contemplados em modelos de Gestão do Conhecimento holísticos de forma a permitir que essa temática considere toda a complexidade inerente ao ambiente organizacional