77,793 research outputs found

    Perceived Ability to Practice in Disaster Management Among Public Health Nurses in Aceh, Indonesia

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    Background: The increasing number of disaster events around the world has challenged every country to develop better disaster-management strategies. As a part of healthcare system, public health nurses (PHNs) should be involved in caring for people in disasters. Currently, there is no known study whether PHNs of Aceh, Indonesia, working with community people who are at high risk of confronting natural disasters, are able to perform their roles and functions regarding disaster management. Methods: 252 PHNs from twenty-seven public health centers in Aceh were studied during November to December 2010 to evaluate their perceived ability to practice regarding disaster management at each disaster phase: preparedness, response, and recovery phase. The perceived ability to practice was assessed by using the 30-statement, five-point Likert-scale (0-4) of Public Health Nurses' Perceived Ability to Practice Regarding Disaster Management Questionnaire (PHNPP-DMQ). The composite scores of each phase and the total score were calculated and transformed to percentage for ease of presentation across disaster phases.Results: Overall, the PHNs' perceived ability to practice regarding disaster management in Aceh was at a moderate level (M=74.57%, SD=13.27). The highest mean score was for the recovery phase (M=78%), and the lowest mean score was in the preparedness phase (66.15%).Conclusion: The finding of this study evokes challenges to the local government of Aceh province to further prepare PHNs to increase their ability in disaster management

    Gardner-Webb University School of Divinity Collecting Supplies for S.C. Flood Victims

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    Nineteen people lost their lives. More than 300 people are living in disaster recovery centers because their homes were destroyed. Thousands more have begun costly clean up efforts, and more than 37,000 people have registered for disaster assistance from FEMA.https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/gardner-webb-newscenter-archive/2097/thumbnail.jp

    Public Libraries Worked in the Tohoku Mega-disaster

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    Public libraries play important roles during disaster recovery, even when other government actors fail. Libraries are centers of local information and have local knowledge. Patrons, as well as government agencies and NGOs, benefit from public libraries’ local grounding. Along with their local communities, many public libraries in the Tohoku region of Japan were severely damaged in the earthquake and tsunami of 3.11.2011. The nuclear accident in Fukushima following the tsunami meant that libraries in the evacuated zone were abandoned. Disaster recovery is difficult to handle and few success stories are found. Studies show that where other public services have failed, public libraries have been successful in disaster recovery. The literature on the role of libraries in disaster recovery is scant and only a few cases have been studied, all in the USA. This three-case study shows that libraries worked, that is, library services were offered and were helpful in areas where libraries had been completely demolished in the Japanese prefectures of Iwate and Miyagi

    Disaster recovery best practices for Dominican Republic’s contact center

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    Contact Centers are an important growing industry in the Dominican Republic which provides employment, foreign exchange and exposition of the country on the international market. The international competition requires standardization of the systems and processes to be in compliance with international requirements. One of the important elements to be validated is Disaster Recovery planning because of the exposures of the Dominican Republic to events that may affect the continuity of service that Contact Centers must provide to customers and clients. In this paper an analysis is elaborated about the risks that the Dominican Republic encounters for disastrous events and a set of best practices are summarized to help a Contact Center to be prepared for incidents and design their own Disaster Recovery Plan

    Development Of Planning Support System For Urban Rehabilitation And Reconstruction In Case Sidoarjo Mud Flow Post Disaster

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    Sidoarjo mud disaster impact that has lasted more than 3 years are very influential on other aspects of life in Porong and surrounding areas. The need for information systems that can inform the public about the catastrophic conditions is absolutely necessary. In previous research has established a disaster management information system that is treated with the approach to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) consisting of the phases of mitigation, evacuation and warning his own. Mitigation system that was built covering the field of catastrophe risk modeling using network analysis, mapping mudguard embankment area, information about alternative routes and other public facilities information. Evacuation system provides information on areas that can be used as an evacuation site if a disaster occurs, such as health centers and referral hospitals and information about the stages of evacuation if the disaster occurs. Early warning system that allows agencies related to the Sidoarjo Mud Mitigation Agency (BPLS) provide information directly via WEB and SMS that can be accessed by the public via the WEB and SMS. Mitigation system that was built covering the field of catastrophe risk modeling using network analysis, mapping mudguard embankment area, information about alternative routes and other public facilities information. Evacuation system provides information on areas that can be used as an evacuation site if a disaster occurs, such as health centers and referral hospitals and information about the stages of evacuation if the disaster occurs. Early warning system that allows agencies related to the Sidoarjo Mud Mitigation Agency (BPLS) provide information directly via WEB and SMS that can be accessed by the public via the WEB and SMS. Mitigation system that was built covering the field of catastrophe risk modeling using network analysis, mapping mudguard embankment area, information about alternative routes and other public facilities information. Evacuation system provides information on areas that can be used as an evacuation site if a disaster occurs, such as health centers and referral hospitals and information about the stages of evacuation if the disaster occurs. Early warning system that allows agencies related to the Sidoarjo Mud Mitigation Agency (BPLS) provide information directly via WEB and SMS that can be accessed by the public via the WEB and SMS. The next stage is the stage of recovery. To that end, the research platform designed with integrated GIS Decision Systems (DSS) for regional development planning. Platform that includes a planned relocation of the transportation system and the relocation industry. Relocation of industrial zones by the method of analytical hierarchy process to produce recommendations relocate industrial park. Modeling facility relocation alternative transport route network transformation results

    Resilience and Coping for the Healthcare Community: A Post-disaster Group Work Intervention for Healthcare and Social Service Providers

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    Healthcare and social service providers play a critical role in supporting children, families and communities immediately after a disaster and throughout the recovery process. These providers, who may have also experienced the disaster and related losses, are among the least likely to receive mental health or psychological support which can result in burnout, secondary traumatic stress, depression and anxiety. Accessible psychosocial interventions designed for healthcare and social service providers in the aftermath of a disaster are therefore critical to recovery and to ensure providers are available to support families after future disasters. The purpose of this article is to describe Resilience and Coping for the Healthcare Community (RCHC), a manualized group work intervention for social service and health care providers who have provided care to children, families, and communities after a natural disaster. RCHC is currently being delivered in response to Hurricanes Harvey and Maria, storms that struck the gulf coast of the United States and the island of Puerto Rico in 2017. RCHC has also been used in the areas affected by Hurricane Sandy (New York and New Jersey), in Shreveport, Louisiana following severe flooding and in Saipan after a Typhoon devastated the island. Healthcare and social service providers who have received RCHC include the staff of Federally Qualified Health Centers and other community clinics, Disaster Case Managers, Child Care Providers, Mental Health Providers and First Responders. The health and wellbeing of these providers directly impacts their ability to provide quality care to families in their communities. This article presents the theoretical foundations of the RCHC intervention, describes the intervention in detail, provides a description of early and ongoing evaluation studies, and discusses the conditions for both implementation of RCHC and training of RCHC providers. The RCHC psychoeducational intervention provides education on, and strategies for, acute, chronic and post-traumatic stress, coping, and resilience, tailored for the needs of the helping professions. Through the use of individual and collective processing, healthcare and social service providers participating in RCHC develop both individual and collective coping plans. Considering the short and long-term impacts of disasters on communities’ essential healthcare and social service workforce, interventions like RCHC stand to provide essential benefits, including retention and wellbeing of providers of family services

    Ports in a Storm: The Role of the Public Library in Times of Crisis

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    This article will provide you with guidance on how to prepare your library to respond a disaster, as well as, how to resume providing services to the public as quickly as possible in the aftermath of a local or regional crisis. You will learn how libraries contribute to community resiliency by providing a safe haven and needed services after a disaster that allow people and local businesses to begin to put their shattered lives back together and resume normal activities. Recent natural and manmade catastrophes have highlighted the important role public libraries play in enhancing their community’s resiliency and post-disaster recovery efforts. Many community leaders and emergency responders now view libraries as disaster recovery and technology communication centers, recognizing the role of librarians as “Information First Responders.” This article will help your library embrace this new role as an essential community service that quickly enables people to get back to work, back to their lives, and ensure recovery of the community’s economic life after a disaster. Learn what you need to do to prepare your facility and staff before disaster strikes. You will be introduced to the New Jersey State Library’s Disaster Preparedness & Community Resiliency Toolkit, which is a unique resource created by both librarians and emergency responders. Your library can be at the forefront in providing a safe haven in times of crisis, and helping your community return to normal life when you prepare in advance, and understand the essential and critical role libraries play in the resiliency of community life

    Sandy Regional Assembly Recovery Agenda

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    On January 26, 2013, nearly 200 participants representing over 40 community, environmental justice, labor and civic groups from across New York City, New Jersey and Long Island -- from the neighborhoods most impacted by Superstorm Sandy, and most vulnerable to future storm surges convened the Sandy Regional Assembly to strategize how government officials should implement a Sandy rebuilding program.In April 2013, these groups presented their Sandy Regional Assembly Recovery Agenda -- the first regional grassroots Sandy rebuilding and resiliency plan. The Recovery Agenda was a mix of suggested capital projects and policy recommendations, designed to advance 3 goals:Integrate regional rebuilding efforts with local resiliency priorities;Strengthen vulnerable communities & reduce public health threats, andExpand community-based climate change planning, disaster preparedness & response
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