886 research outputs found

    Unified Direct-Flux Vector Control for AC Motor Drives

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    The paper introduces a Unified Direct-Flux Vector Control scheme suitable for sinusoidal AC motor drives. The AC drives considered here are Induction Motor, Synchronous Reluctance and synchronous Permanent Magnet motor drives, including Interior and Surface-mounted Permanent Magnet types. The proposed controller operates in stator flux coordinates: the stator flux amplitude is directly controlled by the direct voltage component, while the torque is controlled by regulating the quadrature current component. The unified direct-flux control is particularly convenient when flux-weakening is required, since it easily guarantees maximum torque production under current and voltage limitations. The hardware for control is standard and the control firmware is the same for all the motors under test with the only exception of the magnetic model used for flux estimation at low speed. Experimental results on four different drives are provided, showing the validity of the proposed unified control approac

    Impact of the motor magnetic model on direct flux vector control of interior PM motors

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    The stator-field-oriented, direct-flux vector control has been proven to be effective in terms of linear torque control and model independent performance at limited voltage and current (i.e. in flux weakening) for AC drives of various types. The performance of the direct-flux vector control relies on the accuracy of the flux estimation, as for any field oriented control. The knowledge of the motor magnetic model is critical for flux estimation when the operating at low speed. This paper addresses the effects of a limited knowledge of the motor model on the performance of the control at low speed, for an Interior Permanent Magnet motor drive. Experimental results are give

    Direct Flux Field Oriented Control of IPM Drives with Variable DC-Link in the Field-Weakening Region

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    This paper presents the direct flux control of an interior permanent-magnet (IPM) motor drive in the field-weakening region. The output torque is regulated by the coordinated control of the stator flux amplitude and the current component in quadrature with the flux, and it is implemented in the stator flux reference frame. The control system guarantees maximum torque production taking into account voltage and current limits, in particular in case of large dc-link variations. The field-oriented control does not necessarily require an accurate magnetic model of the IPM motor, and it is able to exploit the full inverter voltage at different dc-link levels with no additional voltage control loop. The feasibility of the proposed control method is investigated in discrete-time simulation, then tested on a laboratory rig, and finally implemented on board of an electric scooter prototype. The motor under test is an IPM permanent-magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance machine, with high-saliency and limited permanent-magnet flu

    Comparison of Induction and PM Synchronous motor drives for EV application including design examples

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    Three different motor drives for electric traction are compared, in terms of output power and efficiency at the same stack dimensions and inverter size. Induction motor (IM), surface-mounted permanent-magnet (PM) (SPM), and interior PM (IPM) synchronous motor drives are investigated, with reference to a common vehicle specification. The IM is penalized by the cage loss, but it is less expensive and inherently safe in case of inverter unwilled turnoff due to natural de-excitation. The SPM motor has a simple construction and shorter end connections, but it is penalized by eddy-current loss at high speed, has a very limited transient overload power, and has a high uncontrolled generator voltage. The IPM motor shows the better performance compromise, but it might be more complicated to be manufactured. Analytical relationships are first introduced and then validated on three example designs and finite element calculated, accounting for core saturation, harmonic losses, the effects of skewing, and operating temperature. The merits and limitations of the three solutions are quantified comprehensively and summarized by the calculation of the energy consumption over the standard New European Driving Cycl

    Performance comparison between Surface Mounted and Interior PM motor drives for Electric Vehicle application

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    Electric Vehicles make use of permanent magnet synchronous traction motors for their high torque density and efficiency. A comparison between interior permanent magnet (IPM) and surface mounted permanent magnet (SPM) motors is carried out, in terms of performance at given inverter ratings. The results of the analysis, based on a simplified analytical model and confirmed by FE analysis, show that the two motors have similar rated power but that the SPM motor has barely no overload capability, independently of the available inverter current. Moreover the loss behavior of the two motors is rather different in the various operating ranges with the SPM one better at low speed due to short end connections but penalized at high speed by the need of a significant de-excitation current. The analysis is validated through finite-element simulation of two actual motor design

    Magnetic Modelling of Synchronous Reluctance and Internal Permanent Magnet Motors Using Radial Basis Function Networks

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    The general trend toward more intelligent energy-aware ac drives is driving the development of new motor topologies and advanced model-based control techniques. Among the candidates, pure reluctance and anisotropic permanent magnet motors are gaining popularity, despite their complex structure. The availability of accurate mathematical models that describe these motors is essential to the design of any model-based advanced control. This paper focuses on the relations between currents and flux linkages, which are obtained through innovative radial basis function neural networks. These special drive-oriented neural networks take as inputs the motor voltages and currents, returning as output the motor flux linkages, inclusive of any nonlinearity and cross-coupling effect. The theoretical foundations of the radial basis function networks, the design hints, and a commented series of experimental results on a real laboratory prototype are included in this paper. The simple structure of the neural network fits for implementation on standard drives. The online training and tracking will be the next steps in field programmable gate array based control systems

    Cross-Saturation Effects in IPM Motors and Related Impact on Sensorless Control

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    Permanent-magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motors are well suited to zero-speed sensorless control because of their inherently salient behavior. However, the cross-saturation effect can lead to large errors on the position estimate, which is based on the differential anisotropy. These errors are quantified in this paper as a function of the working point. The errors that are calculated are then found to be in good accordance with the purposely obtained experimental measurement