13 research outputs found

    Direct off-line robot programming via a common CAD package

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    This paper focuses on intuitive and direct off-line robot programming from a CAD drawing running on a common 3-D CAD package. It explores the most suitable way to represent robot motion in a CAD drawing, how to automatically extract such motion data from the drawing, make the mapping of data from the virtual (CAD model) to the real environment and the process of automatic generation of robot paths/programs. In summary, this study aims to present a novel CAD-based robot programming system accessible to anyone with basic knowledge of CAD and robotics. Experiments on different manipulation tasks show the effectiveness and versatility of the proposed approach

    Testing of adhesive spray painting with robot

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    Cilj je ovoga rada određivanje odgovarajućih parametara za raspršivanje adheziva korištenih u industriji uz primjenu robota. Korišten je robot ABB IRB 1600 u neeksplozivnom okruženju. Adheziv se oslobađao iz tlačne posude i nanosio raspršivačem Krautzberger RA5. U radu se daje detaljan opis dijagrama za automatsko spajanje pištolja za bojenje. Rezultati pojedinačnih testova dani su u tablicama, a ovisnosti pojedinih parametara prikazane su u grafikonima. Ovisno o količini nanesenog mlaza, najbolji uzorci su ocijenjeni u skladu s preporukama proizvođača adheziva.This article aims at setting appropriate parameters for robotic spraying of adhesives used in industry. The robot ABB IRB 1600 was used in a non-explosive environment. The adhesive was dispensed from pressure sweat and applied by a Krautzberger RA5 spray head. The article describes a detailed diagram for automatic connection of a painting gun. The results of the individual tests are shown in the tables and the dependencies of the individual parameters are described in the graphs. Depending on the amount of spray applied, the best samples are evaluated according to the adhesive manufacturer\u27s recommendations

    Machining-based coverage path planning for automated structural inspection

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    The automation of robotically delivered nondestructive evaluation inspection shares many aims with traditional manufacture machining. This paper presents a new hardware and software system for automated thickness mapping of large-scale areas, with multiple obstacles, by employing computer-aided drawing (CAD)/computer-aided manufacturing (CAM)-inspired path planning to implement control of a novel mobile robotic thickness mapping inspection vehicle. A custom postprocessor provides the necessary translation from CAM numeric code through robotic kinematic control to combine and automate the overall process. The generalized steps to implement this approach for any mobile robotic platform are presented herein and applied, in this instance, to a novel thickness mapping crawler. The inspection capabilities of the system were evaluated on an indoor mock-inspection scenario, within a motion tracking cell, to provide quantitative performance figures for positional accuracy. Multiple thickness defects simulating corrosion features on a steel sample plate were combined with obstacles to be avoided during the inspection. A minimum thickness mapping error of 0.21 mm and a mean path error of 4.41 mm were observed for a 2 m² carbon steel sample of 10-mm nominal thickness. The potential of this automated approach has benefits in terms of repeatability of area coverage, obstacle avoidance, and reduced path overlap, all of which directly lead to increased task efficiency and reduced inspection time of large structural assets

    The Systematic Design of Industrial Products through Design Archetypes: An Application on Mechanical Transmissions

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    Engineering design is a knowledge intensive activity for both new and mature technical systems, such as mechanical transmissions. However, design knowledge is often transferred with conservative and unstructured approaches, although knowledge management would be of the utmost importance for modern industries. In this work, we introduce a design tool, called design archetype, for collecting and managing knowledge in systematic design processes. The design archetype addresses input design requirements for different design concepts, therefore, improving awareness of the design process by interactively modifying the design solution due to different input requirements. Finally, the design archetype updates the parameters of a first embodiment computer-aided design model of the concept. A method for the development of design archetypes is presented and applied to two case studies of mechanical transmission subassemblies. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of a systematic design method based on design archetypes stored in the company database

    Development of a methodology for the human-robot interaction based on vision systems for collaborative robotics

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    Programação off-line de robôs industriais através de CAD para operações de inspeção

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    Atualmente a indústria manufatureira, está a experienciar uma mudança de paradigma e cada vez mais a opinião do cliente é valorizada. Como tal, os produtos podem ter um elevado grau de customização. Assim, as empresas para se tornarem competitivas no mercado, devem ser capazes de se adaptar às mudanças, bem como os seus sistemas de produção. Então os robôs industriais desempenham um papel fundamental neste novo paradigma industrial, por serem máquinas extremamente versáteis e fáceis de reprogramar. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo capaz de programar, de modo off-line, um robô industrial para que este inspecione uma peça utilizando uma sonda de correntes induzidas. Assim, foi desenvolvida uma interface gráfica baseada num ficheiro Computer-Aided Design (CAD), contendo a representação da peça a inspecionar. Este algoritmo permite a geração da trajetória sobre as superfícies da peça, sendo possível simulá-la em ambiente virtual. A solução desenvolvida permite ainda a geração de ficheiros de programação para um robô Kuka possibilitando a execução da trajetória em ambiente real. Em suma, pretende-se que a interface desenvolvida, possa auxiliar não só em ações de investigação, mas também na laboração em Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs), tornando-as mais competitivas no mercado.Currently, the industry is experiencing a paradigm shift, no longer considering large-scale production and focusing on the customized product. Thus, as companies to become competitive in the market, they must be able to adapt to changes, as well as their production systems. So, industrial robots play a key role in this new industrial paradigm, as they are extremely versatile and easy to reprogram. The main objective of the dissertation is the development of an algorithm capable of offline programming an industrial robot to inspect a part using an Eddy Currents probe. Thus, a graphical interface based on a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) file that contains the part to be analyzed was developed. This algorithm allows the generation of the trajectory over the parts surfaces, being possible to simulate it in a virtual environment. The developed solution also allows the generation of files with the necessary information to perform the trajectory in a real environment using a Kuka robot. In short, it is intended that a developed interface can help not only in research actions, but also in working in Small and Medium Enterprises, making them more competitive in the market

    Aplicação Robotizada de Fibras com Programação Rápida do Manipulador e Controlo de Qualidade

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    Este trabalho consiste num sistema robotizado para complementar o processo de enrolamento filamentar CNC convencional, a fim de fabricar estruturas multiorifícios, garantir a fiabilidade e reprodutibilidade da posição com as trajectórias predefinidas, garantir a optimização estrutural e de processo, bem como permitir a colocação de fibras curvas com trajectórias complexas. Uma segunda abordagem da aplicação robotizada de fibras é a aplicação por projecção com ensinamento por demonstração do manipulador e/ou programação baseada em CAD que permite a produção de laminados com formas complexas. Paralelamente, um sistema robotizado, dotado de visão artificial para o controlo de qualidade garante espessuras mínimas aquando da deposição automática e detecta a necessidade de reforços localizados