4,457 research outputs found

    Arbitrary state controlled-unitary gate by adiabatic passage

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    We propose a robust scheme involving atoms fixed in an optical cavity to directly implement the universal controlled-unitary gate. The present technique based on adiabatic passage uses novel dark states well suited for the controlled-rotation operation. We show that these dark states allow the robust implementation of a gate that is a generalisation of the controlled-unitary gate to the case where the control qubit can be selected to be an arbitrary state. This gate has potential applications to the rapid implementation of quantum algorithms such as of the projective measurement algorithm. This process is decoherence-free since excited atomic states and cavity modes are not populated during the dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum State Preparation by Controlled Dissipation in Finite Time: From Classical to Quantum Controllers

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    We propose a general scheme for dissipatively preparing arbitrary pure quantum states on a multipartite qubit register in a finite number of basic control blocks. Our "splitting-subspace" approach relies on control resources that are available in a number of scalable quantum technologies (complete unitary control on the target system, an ancillary resettable qubit and controlled-not gates between the target and the ancilla), and can be seen as a "quantum-controller" implementation of a sequence of classical feedback loops. We show how a large degree of flexibility exists in engineering the required conditional operations, and make explicit contact with a stabilization protocol used for dissipative quantum state preparation and entanglement generation in recent experiments with trapped ions.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to CDC 201

    Exact two-qubit universal quantum circuit

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    We provide an analytic way to implement any arbitrary two-qubit unitary operation, given an entangling two-qubit gate together with local gates. This is shown to provide explicit construction of a universal quantum circuit that exactly simulates arbitrary two-qubit operations in SU(4). Each block in this circuit is given in a closed form solution. We also provide a uniform upper bound of the applications of the given entangling gates, and find that exactly half of all the Controlled-Unitary gates satisfy the same upper bound as the CNOT gate. These results allow for the efficient implementation of operations in SU(4) required for both quantum computation and quantum simulation.Comment: 5 page

    Quantum Algorithm Implementations for Beginners

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    As quantum computers become available to the general public, the need has arisen to train a cohort of quantum programmers, many of whom have been developing classical computer programs for most of their careers. While currently available quantum computers have less than 100 qubits, quantum computing hardware is widely expected to grow in terms of qubit count, quality, and connectivity. This review aims to explain the principles of quantum programming, which are quite different from classical programming, with straightforward algebra that makes understanding of the underlying fascinating quantum mechanical principles optional. We give an introduction to quantum computing algorithms and their implementation on real quantum hardware. We survey 20 different quantum algorithms, attempting to describe each in a succinct and self-contained fashion. We show how these algorithms can be implemented on IBM's quantum computer, and in each case, we discuss the results of the implementation with respect to differences between the simulator and the actual hardware runs. This article introduces computer scientists, physicists, and engineers to quantum algorithms and provides a blueprint for their implementations

    Fault-tolerant quantum computation with cluster states

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    The one-way quantum computing model introduced by Raussendorf and Briegel [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (22), 5188-5191 (2001)] shows that it is possible to quantum compute using only a fixed entangled resource known as a cluster state, and adaptive single-qubit measurements. This model is the basis for several practical proposals for quantum computation, including a promising proposal for optical quantum computation based on cluster states [M. A. Nielsen, arXiv:quant-ph/0402005, accepted to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.]. A significant open question is whether such proposals are scalable in the presence of physically realistic noise. In this paper we prove two threshold theorems which show that scalable fault-tolerant quantum computation may be achieved in implementations based on cluster states, provided the noise in the implementations is below some constant threshold value. Our first threshold theorem applies to a class of implementations in which entangling gates are applied deterministically, but with a small amount of noise. We expect this threshold to be applicable in a wide variety of physical systems. Our second threshold theorem is specifically adapted to proposals such as the optical cluster-state proposal, in which non-deterministic entangling gates are used. A critical technical component of our proofs is two powerful theorems which relate the properties of noisy unitary operations restricted to act on a subspace of state space to extensions of those operations acting on the entire state space.Comment: 31 pages, 54 figure

    Randomized Benchmarking of Multi-Qubit Gates

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    As experimental platforms for quantum information processing continue to mature, characterization of the quality of unitary gates that can be applied to their quantum bits (qubits) becomes essential. Eventually, the quality must be sufficiently high to support arbitrarily long quantum computations. Randomized benchmarking already provides a platform-independent method for assessing the quality of one-qubit rotations. Here we describe an extension of this method to multi-qubit gates. We provide a platform-independent protocol for evaluating the performance of experimental Clifford unitaries, which form the basis of fault-tolerant quantum computing. We implemented the benchmarking protocol with trapped-ion two-qubit phase gates and one-qubit gates and found an error per random two-qubit Clifford unitary of 0.162±0.0080.162 \pm 0.008, thus setting the first benchmark for such unitaries. By implementing a second set of sequences with an extra two-qubit phase gate at each step, we extracted an error per phase gate of 0.069±0.0170.069 \pm 0.017. We conducted these experiments with movable, sympathetically cooled ions in a multi-zone Paul trap - a system that can in principle be scaled to larger numbers of ions.Comment: Corrected description of parallel single-qubit benchmark experiment. Results unchange

    Linear optics quantum Toffoli and Fredkin gates

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    We design linear optics multiqubit quantum logic gates. We assume the traditional encoding of a qubit onto state of a single photon in two modes (e.g. spatial or polarization). We suggest schemes allowing direct probabilistic realization of the fundamental Toffoli and Fredkin gates without resorting to a sequence of single- and two-qubit gates. This yields more compact schemes and potentially reduces the number of ancilla photons. The proposed setups involve passive linear optics, sources of auxiliary single photons or maximally entangled pairs of photons, and single-photon detectors. In particular, we propose an interferometric implementation of the Toffoli gate in the coincidence basis, which does not require any ancilla photons and is experimentally feasible with current technology.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX

    Ancilla-Driven Universal Quantum Computation

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    We propose a method of manipulating a quantum register remotely with the help of a single ancilla that steers the evolution of the register. The fully controlled ancilla qubit is coupled to the computational register solely via a fixed unitary two-qubit interaction, E, and then measured in suitable bases. We characterize all interactions E that induce a unitary, step-wise deterministic measurement back-action on the register sufficient to implement any arbitrary quantum channel. Our scheme offers significant experimental advantages for implementing computations, preparing states and performing generalized measurements as no direct control of the register is required.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Majorana-based fermionic quantum computation

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    Because Majorana zero modes store quantum information non-locally, they are protected from noise, and have been proposed as a building block for a quantum computer. We show how to use the same protection from noise to implement universal fermionic quantum computation. Our architecture requires only two Majoranas to encode a fermionic quantum degree of freedom, compared to alternative implementations which require a minimum of four Majoranas for a spin quantum degree of freedom. The fermionic degrees of freedom support both unitary coupled cluster variational quantum eigensolver and quantum phase estimation algorithms, proposed for quantum chemistry simulations. Because we avoid the Jordan-Wigner transformation, our scheme has a lower overhead for implementing both of these algorithms, and the simulation of Trotterized Hubbard Hamiltonian in O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) time per unitary step. We finally demonstrate magic state distillation in our fermionic architecture, giving a universal set of topologically protected fermionic quantum gates.Comment: 4 pages + 4 page appendix, 4 figures, 2 table