22 research outputs found

    Unit Interval Editing is Fixed-Parameter Tractable

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    Given a graph~GG and integers k1k_1, k2k_2, and~k3k_3, the unit interval editing problem asks whether GG can be transformed into a unit interval graph by at most k1k_1 vertex deletions, k2k_2 edge deletions, and k3k_3 edge additions. We give an algorithm solving this problem in time 2O(klogk)(n+m)2^{O(k\log k)}\cdot (n+m), where k:=k1+k2+k3k := k_1 + k_2 + k_3, and n,mn, m denote respectively the numbers of vertices and edges of GG. Therefore, it is fixed-parameter tractable parameterized by the total number of allowed operations. Our algorithm implies the fixed-parameter tractability of the unit interval edge deletion problem, for which we also present a more efficient algorithm running in time O(4k(n+m))O(4^k \cdot (n + m)). Another result is an O(6k(n+m))O(6^k \cdot (n + m))-time algorithm for the unit interval vertex deletion problem, significantly improving the algorithm of van 't Hof and Villanger, which runs in time O(6kn6)O(6^k \cdot n^6).Comment: An extended abstract of this paper has appeared in the proceedings of ICALP 2015. Update: The proof of Lemma 4.2 has been completely rewritten; an appendix is provided for a brief overview of related graph classe

    Subclasses of Normal Helly Circular-Arc Graphs

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    A Helly circular-arc model M = (C,A) is a circle C together with a Helly family \A of arcs of C. If no arc is contained in any other, then M is a proper Helly circular-arc model, if every arc has the same length, then M is a unit Helly circular-arc model, and if there are no two arcs covering the circle, then M is a normal Helly circular-arc model. A Helly (resp. proper Helly, unit Helly, normal Helly) circular-arc graph is the intersection graph of the arcs of a Helly (resp. proper Helly, unit Helly, normal Helly) circular-arc model. In this article we study these subclasses of Helly circular-arc graphs. We show natural generalizations of several properties of (proper) interval graphs that hold for some of these Helly circular-arc subclasses. Next, we describe characterizations for the subclasses of Helly circular-arc graphs, including forbidden induced subgraphs characterizations. These characterizations lead to efficient algorithms for recognizing graphs within these classes. Finally, we show how do these classes of graphs relate with straight and round digraphs.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figures. A previous version of the paper (entitled Proper Helly Circular-Arc Graphs) appeared at WG'0

    Certifying Induced Subgraphs in Large Graphs

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    We introduce I/O-effiient certifying algorithms for bipartite graphs, as well as for the classes of split, threshold, bipartite chain, and trivially perfect graphs. When the input graph is a member of the respective class, the certifying algorithm returns a certificate that characterizes this class. Otherwise, it returns a forbidden induced subgraph as a certificate for non-membership. On a graph with n vertices and m edges, our algorithms take I/Os in the worst case for split, threshold and trivially perfect graphs. In the same complexity bipartite and bipartite chain graphs can be certified with high probability. We provide implementations for split and threshold graphs and provide a preliminary experimental evaluation

    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 258, SoCG 2023, Complete Volum

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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    Collection of abstracts of the 24th European Workshop on Computational Geometry

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    International audienceThe 24th European Workshop on Computational Geomety (EuroCG'08) was held at INRIA Nancy - Grand Est & LORIA on March 18-20, 2008. The present collection of abstracts contains the 63 scientific contributions as well as three invited talks presented at the workshop