19,553 research outputs found

    Direct Linear Solvers for Vector and Parallel Computers

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    We consider direct methods for the numerical solution of linear systems with unsymmetric sparse matrices. Different strategies for the determination of the pivots are studied. For solving several linear systems with the same pattern structure we generate a pseudo code, that can be interpreted repeatedly to compute the solutions of these systems. The pseudo code can be advantageously adapted to vector and parallel computers. For that we have to find out the instructions of the pseudo code which are independent of each other. Based on this information, one can determine vector instructions for the pseudo code operations (vectorization) or spread the operations among different processors (parallelization). The methods are successfully used on vector and parallel computers for the circuit simulation of VLSI circuits as well as for the dynamic process simulation of complex chemical production plants

    Parallel-Vector Computation for Geometrically Nonlinear Frame Structural Analysis and Design Sensitivity Analysis

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    Parallel-vector algorithms are presented for solving the geometrically nonlinear structural problems and obtaining design sensitivity information. A new algorithm is also presented for parallel generation and assembly of the finite element stiffness and mass matrices. The presented assembly algorithm is based on a node-by-node approach rather than the more conventional element-by-element approach. Three different methods, Newton Raphson, Modified Newton Raphson, and the BFGS, are used in the analysis of the nonlinear structural problems. A study is made to determine the performance of each of the mentioned methods in a parallel-vector computer environment. Medium to large-scale, practical problems are solved to evaluate the performance of each method. A hybrid method combining the direct and iterative solvers for linear system of equations is also presented to solve the nonlinear finite element problems. The proposed hybrid method combines the use of the Choleski method and the use of the pre-conditioned conjugate gradient method, to solve the nonlinear structural problem using the piecewise linear approximation method. A different approach for achieving a parallel-vector speed for the Successive Over Relaxation method is also presented in this work. The new approach for the S.O.R method reduces the cost of communications between processors on shared memory computers. Multi-processor Cray Y-MP and Cray 2 supercomputers are used in this work

    Parallel Computation of Finite Element Navier-Stokes codes using MUMPS Solver

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    The study deals with the parallelization of 2D and 3D finite element based Navier-Stokes codes using direct solvers. Development of sparse direct solvers using multifrontal solvers has significantly reduced the computational time of direct solution methods. Although limited by its stringent memory requirements, multifrontal solvers can be computationally efficient. First the performance of MUltifrontal Massively Parallel Solver (MUMPS) is evaluated for both 2D and 3D codes in terms of memory requirements and CPU times. The scalability of both Newton and modified Newton algorithms is tested

    A bibliography on parallel and vector numerical algorithms

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    This is a bibliography of numerical methods. It also includes a number of other references on machine architecture, programming language, and other topics of interest to scientific computing. Certain conference proceedings and anthologies which have been published in book form are listed also

    The solution of linear systems of equations with a structural analysis code on the NAS CRAY-2

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    Two methods for solving linear systems of equations on the NAS Cray-2 are described. One is a direct method; the other is an iterative method. Both methods exploit the architecture of the Cray-2, particularly the vectorization, and are aimed at structural analysis applications. To demonstrate and evaluate the methods, they were installed in a finite element structural analysis code denoted the Computational Structural Mechanics (CSM) Testbed. A description of the techniques used to integrate the two solvers into the Testbed is given. Storage schemes, memory requirements, operation counts, and reformatting procedures are discussed. Finally, results from the new methods are compared with results from the initial Testbed sparse Choleski equation solver for three structural analysis problems. The new direct solvers described achieve the highest computational rates of the methods compared. The new iterative methods are not able to achieve as high computation rates as the vectorized direct solvers but are best for well conditioned problems which require fewer iterations to converge to the solution

    Parallel tridiagonal equation solvers

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    Three parallel algorithms were compared for the direct solution of tridiagonal linear systems of equations. The algorithms are suitable for computers such as ILLIAC 4 and CDC STAR. For array computers similar to ILLIAC 4, cyclic odd-even reduction has the least operation count for highly structured sets of equations, and recursive doubling has the least count for relatively unstructured sets of equations. Since the difference in operation counts for these two algorithms is not substantial, their relative running times may be more related to overhead operations, which are not measured in this paper. The third algorithm, based on Buneman's Poisson solver, has more arithmetic operations than the others, and appears to be the least favorable. For pipeline computers similar to CDC STAR, cyclic odd-even reduction appears to be the most preferable algorithm for all cases

    Solution of partial differential equations on vector and parallel computers

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    The present status of numerical methods for partial differential equations on vector and parallel computers was reviewed. The relevant aspects of these computers are discussed and a brief review of their development is included, with particular attention paid to those characteristics that influence algorithm selection. Both direct and iterative methods are given for elliptic equations as well as explicit and implicit methods for initial boundary value problems. The intent is to point out attractive methods as well as areas where this class of computer architecture cannot be fully utilized because of either hardware restrictions or the lack of adequate algorithms. Application areas utilizing these computers are briefly discussed

    A parallel nearly implicit time-stepping scheme

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    Across-the-space parallelism still remains the most mature, convenient and natural way to parallelize large scale problems. One of the major problems here is that implicit time stepping is often difficult to parallelize due to the structure of the system. Approximate implicit schemes have been suggested to circumvent the problem. These schemes have attractive stability properties and they are also very well parallelizable.\ud The purpose of this article is to give an overall assessment of the parallelism of the method