1,284 research outputs found

    Monoids of modules and arithmetic of direct-sum decompositions

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    Let RR be a (possibly noncommutative) ring and let C\mathcal C be a class of finitely generated (right) RR-modules which is closed under finite direct sums, direct summands, and isomorphisms. Then the set V(C)\mathcal V (\mathcal C) of isomorphism classes of modules is a commutative semigroup with operation induced by the direct sum. This semigroup encodes all possible information about direct sum decompositions of modules in C\mathcal C. If the endomorphism ring of each module in C\mathcal C is semilocal, then V(C)\mathcal V (\mathcal C) is a Krull monoid. Although this fact was observed nearly a decade ago, the focus of study thus far has been on ring- and module-theoretic conditions enforcing that V(C)\mathcal V(\mathcal C) is Krull. If V(C)\mathcal V(\mathcal C) is Krull, its arithmetic depends only on the class group of V(C)\mathcal V(\mathcal C) and the set of classes containing prime divisors. In this paper we provide the first systematic treatment to study the direct-sum decompositions of modules using methods from Factorization Theory of Krull monoids. We do this when C\mathcal C is the class of finitely generated torsion-free modules over certain one- and two-dimensional commutative Noetherian local rings.Comment: Pacific Journal of Mathematics, to appea

    Strong forms of self-duality for Hopf monoids in species

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    A vector species is a functor from the category of finite sets with bijections to vector spaces (over a fixed field); informally, one can view this as a sequence of SnS_n-modules. A Hopf monoid (in the category of vector species) consists of a vector species with unit, counit, product, and coproduct morphisms satisfying several compatibility conditions, analogous to a graded Hopf algebra. A vector species has a basis if and only if it is given by a sequence of SnS_n-modules which are permutation representations. We say that a Hopf monoid is freely self-dual if it is connected and finite-dimensional, and if it has a basis in which the structure constants of its product and coproduct coincide. Such Hopf monoids are self-dual in the usual sense, and we show that they are furthermore both commutative and cocommutative. We prove more specific classification theorems for freely self-dual Hopf monoids whose products (respectively, coproducts) are linearized in the sense that they preserve the basis; we call such Hopf monoids strongly self-dual (respectively, linearly self-dual). In particular, we show that every strongly self-dual Hopf monoid has a basis isomorphic to some species of block-labeled set partitions, on which the product acts as the disjoint union. In turn, every linearly self-dual Hopf monoid has a basis isomorphic to the species of maps to a fixed set, on which the coproduct acts as restriction. It follows that every linearly self-dual Hopf monoid is strongly self-dual. Our final results concern connected Hopf monoids which are finite-dimensional, commutative, and cocommutative. We prove that such a Hopf monoid has a basis in which its product and coproduct are both linearized if and only if it is strongly self-dual with respect to a basis equipped with a certain partial order, generalizing the refinement partial order on set partitions.Comment: 42 pages; v2: a few typographical errors corrected and references updated; v3: discussion in Sections 3.1 and 3.2 slightly revised, Theorem A corrected to include hypothesis about ambient field, final versio

    Hopf monoids from class functions on unitriangular matrices

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    We build, from the collection of all groups of unitriangular matrices, Hopf monoids in Joyal's category of species. Such structure is carried by the collection of class function spaces on those groups, and also by the collection of superclass function spaces, in the sense of Diaconis and Isaacs. Superclasses of unitriangular matrices admit a simple description from which we deduce a combinatorial model for the Hopf monoid of superclass functions, in terms of the Hadamard product of the Hopf monoids of linear orders and of set partitions. This implies a recent result relating the Hopf algebra of superclass functions on unitriangular matrices to symmetric functions in noncommuting variables. We determine the algebraic structure of the Hopf monoid: it is a free monoid in species, with the canonical Hopf structure. As an application, we derive certain estimates on the number of conjugacy classes of unitriangular matrices.Comment: Final Version, 32 pages, accepted in "Algebra and Number Theory

    Zappa-Sz\'ep products of Garside monoids

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    A monoid KK is the internal Zappa-Sz\'ep product of two submonoids, if every element of KK admits a unique factorisation as the product of one element of each of the submonoids in a given order. This definition yields actions of the submonoids on each other, which we show to be structure preserving. We prove that KK is a Garside monoid if and only if both of the submonoids are Garside monoids. In this case, these factors are parabolic submonoids of KK and the Garside structure of KK can be described in terms of the Garside structures of the factors. We give explicit isomorphisms between the lattice structures of KK and the product of the lattice structures on the factors that respect the Garside normal forms. In particular, we obtain explicit natural bijections between the normal form language of KK and the product of the normal form languages of its factors.Comment: Published versio

    Invariant means on Boolean inverse monoids

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    The classical theory of invariant means, which plays an important role in the theory of paradoxical decompositions, is based upon what are usually termed `pseudogroups'. Such pseudogroups are in fact concrete examples of the Boolean inverse monoids which give rise to etale topological groupoids under non-commutative Stone duality. We accordingly initiate the theory of invariant means on arbitrary Boolean inverse monoids. Our main theorem is a characterization of when a Boolean inverse monoid admits an invariant mean. This generalizes the classical Tarski alternative proved, for example, by de la Harpe and Skandalis, but using different methods

    Binomial Ideals and Congruences on Nn

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    Producción CientíficaA congruence on Nn is an equivalence relation on Nn that is compatible with the additive structure. If k is a field, and I is a binomial ideal in k[X1,…,Xn] (that is, an ideal generated by polynomials with at most two terms), then I induces a congruence on Nn by declaring u and v to be equivalent if there is a linear combination with nonzero coefficients of Xu and Xv that belongs to I. While every congruence on Nn arises this way, this is not a one-to-one correspondence, as many binomial ideals may induce the same congruence. Nevertheless, the link between a binomial ideal and its corresponding congruence is strong, and one may think of congruences as the underlying combinatorial structures of binomial ideals. In the current literature, the theories of binomial ideals and congruences on Nn are developed separately. The aim of this survey paper is to provide a detailed parallel exposition, that provides algebraic intuition for the combinatorial analysis of congruences. For the elaboration of this survey paper, we followed mainly (Kahle and Miller Algebra Number Theory 8(6):1297–1364, 2014) with an eye on Eisenbud and Sturmfels (Duke Math J 84(1):1–45, 1996) and Ojeda and Piedra Sánchez (J Symbolic Comput 30(4):383–400, 2000).National Science Foundation (grant DMS-1500832)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project MTM2015-65764-C3-1)Junta de Extremadura (grupo de investigación FQM-024