5 research outputs found

    Dirac Strings and Monopoles in the Continuum Limit of SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory

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    Magnetic monopoles are known to emerge as leading non-perturbative fluctuations in the lattice version of non-Abelian gauge theories in some gauges. In terms of the Dirac quantization condition, these monopoles have magnetic charge |Q_M|=2. Also, magnetic monopoles with |Q_M|=1 can be introduced on the lattice via the 't Hooft loop operator. We consider the |Q_M|=1,2 monopoles in the continuum limit of the lattice gauge theories. To substitute for the Dirac strings which cost no action on the lattice, we allow for singular gauge potentials which are absent in the standard continuum version. Once the Dirac strings are allowed, it turns possible to find a solution with zero action for a monopole--antimonopole pair. This implies equivalence of the standard and modified continuum versions in perturbation theory. To imitate the nonperturbative vacuum, we introduce then a nonsingular background. The modified continuum version of the gluodynamics allows in this case for monopoles with finite non-vanishing action. Using similar techniques, we construct the 't Hooft loop operator in the continuum and predict its behavior at small and large distances both at zero and high temperatures.Comment: 24 pp., Latex2e, no figures. Minor correction

    On the Emerging Phenomenology of <(A_\mu)^2>

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    We discuss phenomenology of the vacuum condensate in pure gauge theories, where A_\mu is the gauge potential. Both Abelian and non-Abelian cases are considered. In case of the compact U(1) the non-perturbative part of the condensate is saturated by monopoles. In the non-Abelian case, a two-component picture for the condensate is presented according to which finite values of order \Lambda_{QCD}^2 are associated both with large and short distances. We obtain a lower bound on the by considering its change at the phase transition. Numerically, it produces an estimate similar to other measurements. Possible physical manifestations of the condensate are discussed.Comment: 17 pp., Latex2e, 3 figure

    The Berry Phase and Monopoles in Non-Abelian Gauge Theories

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    We consider the quantum mechanical notion of the geometrical (Berry) phase in SU(2) gauge theory, both in the continuum and on the lattice. It is shown that in the coherent state basis eigenvalues of the Wilson loop operator naturally decompose into the geometrical and dynamical phase factors. Moreover, for each Wilson loop there is a unique choice of U(1) gauge rotations which do not change the value of the Berry phase. Determining this U(1) locally in terms of infinitesimal Wilson loops we define monopole-like defects and study their properties in numerical simulations on the lattice. The construction is gauge dependent, as is common for all known definitions of monopoles. We argue that for physical applications the use of the Lorenz gauge is most appropriate. And, indeed, the constructed monopoles have the correct continuum limit in this gauge. Physical consequences are briefly discussed.Comment: 18 pp., Latex2e, 4 figures, psfig.st

    Towards Abelian-like formulation of the dual gluodynamics

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    We consider gluodynamics in case when both color and magnetic charges are present. We discuss first short distance physics, where only the fundamental |Q|=1 monopoles introduced via the `t Hooft loop can be considered consistently. We show that at short distances the external monopoles interact as pure Abelian objects. This result can be reproduced by a Zwanziger-type Lagrangian with an Abelian dual gluon. We introduce also an effective dual gluodynamics which might be a valid approximation at distances where the monopoles |Q|=2 can be considered as point-like as well. Assuming the monopole condensation we arrive at a model which is reminiscent in some respect of the Abelian Higgs model but, unlike the latter leaves space for the Casimir scaling.Comment: 28+1 pp., Latex2e, 1 figur