8 research outputs found

    Building and Designing Expressive Speech Synthesis

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    We know there is something special about speech. Our voices are not just a means of communicating. They also give a deep impression of who we are and what we might know. They can betray our upbringing, our emotional state, our state of health. They can be used to persuade and convince, to calm and to excite. As speech systems enter the social domain they are required to interact, support and mediate our social relationships with 1) each other, 2) with digital information, and, increasingly, 3) with AI-based algorithms and processes. Socially Interactive Agents (SIAs) are at the fore- front of research and innovation in this area. There is an assumption that in the future “spoken language will provide a natural conversational interface between human beings and so-called intelligent systems.” [Moore 2017, p. 283]. A considerable amount of previous research work has tested this assumption with mixed results. However, as pointed out “voice interfaces have become notorious for fostering frustration and failure” [Nass and Brave 2005, p.6]. It is within this context, between our exceptional and intelligent human use of speech to communicate and interact with other humans, and our desire to leverage this means of communication for artificial systems, that the technology, often termed expressive speech synthesis uncomfortably falls. Uncomfortably, because it is often overshadowed by issues in interactivity and the underlying intelligence of the system which is something that emerges from the interaction of many of the components in a SIA. This is especially true of what we might term conversational speech, where decoupling how things are spoken, from when and to whom they are spoken, can seem an impossible task. This is an even greater challenge in evaluation and in characterising full systems which have made use of expressive speech. Furthermore when designing an interaction with a SIA, we must not only consider how SIAs should speak but how much, and whether they should even speak at all. These considerations cannot be ignored. Any speech synthesis that is used in the context of an artificial agent will have a perceived accent, a vocal style, an underlying emotion and an intonational model. Dimensions like accent and personality (cross speaker parameters) as well as vocal style, emotion and intonation during an interaction (within-speaker parameters) need to be built in the design of a synthetic voice. Even a default or neutral voice has to consider these same expressive speech synthesis components. Such design parameters have a strong influence on how effectively a system will interact, how it is perceived and its assumed ability to perform a task or function. To ignore these is to blindly accept a set of design decisions that ignores the complex effect speech has on the user’s successful interaction with a system. Thus expressive speech synthesis is a key design component in SIAs. This chapter explores the world of expressive speech synthesis, aiming to act as a starting point for those interested in the design, building and evaluation of such artificial speech. The debates and literature within this topic are vast and are fundamentally multidisciplinary in focus, covering a wide range of disciplines such as linguistics, pragmatics, psychology, speech and language technology, robotics and human-computer interaction (HCI), to name a few. It is not our aim to synthesise these areas but to give a scaffold and a starting point for the reader by exploring the critical dimensions and decisions they may need to consider when choosing to use expressive speech. To do this, the chapter explores the building of expressive synthesis, highlighting key decisions and parameters as well as emphasising future challenges in expressive speech research and development. Yet, before these are expanded upon we must first try and define what we actually mean by expressive speech

    Dimensional Emotion Representation as a Basis for Speech Synthesis with Non-Extreme Emotions

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    Past attempts to model emotions for speech synthesis have focused on extreme, "basic" emotion categories. The present paper suggests an alternative representation of emotional states, by means of emotion dimensions, and explains how this approach can contribute to making speech synthesis a useful component of affective dialogue systems

    Un metodo basato su LDA per la sentiment analysis

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    2011 - 2012La progressiva diffusione dei social network, sia generalisti (quali Twitter, Facebook o Google+, la recente piattaforma messa a punto da Google) sia specializzati (ad esempio le comunità professionali di Linkedin), ha reso disponibili una massiccia e inedita quantità di dati sulle preferenze sulle opinioni degli utenti. Questi dati, disponibili in quantità significative e in tempo reale, possono essere sia di carattere orizzontale e quindi di caratterizzazione territoriale (grazie anche alla possibilità di geo localizzazione degli smartphone, tablet e integrati nei MID (Mobile Internet Device) di ultima generazione, sia verticale (in termini anagrafici, culturali, professionali e in termini di orientamenti settoriali e capacità di spesa). La qualità e la contestualità (temporale e spaziale) di questi dati sulle tendenze degli utenti, con l’affermazione (oramai consolidata) del Web 2.0 (oggi Web 3.0), amplia la dimensione partecipativa alle scelte dell’impresa e delle istituzioni. Più che sul giacimento di idee e di opinioni disponibili in rete, imprese e istituzioni dovrebbero puntare sul valore delle comunità virtuali per modificare le proprie strategie di marketing, partendo proprio dal concetto di stakeholder, sviluppando, con il monitoraggio degli orientamenti, nuove metodologie di CRM... [a cura dell'autore]XI n.s

    Naturalistic Emotional Speech Corpora with Large Scale Emotional Dimension Ratings

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    The investigation of the emotional dimensions of speech is dependent on large sets of reliable data. Existing work has been carried out on the creation of emotional speech corpora and the acoustic analysis of emotional speech and this research seeks to buildupon this work while suggesting new methods and areas of potential. A review of the literature determined that a two dimensional emotional model of activation and evaluation was the ideal method for representing the emotional states expressed inspeech. Two case studies were carried out to investigate methods of obtaining naturalunderlying emotional speech in a high quality audio environment, the results of which were used to design a final experimental procedure to elicit natural underlying emotional speech. The speech obtained in this experiment was used in the creation ofa speech corpus that was underpinned by a persistent backend database that incorporated a three-tiered annotation methodology. This methodology was used to comprehensively annotate the metadata, acoustic data and emotional data of the recorded speech. Structuring the three levels of annotation and the assets in a persistent backend database allowed interactive web-based tools to be developed; aweb-based listening tool was developed to obtain a large amount of ratings for the assets that were then written back to the database for analysis. Once a large amount of ratings had been obtained, statistical analysis was used to determine the dimensionalrating for each asset. Acoustic analysis of the underlying emotional speech was then carried out and determined that certain acoustic parameters were correlated with the activation dimension of the dimensional model. This substantiated some of thefindings in the literature review and further determined that spectral energy was strongly correlated with the activation dimension in relation to underlying emotional speech. The lack of a correlation for certain acoustic parameters in relation to the evaluation dimension was also determined, again substantiating some of the findings in the literature.The work contained in this thesis makes a number of contributions to the field: the development of an experimental design to elicit natural underlying emotional speech in a high quality audio environment; the development and implementation of acomprehensive three-tiered corpus annotation methodology; the development and implementation of large scale web based listening tests to rate the emotional dimensions of emotional speech; the determination that certain acoustic parameters are correlated with the activation dimension of a dimensional emotional model inrelation to natural underlying emotional speech and the determination that certain acoustic parameters are not correlated with the evaluation dimension of a twodimensional emotional model in relation to natural underlying emotional speech

    The Perception of Emotion from Acoustic Cues in Natural Speech

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    Knowledge of human perception of emotional speech is imperative for the development of emotion in speech recognition systems and emotional speech synthesis. Owing to the fact that there is a growing trend towards research on spontaneous, real-life data, the aim of the present thesis is to examine human perception of emotion in naturalistic speech. Although there are many available emotional speech corpora, most contain simulated expressions. Therefore, there remains a compelling need to obtain naturalistic speech corpora that are appropriate and freely available for research. In that regard, our initial aim was to acquire suitable naturalistic material and examine its emotional content based on listener perceptions. A web-based listening tool was developed to accumulate ratings based on large-scale listening groups. The emotional content present in the speech material was demonstrated by performing perception tests on conveyed levels of Activation and Evaluation. As a result, labels were determined that signified the emotional content, and thus contribute to the construction of a naturalistic emotional speech corpus. In line with the literature, the ratings obtained from the perception tests suggested that Evaluation (or hedonic valence) is not identified as reliably as Activation is. Emotional valence can be conveyed through both semantic and prosodic information, for which the meaning of one may serve to facilitate, modify, or conflict with the meaning of the other—particularly with naturalistic speech. The subsequent experiments aimed to investigate this concept by comparing ratings from perception tests of non-verbal speech with verbal speech. The method used to render non-verbal speech was low-pass filtering, and for this, suitable filtering conditions were determined by carrying out preliminary perception tests. The results suggested that nonverbal naturalistic speech provides sufficiently discernible levels of Activation and Evaluation. It appears that the perception of Activation and Evaluation is affected by low-pass filtering, but that the effect is relatively small. Moreover, the results suggest that there is a similar trend in agreement levels between verbal and non-verbal speech. To date it still remains difficult to determine unique acoustical patterns for hedonic valence of emotion, which may be due to inadequate labels or the incorrect selection of acoustic parameters. This study has implications for the labelling of emotional speech data and the determination of salient acoustic correlates of emotion

    Enhancing electronic intelligent tutoring systems by responding to affective states

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    The overall aim of this research is the exploration mechanisms which allow an understanding of the emotional state of students and the selection of an appropriate cognitive and affective feedback for students on the basis of students' emotional state and cognitive state in an affective learning environment. The learning environment in which this research is based is one in which students learn by watching an instructional video. The main contributions in the thesis include: - A video study was carried out to gather data in order to construct the emotional models in this research. This video study adopted a methodology in qualitative research called “Quick and Dirty Ethnography”(Hughes et al., 1995). In the video study, the emotional states, including boredom, frustration, confusion, flow, happiness, interest, were identified as being the most important to a learner in learning. The results of the video study indicates that blink frequencies can reflect the learner's emotional states and it is necessary to intervene when students are in self-learning through watching an instructional video in order to ensure that attention levels do not decrease. - A novel emotional analysis model for modeling student’s cognitive and emotional state in an affective learning system was constructed. It is an appraisal model which is on the basis of an instructional theory called Gagne’s theory (Gagne, 1965). - A novel emotion feedback model for producing appropriate feedback tactics in affective learning system was developed by Ontology and Influence Diagram ii approach. On the basis of the tutor-remediation hypothesis and the self-remediation hypothesis (Hausmann et al., 2013), two feedback tactic selection algorithms were designed and implemented. The evaluation results show: the emotion analysis model can be used to classify negative emotion and hence deduce the learner’s cognitive state; the degree of satisfaction with the feedback based on the tutor-remediation hypothesis is higher than the feedback based on self-remediation hypothesis; the results indicated a higher degree of satisfaction with the combined cognitive and emotional feedback than cognitive feedback on its own

    Faces and hands : modeling and animating anatomical and photorealistic models with regard to the communicative competence of virtual humans

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    In order to be believable, virtual human characters must be able to communicate in a human-like fashion realistically. This dissertation contributes to improving and automating several aspects of virtual conversations. We have proposed techniques to add non-verbal speech-related facial expressions to audiovisual speech, such as head nods for of emphasis. During conversation, humans experience shades of emotions much more frequently than the strong Ekmanian basic emotions. This prompted us to develop a method that interpolates between facial expressions of emotions to create new ones based on an emotion model. In the area of facial modeling, we have presented a system to generate plausible 3D face models from vague mental images. It makes use of a morphable model of faces and exploits correlations among facial features. The hands also play a major role in human communication. Since the basis for every realistic animation of gestures must be a convincing model of the hand, we devised a physics-based anatomical hand model, where a hybrid muscle model drives the animations. The model was used to visualize complex hand movement captured using multi-exposure photography.Um überzeugend zu wirken, müssen virtuelle Figuren auf dieselbe Art wie lebende Menschen kommunizieren können. Diese Dissertation hat das Ziel, verschiedene Aspekte virtueller Unterhaltungen zu verbessern und zu automatisieren. Wir führten eine Technik ein, die es erlaubt, audiovisuelle Sprache durch nichtverbale sprachbezogene Gesichtsausdrücke zu bereichern, wie z.B. Kopfnicken zur Betonung. Während einer Unterhaltung empfinden Menschen weitaus öfter Emotionsnuancen als die ausgeprägten Ekmanschen Basisemotionen. Dies bewog uns, eine Methode zu entwickeln, die Gesichtsausdrücke für neue Emotionen erzeugt, indem sie, ausgehend von einem Emotionsmodell, zwischen bereits bekannten Gesichtsausdrücken interpoliert. Auf dem Gebiet der Gesichtsmodellierung stellten wir ein System vor, um plausible 3D-Gesichtsmodelle aus vagen geistigen Bildern zu erzeugen. Dieses System basiert auf einem Morphable Model von Gesichtern und nutzt Korrelationen zwischen Gesichtszügen aus. Auch die Hände spielen ein große Rolle in der menschlichen Kommunikation. Da der Ausgangspunkt für jede realistische Animation von Gestik ein überzeugendes Handmodell sein muß, entwikkelten wir ein physikbasiertes anatomisches Handmodell, bei dem ein hybrides Muskelmodell die Animationen antreibt. Das Modell wurde verwendet, um komplexe Handbewegungen zu visualisieren, die aus mehrfach belichteten Photographien extrahiert worden waren