122 research outputs found

    Lower bounds on the dilation of plane spanners

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    (I) We exhibit a set of 23 points in the plane that has dilation at least 1.43081.4308, improving the previously best lower bound of 1.41611.4161 for the worst-case dilation of plane spanners. (II) For every integer n≥13n\geq13, there exists an nn-element point set SS such that the degree 3 dilation of SS denoted by δ0(S,3) equals 1+3=2.7321…\delta_0(S,3) \text{ equals } 1+\sqrt{3}=2.7321\ldots in the domain of plane geometric spanners. In the same domain, we show that for every integer n≥6n\geq6, there exists a an nn-element point set SS such that the degree 4 dilation of SS denoted by δ0(S,4) equals 1+(5−5)/2=2.1755…\delta_0(S,4) \text{ equals } 1 + \sqrt{(5-\sqrt{5})/2}=2.1755\ldots The previous best lower bound of 1.41611.4161 holds for any degree. (III) For every integer n≥6n\geq6 , there exists an nn-element point set SS such that the stretch factor of the greedy triangulation of SS is at least 2.02682.0268.Comment: Revised definitions in the introduction; 23 pages, 15 figures; 2 table

    Computing the Greedy Spanner in Linear Space

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    The greedy spanner is a high-quality spanner: its total weight, edge count and maximal degree are asymptotically optimal and in practice significantly better than for any other spanner with reasonable construction time. Unfortunately, all known algorithms that compute the greedy spanner of n points use Omega(n^2) space, which is impractical on large instances. To the best of our knowledge, the largest instance for which the greedy spanner was computed so far has about 13,000 vertices. We present a O(n)-space algorithm that computes the same spanner for points in R^d running in O(n^2 log^2 n) time for any fixed stretch factor and dimension. We discuss and evaluate a number of optimizations to its running time, which allowed us to compute the greedy spanner on a graph with a million vertices. To our knowledge, this is also the first algorithm for the greedy spanner with a near-quadratic running time guarantee that has actually been implemented

    Algorithmic and Combinatorial Results on Fence Patrolling, Polygon Cutting and Geometric Spanners

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to study problems that lie at the intersection of geometry and computer science. We have studied and obtained several results from three different areas, namely–geometric spanners, polygon cutting, and fence patrolling. Specifically, we have designed and analyzed algorithms along with various combinatorial results in these three areas. For geometric spanners, we have obtained combinatorial results regarding lower bounds on worst case dilation of plane spanners. We also have studied low degree plane lattice spanners, both square and hexagonal, of low dilation. Next, for polygon cutting, we have designed and analyzed algorithms for cutting out polygon collections drawn on a piece of planar material using the three geometric models of saw, namely, line, ray and segment cuts. For fence patrolling, we have designed several strategies for robots patrolling both open and closed fences

    Feed-links for network extensions

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    Road network data is often incomplete, making it hard to perform network analysis. This paper discusses the problem of extending partial road networks with reasonable links, using the concept of dilation (also known as crow flight conversion coefficient). To this end, we study how to connect a point (relevant location) inside a polygon (face of the known part of the road network) to the boundary so that the dilation from that point to any point on the boundary is not too large. We provide algorithms and heuristics, and give a computational and experimental analysis

    Improving the dilation of a metric graph by adding edges

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    Most of the literature on spanners focuses on building the graph from scratch. This paper instead focuses on adding edges to improve an existing graph. A major open problem in this field is: given a graph embedded in a metric space, and a budget of k edges, which k edges do we add to produce a minimum-dilation graph? The special case where k=1 has been studied in the past, but no major breakthroughs have been made for k > 1. We provide the first positive result, an O(k)-approximation algorithm that runs in O(n^3 \log n) time

    Locating Battery Charging Stations to Facilitate Almost Shortest Paths

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    We study a facility location problem motivated by requirements pertaining to the distribution of charging stations for electric vehicles: Place a minimum number of battery charging stations at a subset of nodes of a network, so that battery-powered electric vehicles will be able to move between destinations using "t-spanning" routes, of lengths within a factor t > 1 of the length of a shortest path, while having sufficient charging stations along the way. We give constant-factor approximation algorithms for minimizing the number of charging stations, subject to the t-spanning constraint. We study two versions of the problem, one in which the stations are required to support a single ride (to a single destination), and one in which the stations are to support multiple rides through a sequence of destinations, where the destinations are revealed one at a time

    Linear Time Algorithm for Optimal Feed-link Placement

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    Given a polygon representing a transportation network together with a point p in its interior, we aim to extend the network by inserting a line segment, called a feed-link, which connects p to the boundary of the polygon. Once a feed link is fixed, the geometric dilation of some point q on the boundary is the ratio between the length of the shortest path from p to q through the extended network, and their Euclidean distance. The utility of a feed-link is inversely proportional to the maximal dilation over all boundary points. We give a linear time algorithm for computing the feed-link with the minimum overall dilation, thus improving upon the previously known algorithm of complexity that is roughly O(n log n)

    On the relativistic viability of multi-automaton systems: essential concepts, challenges and prospects

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    Our understanding of the Universe breaks down for very small spacetime intervals, corresponding to an extremely high level of granularity (and energy), commonly referred to as the ``Planck scale''. At this fundamental level, there are attempts of describing physics in terms of interacting automata that perform classical, deterministic computation. On one hand, various mathematical arguments have already illustrated how quantum laws (which describe elementary particles and interactions) could in principle arise as low-granularity approximations of automata-based systems. On the other hand, understanding how such systems might give rise to relativistic laws (which describe spacetime and gravity) remains a major problem. I explain here a few ideas that seem crucial for overcoming this problem, along with related algorithmic challenges that need to be addressed. Giving emphasis to meaningful computational counterparts of locality and general covariance, I outline basic ingredients of a distributed communication-rewiring protocol that would allow us to construct multi-automaton models that are viable from a relativistic perspective. I also explain how viable models can be evaluated using a variety of criteria, and discuss related aspects pertaining to the falsifiability and plausibility of the automata paradigm.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur
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