13 research outputs found

    Digital Twins as a Resource for Design Research

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    IoT products are embedded with sensors that transmit live data about their use and environment. A key challenge for designers is to gather useful insights from this data in order to accelerate product research, which can be time consuming and labour intensive. Through the Chatty Products dashboard we aim to explore how virtual representations of IoT products and their sensor data, also known as digital twins, can support insight gathering. This demo will present a series of Bluetooth IoT speakers, which are connected to the Chatty Products dashboard, a data exploration and visualisation research tool containing supervisory digital twins of the speakers. The project aims to visualise live data as it relates to the physical product in the wild, enabling contextual inquiry and supporting data exploration. The demo will promote a dialogue around how digital twins can be used to gather design insights based on live data

    Entangled ethnography : Towards a collective future understanding

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    In this work, we develop a vision for entangled ethnography, where constellations of people, artefacts, algorithms and data come together to collectively make sense of the relations between people and objects. This is grounded in New Materialism’s picture of a world understood through entanglement, through resonant constellations, through a multiplicity of unique individual viewpoints and their relationships. These perspectives are especially relevant for design ethnography, in particular for research around smart connected products, which collect data about their environment, the networks they are a part of, and the ways they are used. However, we are concerned about the current trend of many connected systems towards surveillance capitalism, as data is colonised, machinations are hidden, and a narrow definition of value is extracted. There is a key tension that while design, particularly of networked objects, attempts to go beyond human centeredness, the infrastructures that support it are moving towards a less than human perspective in their race to accumulate and dispossess. Our work tries to imagine the situations where participants in networked systems are richly engaged, rather than exploited. We hope for a future where human agency is central to a respectful and acceptable collaborative development of understanding

    Archetypes of Digital Twins

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    Currently, Digital Twins receive considerable attention from practitioners and in research. A Digital Twin describes a concept that connects physical and virtual objects through a data linkage. However, Digital Twins are highly dependent on their individual use case, which leads to a plethora of Digital Twin configurations. Based on a thorough literature analysis and two interview series with experts from various electrical and mechanical engineering companies, this paper proposes a set of archetypes of Digital Twins for individual use cases. It delimits the Digital Twins from related concepts, e.g., Digital Threads. The paper delivers profound insights into the domain of Digital Twins and, thus, helps the reader to identify the different archetypical patterns

    Archetypes of digital twins

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    Currently, Digital Twins receive considerable attention from practitioners and in research. A Digital Twin describes a concept that connects physical and virtual objects through a data linkage. However, Digital Twins are highly dependent on their individual use case, which leads to a plethora of Digital Twin configurations. Based on a thorough literature analysis and two interview series with experts from various electrical and mechanical engineering companies, this paper proposes a set of archetypes of Digital Twins for individual use cases. It delimits the Digital Twins from related concepts, e.g., Digital Threads. The paper delivers profound insights into the domain of Digital Twins and, thus, helps the reader to identify the different archetypical patterns

    Supporting Real-Time Contextual Inquiry Through Sensor Data

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    A key challenge in carrying out product design research is obtaining rich contextual information about use in the wild. We present a method that algorithmically mediates between participants, researchers, and objects in order to enable real-time collaborative sensemaking. It facilitates contextual inquiry, revealing behaviours and motivations that frame product use in the wild. In particular, we are interested in developing a practice of use driven design, where products become research tools that generate design insights grounded in user experiences. The value of this method was explored through the deployment of a collection of Bluetooth speakers that capture and stream live data to remote but co-present researchers about their movement and operation. Researchers monitored a visualisation of the real-time data to build up a picture of how the speakers were being used, responding to moments of activity within the data, initiating text conversations and prompting participants to capture photos and video. Based on the findings of this explorative study, we discuss the value of this method, how it compares to contemporary research practices, and the potential of machine learning to scale it up for use within industrial contexts. As greater agency is given to both objects and algorithms, we explore ways to empower ethnographers and participants to actively collaborate within remote real-time research

    Digital twin for civil engineering systems: an exploratory review for distributed sensing updating

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    We live in an environment of ever-growing demand for transport networks, which also have ageing infrastructure. However, it is not feasible to replace all the infrastructural assets that have surpassed their service lives. The commonly established alternative is increasing their durability by means of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM)-based maintenance and serviceability. Amongst the multitude of approaches to SHM, the Digital Twin model is gaining increasing attention. This model is a digital reconstruction (the Digital Twin) of a real-life asset (the Physical Twin) that, in contrast to other digital models, is frequently and automatically updated using data sampled by a sensor network deployed on the latter. This tool can provide infrastructure managers with functionalities to monitor and optimize their asset stock and to make informed and data-based decisions, in the context of day-to-day operative conditions and after extreme events. These data not only include sensor data, but also include regularly revalidated structural reliability indices formulated on the grounds of the frequently updated Digital Twin model. The technology can be even pushed as far as performing structural behavioral predictions and automatically compensating for them. The present exploratory review covers the key Digital Twin aspects—its usefulness, modus operandi, application, etc.—and proves the suitability of Distributed Sensing as its network sensor component.This research was funded by Fondazione CARITRO Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto, grant number 2021.0224.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Implementation of Digital Twins for electrical energy conversion systems in selected case studies

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    Reference implementation of Digital Twins for electrical energy conversion systems is an important and open question in the industrial domain. Digital Twins can predict the future performance, behaviour, and maintenance needs of a complex system. Today the concept of Digital Twins is not only an emulation or simulation of the physical object along with its development history but also contains much information from the respective manufacturers and services. This paper presents the current state­of­the­art of Digital Twins in relation to some interesting novel applications from different fields of electrical engineering. The objective of the paper is to give an overview of the successful application of Digital Twins in electrical energy conversion systems, such as industrial robotics and wind turbines; to discuss trends in applications like electric vehicles; and to suggest new applications, such as telescopes. Special attention is paid to the possible application of Digital Twins in faults diagnostics and prognostics of electrical energy conversion systems. Successful implementation of Digital Twins in any electrical energy conversion system diagnostics and prognostics allows for low­cost maintenance, higher utilization of the individual devices and systems, as well as lower usage of material and human resources. A SWOT analysis was performed for Digital Twin applications in electrical energy conversion systems. The latter is a useful analysis technique that explores possibilities for new achievements or solutions to existing problems and makes decisions about the best path

    Digital Twin: Enabling Technologies, Challenges and Open Research

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    Digital Twin technology is an emerging concept that has become the centre of attention for industry and, in more recent years, academia. The advancements in industry 4.0 concepts have facilitated its growth, particularly in the manufacturing industry. The Digital Twin is defined extensively but is best described as the effortless integration of data between a physical and virtual machine in either direction. The challenges, applications, and enabling technologies for Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and Digital Twins are presented. A review of publications relating to Digital Twins is performed, producing a categorical review of recent papers. The review has categorised them by research areas: manufacturing, healthcare and smart cities, discussing a range of papers that reflect these areas and the current state of research. The paper provides an assessment of the enabling technologies, challenges and open research for Digital Twins

    Designing parametric matter:Exploring adaptive material scale self-assembly through tuneable environments

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    3D designs can be created using generative processes, which can be transformed and adapted almost infinitely if they remain within their digital design software. For example, it is easy to alter a 3D object's colour, size, transparency, topology and geometry by adjusting values associated with those attributes. Significantly, these design processes can be seen as morphogenetic, where form is grown out of bottom-up logic’s and processes. However, when the designs created using these processes are fabricated using traditional manufacturing processes and materials they lose all of these abilities. For example, even the basic ability to change a shapes' size or colour is lost. This is partly because the relationships that govern the changes of a digital design are no longer present once fabricated. The motivating aim is: how can structures be grown and adapted throughout the fabrication processes using programmable self-assembly? In comparison the highly desirable attribute of physical adaptation and change is universally present within animals and biological processes. Various biological organisms and their systems (muscular or skeletal) can continually adapt to the world around them to meet changing demands across different ranges of time and to varying degrees. For example, a cuttlefish changes its skin colour and texture almost immediately to hide from predators. Muscles grow in response to exercise, and over longer time periods bones remodel and heal when broken, meaning biological structures can adapt to become more efficient at meeting regularly imposed demands. Emerging research is rethinking how digital designs are fabricated and the materials they are made from, leading to physically responsive and reconfigurable structures. This research establishes an interdisciplinary and novel methodology for building towards an adaptive design and fabrication system when utilising material scale computation process (e.g. self-assembly) within the fabrication process, which are guided by stimuli. In this context, adaption is the ability of a physical design (shape, pattern) to change its local material and or global properties, such as: shape, composition, texture and volume. Any changes to these properties are not predefined or constrained to set limits when subjected to environmental stimulus, (temperature, pH, magnetism, electrical current). Here, the stimulus is the fabrication mechanisms, which are governed and monitored by digital design tools. In doing so digital design tools will guide processes of material scale self-assembly and the resultant physical properties. The fabrication system is created through multiple experiments based on various material processes and platforms, from paint and additives, to ink diffusion and the mineral accretion process. A research through design methodology is used to develop the experiments, although the experiments by nature are explorative and incremental. Collectively they are a mixture of analogue and digital explorations, which establish principles and a method of how to grow physical designs, which can adapt based on digital augmentations by guiding material scale self-assembly. The results demonstrate that it is possible to grow physical 2D and 3D designs (shapes and patterns) that could have their properties tuned and adapted by creating tuneable environments to guide the mineral accretion process. Meaning, the desirable and dynamic traits of digital computational designs can be leveraged and extended the as they are made physical. Tuneable environments are developed and defined thought the series experiments within this thesis. Tuneable environments are not restricted to the mineral accretion process, as it is demonstrated how they can manipulate ink cloud patterns (liquid diffusion), which are less constrained in comparison to the mineral accretion process. This is possible due to the use of support mediums that dissipate energy and also contrast materially (they do not diffuse). Combining contrasting conditions (support mediums, resultant material effects) with the idea of tuneable environments reveals how: 1) material growth and properties can be monitored and 2) the possibilities of growing 3D designs using material scale self-assembly, which is not confined to a scaffold framework. The results and methodology highlight how tuneable environments can be applied to advance other areas of emerging research, such as altering environmental conditions during methods of additive manufacturing, such as, suspended deposition, rapid liquid printing, computed axial lithography or even some strategies of bioprinting. During the process, deposited materials and global properties could adapt because of changing conditions. Going further and combining it with the idea of contrasting mediums, this could lead to new types 3D holographic displays, which are grown and not restricted to scaffold frameworks. The results also point towards a potential future where buildings and infrastructure are part of a material ecosystem, which can share resources to meet fluctuating demands, such as, solar shading, traffic congestion, live loading