166,710 research outputs found

    The complexities of managing historic buildings with BIM

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    Purpose The adoption of building information modelling (BIM) in managing built heritage is an exciting prospect, but one that presents complexities additional to those of modern buildings. If challenges can be identified and overcome, the adoption of historic BIM (HBIM) could offer efficiencies in how heritage buildings are managed. Design/methodology/approach Using Durham Cathedral as a case study, we present the workflows applied to create an asset information model to improve the way this unique UNESCO World Heritage Site is managed, and in doing so, set out the challenges and complexities in achieving an HBIM solution. Findings This study identifies the need for a better understanding of the distinct needs and context for managing historic assets, and the need for heritage information requirements (HIR) that reflect this. Originality/value This study presents first-hand findings based on a unique application of BIM at Durham Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The study provides a better understanding of the challenges and drivers of HBIM adoption across the heritage sector and underlines the need for information requirements that are unique to historical buildings/assets to deliver a coherent and relevant HBIM approach

    Zero and low carbon buildings: A driver for change in working practices and the use of computer modelling and visualization

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    Buildings account for significant carbon dioxide emissions, both in construction and operation. Governments around the world are setting targets and legislating to reduce the carbon emissions related to the built environment. Challenges presented by increasingly rigorous standards for construction projects will mean a paradigm shift in how new buildings are designed and managed. This will lead to the need for computational modelling and visualization of buildings and their energy performance throughout the life-cycle of the building. This paper briefly outline how the UK government is planning to reduce carbon emissions for new buildings. It discusses the challenges faced by the architectural, construction and building management professions in adjusting to the proposed requirements for low or zero carbon buildings. It then outlines how software tools, including the use of visualization tools, could develop to support the designer, contractor and user

    Applying a retrofit and low-carbon technology archetype approach to buildings in Scotland

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    During August, September and November 2023, three workshops were organised to discuss the coordinated delivery of the archetype approach in Scottish domestic, non-domestic and historic buildings. It considered the challenges in the rollout of retrofit energy efficiency interventions and the use of low-carbon heating. A series of case studies and talks discussed issues around energy transmission and distribution, the retrofit skills gap, the importance of data retrieval, testing and existing case studies. Discussions surfaced aroundthe opportunities of digital tools and monitoring equipment, fabric-first approaches with a technology-balanced approach to achieve a balanced approach of good energy efficiency, low-carbon heat, occupant thermal comfort, and sharing energy between other building types and owners

    GIS-3D Platform to Help Decision Making for Energy Rehabilitation in Urban Environments

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    One of the main current challenges of European cities is to become energy self-sufficient entities. One of the vectors for this challenge is to improve the energy efficiency of the buildings and to promote the generation of renewable energies in the urban environment. The article describes a tool based on GIS-3D technologies to support the identification of the energy rehabilitation potential of neighbourhoods based on the introduction of renewable energies. The platform is based on a urban 3D model that collects the geometry of buildings, together with relevant information for the identification of rehabilitation opportunities (e.g. surfaces, heights, orientations and slopes). The project includes the generation of a cloud-based repository, which incorporates active and passive innovative solutions with metrics that allow the comparison of the solutions and the applicability of them to the real environment. The identification of rehabilitation opportunities combines information resulting from the diagnosis of the current energy performance of the district's buildings with the potential for renewable generation in the area. A multicriteria analysis process facilitates the identification of the most appropriate rehabilitation solutions for the analysed environment based on different criteria as energy, cost or applicability. The result can be visualized through a web tool that combines 2D and 3D information, with comparative information in a quantitative and geo-referenced manner. The flexibility of the architecture allows the application of the same approach to different urban challenges as the application of energy conservation measures to protected historic urban areas.The work of this paper has been done as part of the projects RE3D “Energy Rehabilitation in 3D” and RE2H “Energy Retrofitting of Historic Districts”, both partially funded by Basque Government, with references ZL-2017/00998 and ZL-2017/00981 respectively

    Is today's architecture about real space, virtual space or what?

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    Nowadays digital technologies and information and telecommunication technologies are widely used in every aspect of our lives. This article focuses on the digital technologies and their effect on the place-making activities. First an overview of the digital technologies for the creation, occupancy and management of a building is given. Secondly, the concepts of space and virtual space are discussed. Through these discussions, the concept of places and its virtual alternatives and recombination the use of space are described. Finally some concluding remarks are made on whether today’s place making activities about real space or it extends beyond that

    Urban heritage conservation and rapid urbanization : insights from Surat, India

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    Currently, heritage is challenged in the Indian city of Surat due to diverse pressures,  including rapid urbanization, increasing housing demand, and socio‐cultural and climate changes.  Where rapid demographic growth of urban areas is happening, heritage is disappearing at an  alarming rate. Despite some efforts from the local government, urban cultural heritage is being  neglected and historic buildings keep being replaced by ordinary concrete buildings at a worryingly  rapid pace. Discussions of challenges and issues of Surat’s urban area is supported by a qualitative  dataset, including in‐depth semi‐structured interviews and focus groups with local policy makers,  planners, and heritage experts, triangulated by observation and a photo‐survey of two historic  areas. Findings from this study reveal a myriad of challenges such as: inadequacy of urban  conservation management policies and processes focused on heritage, absence of skills, training,  and resources amongst decision makers and persistent conflict and competition between heritage  conservation needs and developers’ interests. Furthermore, the values and significance of Surat’s  tangible and intangible heritage is not fully recognized by its citizens and heritage stakeholders. A  crucial opportunity exists for Surat to maximize the potential of heritage and reinforce urban  identity for its present and future generations. Surat’s context is representative of general trends  and conservation challenges and therefore recommendations developed in this study hold the  potential to offer interesting insights to the wider planners and conservationists’ international  community.  This  paper  recommends  thoughtful  integration  of  sustainable  heritage  urban  conservation into local urban development frameworks and the establishment of approaches that  recognize the plurality of heritage values

    The changing patterns of architectural design education

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    Digital technologies have been introduced to students of architecture for over two decades and at present it could be argued that students are producing some of the highest quality designs, and some of the most interesting forms ever to come from University Schools. The value of computer aided design (CAD) is also being demonstrated in architectural practice, with high profile, large budget, bespoke and iconic buildings designed by internationally renowned architects. The value of computer aided design (CAD) is also being demonstrated in architectural practice, with high profile, large budget, bespoke and iconic buildings designed by internationally renowned architects. This paper reviews the changing patterns of architectural design education and considers the contribution digital technologies could make to buildings with more commonplace uses. This paper reviews the changing patterns of architectural design education and considers the contribution digital technologies could make to buildings with more commonplace uses. The study offers a perspective on different kinds of buildings and considers the influence that emerging technologies are having on building form. The study offers a perspective on different kinds of buildings and considers the influence that emerging technologies are having on building form. It outlines digital technologies, alongside students application for architectural design and considers the role they could play in the future, in developing a shared architectural language. It outlines digital technologies, alongside students application for architectural design and considers the role they could play in the future, in developing a shared architectural language. It is suggested that some of the biggest opportunities for future research will be in the design of external spaces, often a neglected part of architectural design education. It is suggested that some of the biggest opportunities for future research will be in the design of external spaces, often a neglected part of architectural design education

    Monitor Sustainable Municipalities Report 2019 Key topic Circular Economy. Bertelsmann Stiftung Study 4 November 2019

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    At first sight, the concept for a recycling economy appears to be just the latest trend in the field of urban development, but in fact conversion to circular value creation also contains numerous oppor-tunities for the creation of long-term sustainable economic, social and environmental benefits for local communities. We have therefore chosen to look at this topic in this, our fourth, Monitor Report. Recycling Economy, Circular Value Creation and Cradle To Cradle are three concepts which – alt-hough each has a different main focus – basically all describe the same paradigm shift: away from a classic linear economy (“Take, Make, Use, Dispose”) towards a model based on restoration and regeneration. The recycling economy principle is actually anchored in the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Devel-opment Goals, or SDGs. Goal 12 calls for sustainable consumption and sustainable production patterns. The recycling economy is also associated with a number of other sustainability goals, as it makes a significant contribution to their achievement. We are convinced that it is worth considering the applicability of the concept to local communities in Germany. What does transferring the recycling economy principle to local communities entail? How can towns be converted into “Recycling Cities”? Where are the obstacles and what potential is there? This Monitor Report is a first – it is the first bilingual version. With the kind permission of the Collab-orating Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) in Wuppertal, we have issued their “Circular Economy Guidebook for Cities” in the original English with a German translation. We hope that, by looking at the bigger picture, we will also generate the impulse to consider how the topic can be adopted in (European) towns and cities, and what the resulting benefits could be. We are fully aware that a one-to-one transfer will not work. “One size fits all” does not apply to local communities. Although something that makes sense in Amsterdam, Copenhagen or Oslo may not necessarily work in towns, districts and local communities in Germany, it is definitely worth looking at how things are done in other countries. I would sincerely like to thank everyone who contributed to the creation of this Report, and especially the CSCP for its trust and invaluable cooperation. We hope you enjoy reading the Report, and look forward as always to your feedback and suggestions

    DCMS does science: highlights from the launch of the DCMS Science and Research Advisory Committee (SRAC)

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    "Based on the presentations, discussions and Q&A sessions during the SRAC launch event, this publication: highlights the key themes discussed by speakers and launch attendees; summarises the main points from the speakers’ presentations; and, outlines the SRAC’s next steps." - page 7
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