7 research outputs found

    Studying web 2.0 interactivity: a research framework and two case studies

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    With more than one third of the world’s population being online, the Internet has increasingly become part of modern living, giving rise to popular literature that often takes a teleological and celebratory perspective, heralding the Internet and Web 2.0 specifically, as an enabler of participation, democracy, and interactivity. However, one should not take these technological affordances of Web 2.0 for granted. This article applies an interaction framework to the analysis of two Web 2.0 websites viewed as spaces where interaction goes beyond the mere consultation and selection of content, i.e., as spaces supporting the (co)creation of content and value. The authors’ approach to interactivity seeks to describe websites in objective, structural terms as spaces of user, document, and website affordances. The framework also makes it possible to talk about the websites in subjective, functional terms, considering them as spaces of perceived inter-action, intra-action and outer-action affordances. Analysis finds that both websites provide numerous user, document, and website affordances that can serve as inter-action or social affordances

    An illustrated framework for the analysis of Web2.0 interactivity

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    Diferencias significativas en el uso de redes sociales entre universitarios españoles y colombianos

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    [ES] La fuerte influencia de las redes sociales en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad moderna ha convertido a estas plataformas en protagonistas de un fenómeno de dimensiones globales que traspasa fronteras, para afianzarse a ambos lados del Atlántico. El presente trabajo examina las posibles diferencias en el uso que, hoy por hoy, hacen los universitarios españoles y colombianos de estas plataformas. En la investigación toman parte 425 estudiantes: 198 de Administración y Dirección de Empresas de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en España y 227 de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana en Colombia. En ambas instituciones, los participantes completan un cuestionario, elaborado ad hoc por los investigadores a partir de una revisión previa de la literatura. El cuestionario recoge, por un lado, datos relativos a la frecuencia de acceso a las redes sociales de referencia (Twitter, Facebook e Instagram) y, por otro, información tocante a la importancia que el estudiante otorga a determinados usos de la plataforma. Los datos recabados son sometidos a análisis descriptivo e inferencial paramétrico para muestras independientes empleando la prueba t-Student. Los resultados obtenidos revelan la existencia de diferencias significativas en diversos puntos relativos a la utilización que los estudiantes de ambos países hacen de las redes sociales objeto de análisis. Estas diferencias se observan, por ejemplo, en la frecuencia de acceso a las redes Facebook e Instagram; plataformas en las que los estudiantes españoles acceden con mayor asiduidad que los colombianos. Asimismo, el estudio muestra diferencias significativas en ambos países en lo que atañe a la importancia otorgada a la funcionalidad “me gusta”, donde el mayor uso promedio corresponde a los estudiantes de la URJC, y en cuanto a la participación en debates a través de estas plataformas el comportamiento es inverso.Aguilar-Jiménez, AS.; Luzardo-Briceño, M.; Jaimes-Carrillo, L.; Matosas-López, L. (2020). Diferencias significativas en el uso de redes sociales entre universitarios españoles y colombianos. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 741-748. https://doi.org/10.4995/INN2019.2019.10185OCS74174

    The use of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) as an innovative process in the art industry - Benefits and drawbacks of using NFT platforms for the artists.

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    This thesis project aims to analyse the NFT platforms to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using NFTs as an innovative method for artists, verify which aspects of the NFT market benefit the art industry, and identify the obstacles. To answer this question, in the second chapter, the impact of digital technologies and the internet on today's world analysed the potential future of the internet predicted with the presence of NFTs as an essential tool in the digital art industry. The research chapter of this thesis was designed based on the interviews with artists who use NFT platforms to identify the benefits they gained through NFTs and their problems. The econometrics data used in this thesis suggest how art businesses could benefit from this new phenomenon alongside the interviews.This thesis project aims to analyse the NFT platforms to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using NFTs as an innovative method for artists, verify which aspects of the NFT market benefit the art industry, and identify the obstacles. To answer this question, in the second chapter, the impact of digital technologies and the internet on today's world analysed the potential future of the internet predicted with the presence of NFTs as an essential tool in the digital art industry. The research chapter of this thesis was designed based on the interviews with artists who use NFT platforms to identify the benefits they gained through NFTs and their problems. The econometrics data used in this thesis suggest how art businesses could benefit from this new phenomenon alongside the interviews

    SmilieFace : an innovative affective messaging application to enhance social networking

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