14,814 research outputs found

    Design patterns for learning games

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    Kelle, S., Klemke, R., & Specht, M. (2011). Design patterns for learning games. International Journal Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(6), 555–569. Geneva: Inderscience.This article concerns the design of self-contained digital games for the life-long learning context. Although the potential of games for teaching and learning is undisputed, two main barriers hamper its wide introduction. First, the design of such games tends to be complex, laborious and costly. Second, the requirements for a sensible game do not necessarily coincide with the requirements for effective learning. To solve this problem, we propose a methodology to the design of learning games by using game design patterns and matching these with corresponding learning functions, which is expected to reduce design effort and help determining the right balance between game elements and learning. First empirical results indicate that such a methodology actually can work

    Game Design Patterns for Learning

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    Game Design Patterns for Learning

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    Kelle, S. (2012). Game Design Patterns for Learning. November, 9, 2012, Heerlen, The Netherlands: Open Universiteit in the Netherlands, CELSTEC. Aachen: Shaker Verlag.What do learning games consist of? How to design learning games and what to keep in mind? How to balance educational objectives with good gameplay? What to do if you are a game designer and you want to use e-learning standards for your game? And what to do if you are an instructional designer and you are in desperate need to gamify your content? This publication aims at illuminating these questions, presenting results from a 4 year long PhD project run at CELSTEC, the Center of Learning Sciences and Technologies at the Open University of The Netherlands. Sebastian Kelle is a multidisciplinary researcher, currently building up a new center for higher education didactics at Stuttgart Media University.EU ICOPER Projec


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    The traditional method of learning has been widely criticised for its limitations and inflexibility to application in non-educational settings. These observations about the traditional modes of learning have necessitated the contemplation and discovery of new approaches embracing technological tools that advances better learning experiences. Hence, new technological innovations, such as Stronger Game or Serious Games (SGs) have been embraced as more effective methods of achieving deep learning. The application of serious game has indeed, gained traction in both the formal educational and human resource (HR) settings, especially for employees’ training and development. Thus, the core question of this PhD research is hinged on whether the SGs are more effective in creating deep learning in adult learners, compared to the more traditional teaching methods. To respond to this query, the study examines the traditional and SGs learning approaches, in order to ascertain which is more effective in creating deep learning in adults, in addition to achieving human resource training and development. To guide the design and development of SGs to support adult DL, this research proposes a pedagogical framework referred to as the Game ELC+ framework that comprises four learning theories namely: The Game (Elements) within the Yu Kai Chou's Octalysis Framework; Bloom Taxonomy’s Player (Learning) Levels; (Cognitive) Theory of Multimedia Learning; and the Ruskov’s four evidence of Deep Learning (+). This framework provides the standard for measuring DL in the design of SGs. The research instruments developed include a traditional andragogical test which uses e-Learning materials containing ten different learning scenarios in the context of workplace HR scenarios, and a digital Serious Game using exactly the same content and scenarios with the traditional andragogical test. ANOVA was utilized as the data analytical approach for comparing the mean score of learners using serious games and the tradition eLearning platforms. The study hypothesised that deep learning can be achieved through the SGs and that it is more effective than the traditional andragogy. It further asserts that participants who used the SGs achieved a higher learning outcome than participants in traditional process. Participant observation during the testing phase suggests that the participants interacting with the SGs demonstrated high level of engagement and curiosity, when compared to participants who used the traditional eLearning platform. The study findings validate the hypotheses. By implication, the SGs designed according to the Game ELC+ framework results in improved learning outcomes. In summary, the findings claim that incorporating SG elements in HR training and development can improve professional practices and mitigate some of the challenges experienced by human resource in the traditional learning environment

    Multimodal teaching, learning and training in virtual reality: a review and case study

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    It is becoming increasingly prevalent in digital learning research to encompass an array of different meanings, spaces, processes, and teaching strategies for discerning a global perspective on constructing the student learning experience. Multimodality is an emergent phenomenon that may influence how digital learning is designed, especially when employed in highly interactive and immersive learning environments such as Virtual Reality (VR). VR environments may aid students' efforts to be active learners through consciously attending to, and reflecting on, critique leveraging reflexivity and novel meaning-making most likely to lead to a conceptual change. This paper employs eleven industrial case-studies to highlight the application of multimodal VR-based teaching and training as a pedagogically rich strategy that may be designed, mapped and visualized through distinct VR-design elements and features. The outcomes of the use cases contribute to discern in-VR multimodal teaching as an emerging discourse that couples system design-based paradigms with embodied, situated and reflective praxis in spatial, emotional and temporal VR learning environments
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