223 research outputs found

    Blockchain unlocking collaborative opportunities for environmental sustainability through innovation intermediaries

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    This paper delves into the growing need for collaborative technological solutions to address environmental challenges, with a focus on the underexplored potential of Industry 4.0 technologies, in particular as regards blockchain technology (BCT) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Recognizing the obstacles faced by SMEs when embracing green and digital transformation, this research aims to investigate how innovation intermediaries are able to unlock the collaborative potential of BCT for SMEs so as to enhance their environmental sustainability. When assessing and analysing the role of innovation intermediaries, we have also considered their interconnections and interactions with other actors: universities, government institutions and firms (the so-called “stakeholders”). Our research is based on a multiple case study of a still largely unexplored intermediary in the European context, the digital innovation hub (DIH), which extends the applicability of the technological innovation system framework. This approach contributes to research both on innovation intermediaries and on the development of collaborative partnerships for digitalization. The findings reveal the challenges encountered by DIHs, particularly in legitimizing BCTbased solutions. To address these, identified, weaknesses, the paper proposes a conceptual roadmap aimed at improving collaboration among DIHs, SMEs, and their stakeholders. This roadmap outlines three essential functions: enabling, core, and facilitating effective partnerships and innovation processes

    Assessing impact of digital library services. An exploratory study at the University of Camerino

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    Focus of this dissertation is the assessment of digital library services impact on academic library users. This is an academic work, whose eventual outcome will be used for the improvement of services and evidence-based practice. \ud Research started by reviewing international and Italian literature. It emerged that studies on impact and outcomes measurement of digital library services, as part of a user-centred and solely qualitative evaluation process, are sparse, because of the difficulty of translating qualitative criteria of impact into quantifiable measures and indicators, and partly because the process is very much time-consuming. \ud The aim of this research is to build an evaluation model, focused on impact assessment of digital library services offered to users by the Library System of the University of Camerino, workplace of the researcher, to produce recommendations for the organisation and hints for further research. The prototype-like model will be put to the attention of the local library management as assessment tool to become an eventual future reinforcement to the measurement activity already in place. \ud The study is roughly designed to go through these phases: \ud 1. Italian experts in digital library issues are called to give their opinions on the matter with the intent to devise evidence of impact on users; \ud 2. results are fed to a group of local library practitioners, whose task is to confront data against the context they work in and serve; \ud 3. collected data are, then, discussed in depth with local key-informants to possibly find further insight and finally validity of the model. \ud The research takes the form of an exploratory study. It exploits qualitative methods and techniques originated from the social sciences. \ud The evaluation model resulting from the analysis of data is exposed according to academic users activities and groups. It comprises both qualitative and quantitative measures and indicators and the suggested methods of data collection are in accordance. \ud Recommendations are made to the University Library System about how to start a DLS impact assessment activity

    Going Global: The Challenges for Knowledge-based Economies

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    The present volume aims to provide a comprehensive and systemic overview of the challenges that going global poses to knowledge based economies. Its focus is four-fold. 1) Firstly, it investigates why companies, especially high-tech firms, go global, i.e. which are the drivers that push companies to locate – R&D facilities in particular – elsewhere than in the home country. The analysis of the competitive advantages that enterprises seek in the host countries also includes the new techno-economic geography that emerges. Attention is devoted to the time frame of these phenomena and to features such as the development stage of the home and host country, the characteristics of both firms and industries, and the Product Life Cycle of the latter. 2) Secondly, it analyses the impact that the various corporate relocation phenomena might have on intellectual capital, innovative output and the labour market, and growth and development. (Re)locating in fact impacts on knowledge creation, exploitation – including the use of IPRs – , absorption, circulation and spillovers. In turn, these play a fundamental role in shaping the productivity, competitiveness, and ultimately growth and development of both enterprises and countries. 3) Thirdly, it addresses the questions of if and to what extent the current and prospective global dynamics call for new types of governance. Such a need arises if different policy domains have to converge towards common strategic welfare enhancing objectives. Attention is also devoted to the various policies put in place by small open economies that ‘go global’, such as Finland. 4) Fourthly, it addresses the sustainability aspects of going global by investigating how to better share the social, economical and ecological benefits and responsibilities arising from globalisation, technological change, and innovation. It analyses the impact that globalisation and the knowledge-based paradigm might have on both developed and developing countries.R&D, innovation, outsourcing, offshoring, knowledge spillovers

    The Circular Economy Challenge: Towards a Sustainable Development

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    Many recent events, including the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, have proven the necessity of a transformation of the current economic system based on a linear schema of: “take”, “make”, “use”, and “dispose”. This radical change should involve all of the actors involved in the economic system: institutions, industries, consumers, and scientific research. Only cooperation among these stakeholders can ensure an effective shift toward a circular model. However, which kinds of actions can be performed to implement an effective circular economy? The present Special Issue collects nine papers that prove the possibility of implementing the circular economy from different points of view. The authors analyze all of the spheres of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social) in a variety of contexts, evaluating the effect of the circular choices. The nine papers include several key product value chains, in agreement with the most recent European Circular Economy Action Plan (e.g., electronics and ICT, batteries, plastics, construction and buildings, and food). The present paper collection proves that the circular economy is not only a simple business model, but rather, it involves the integration of many strategies for the protection of the natural ecosystem and the maintenance of worldwide economic stability. The holistic approach is essential for a successful business model, and innovation has an indispensable role in the transition. In this context, the present Special Issue aims to be a multidisciplinary collection of innovations useful for all of the stakeholders involved in the circular economy

    The Circular Economy Challenge: Towards a Sustainable Development

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    As it is now known, we have only one earth available for our life and it is our duty to preserve it [...

    Young Children (0-8) and Digital Technology - A qualitative study across Europe

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    It only takes witnessing a few interactions within modern western families to realize how much the experience of childhood has changed. The change comes from different winds blowing on today’s families’ time but certainly, the use of digital technologies peaks out and its impacts on childhood, education, learning and safety has been at question over the last years. Since a very early age, video watching and gaming on a variety of internet-connected devices are among children's favourite activities. Parents see digital technologies as positive and unavoidable, if not necessary, but at the same time, find managing their use challenging. They perceive digital technologies as something that needs to be carefully regulated and controlled. They would appreciate advice on fostering children’s online skills and safety. The document reports on results of a cross-national analysis building on data coming from 234 family interviews with both children and parents, carried out from September 2014 until April 2017 in 21 countries. It exposes the key findings regarding first children’s usage, perceptions of the digital technologies and their digital skills in the home context but also on parents’ perceptions, attitudes, and strategies. Beside the cross-national analysis, a dedicated section provides contextualized snapshots of the study results at national level. It then takes a close up on 38 families in seven countries in which researchers came for a second interview distant of one year in which they focused on monitoring change of context, children and parents’ perceptions, attitudes, and strategies over time. Conclusion reflect on the potential benefits, risks and consequences associated with their (online) interactions with digital technologies and provide recommendations to policymakers, industry, parents and carers.JRC.E.3-Cyber and Digital Citizens' Securit
