29 research outputs found

    Digital video source identification based on green-channel photo response non-uniformity (G-PRNU)

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    This paper proposes a simple but yet an effective new method for the problem of digital video camera identification. It is known that after an exposure time of 0.15 seconds, the green channel is the noisiest of the three RGB colour channels [5]. Based on this observation, the digital camera pattern noise reference, which is extracted using only the green channel of the frames and is called Green-channel Photo Response Non-Uniformity (G-PRNU), is exploited as a fingerprint of the camera. The green channels are first resized to a standard frame size (512x512) using bilinear interpolation. Then the camera fingerprint is obtained by a wavelet based denoising filter described in [4] and averaged over the frames. 2-D correlation coefficient is used in the detection test. This method has been evaluated using 290 video sequences taken by four consumer digital video cameras and two mobile phones. The results show G- PRNU has potential to be a reliable technique in digital video camera identification, and gives better results than PRNU

    Thermal Fingerprinting—Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Computational Loads

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    Digital fingerprinting is used in several domains to identify and track variable activities and processes. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to categorize and recognize computational tasks based on thermal system information. The concept focuses on all kinds of data center environments to control required cooling capacity dynamically. The concept monitors basic thermal sensor data from each server and chassis entity. The respective, characteristic curves are merged with additional general system information, such as CPU load behavior, memory usage, and I/O characteristics. This results in two-dimensional thermal fingerprints, which are unique and achievable. The fingerprints are used as input for an adaptive, pre-active air-conditioning control system. This allows a precise estimation of the data center health status. First test cases and reference scenarios clarify a huge potential for energy savings without any negative aspects regarding health status or durability. In consequence, we provide a cost-efficient, light-weight, and flexible solution to optimize the energy-efficiency for a huge number of existing, conventional data center environments

    Review on passive approaches for detecting image tampering

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    This paper defines the presently used methods and approaches in the domain of digital image forgery detection. A survey of a recent study is explored including an examination of the current techniques and passive approaches in detecting image tampering. This area of research is relatively new and only a few sources exist that directly relate to the detection of image forgeries. Passive, or blind, approaches for detecting image tampering are regarded as a new direction of research. In recent years, there has been significant work performed in this highly active area of research. Passive approaches do not depend on hidden data to detect image forgeries, but only utilize the statistics and/or content of the image in question to verify its genuineness. The specific types of forgery detection techniques are discussed below

    Novel framework for optimized digital forensic for mitigating complex image attacks

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    Digital Image Forensic is significantly becoming popular owing to the increasing usage of the images as a media of information propagation. However, owing to the presence of various image editing tools and softwares, there is also an increasing threats over image content security. Reviewing the existing approaches of identify the traces or artifacts states that there is a large scope of optimization to be implmentation to further enhance teh processing. Therfore, this paper presents a novel framework that performs cost effective optmization of digital forensic tehnqiue with an idea of accurately localizing teh area of tampering as well as offers a capability to mitigate the attacks of various form. The study outcome shows that propsoed system offers better outcome in contrast to existing system to a significant scale to prove that minor novelty in design attribute could induce better improvement with respect to accuracy as well as resilience toward all potential image threats

    Exposing image forgery by detecting traces of feather operation

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    Powerful digital image editing tools make it very easy to produce a perfect image forgery. The feather operation is necessary when tampering an image by copy–paste operation because it can help the boundary of pasted object to blend smoothly and unobtrusively with its surroundings. We propose a blind technique capable of detecting traces of feather operation to expose image forgeries. We model the feather operation, and the pixels of feather region will present similarity in their gradient phase angle and feather radius. An effectual scheme is designed to estimate each feather region pixel׳s gradient phase angle and feather radius, and the pixel׳s similarity to its neighbor pixels is defined and used to distinguish the feathered pixels from un-feathered pixels. The degree of image credibility is defined, and it is more acceptable to evaluate the reality of one image than just using a decision of YES or NO. Results of experiments on several forgeries demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique

    Detection of video frame insertion based on constraint of human visual perception

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    Recently, due to availability of inexpensive and easily-operable multimedia tools, digital multimedia technology has experienced drastic advancements. At the same time, video forgery becomes much easier and makes more difficult to validate the video content. Consequently, the origin and integrity of video can no longer be taken for granted. A methodology is developed that is capable of detecting the video frame insertion based on the constraint of human visual perception. The main idea is based on the so-called differential sensitivity. That is, that the variation of brightness of neighboring video frames has some constraint. First, the video sequence is partitioned into short and overlapping sub-sequences. Second, the ratio of the temporal variation of brightness calculated at the beginning and the ending frames of each sub-sequence is computed and compared with a threshold to determine the approximate location of the video frame insertion. Third, a procedure is conducted to determine the exact location of the insertion. The success of simulation works on more than 200 video sequences. The precision rate of detection is about 94.09%, and the precision rate of detecting location of frame insertion is 84.88% on testing databas

    Context-Aware Image Matting for Simultaneous Foreground and Alpha Estimation

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    Natural image matting is an important problem in computer vision and graphics. It is an ill-posed problem when only an input image is available without any external information. While the recent deep learning approaches have shown promising results, they only estimate the alpha matte. This paper presents a context-aware natural image matting method for simultaneous foreground and alpha matte estimation. Our method employs two encoder networks to extract essential information for matting. Particularly, we use a matting encoder to learn local features and a context encoder to obtain more global context information. We concatenate the outputs from these two encoders and feed them into decoder networks to simultaneously estimate the foreground and alpha matte. To train this whole deep neural network, we employ both the standard Laplacian loss and the feature loss: the former helps to achieve high numerical performance while the latter leads to more perceptually plausible results. We also report several data augmentation strategies that greatly improve the network's generalization performance. Our qualitative and quantitative experiments show that our method enables high-quality matting for a single natural image. Our inference codes and models have been made publicly available at https://github.com/hqqxyy/Context-Aware-Matting.Comment: This is the camera ready version of ICCV2019 pape