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    Digital customer experience

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    Digital Customer Experience

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    Konsep customer experience memang bukan hal baru dalam ilmu pemasaran, namun perlu dicermati kembali bahwa dewasa ini konsep bisnis mulai berubah, masuknya berbagai macam teknologi membuat perusahaan dan pemasar memikirkan kembali bagaimana membangun customer experience dalam dunia digital. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh digital customer experience berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan, loyalitas dan word of mouth di media sosial pada konsumen dalam generasi millennials. 200 Generasi millennials dipilih untuk menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini dikarenakan kelompok generasi inilah yang akan menjadi market yang cukup besar dalam industri di masa depan. Semua responden akan diberi kuesioner yang selanjutnya akan diolah menggunakan teknik analisis SEM dengan software Smart PLS 3. Hasil analisis dalam penelitian ini didapati bahwa digital customer experience memiliki pengaruh terhadap WOM in social media baik secara langsung maupun melalui customer satisfaction, digital customer experinence memiliki pengaruh terhadap customer loyalty melalui customer satisfaction dan digital customer experience tidak memiliki pengaruh langusung terhadap customer loyalty

    Digital customer experience management in big data-driven marketing

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    Digitalisation has shaped the nature of business operations, and the focus of competition has shifted towards distinct and holistic customer experiences through data analysis. The substantial amount of big data compiled today extends the organisational opportunities by thorough execution of customer experience management, as various customer experience insights can be garnered from big data to embellish organisations’ extant strategies by expanding imperative data-driven operations and customer orientation. The aspiration for the thesis was to resolve how digital customer experience management in big data-driven marketing is executed, and thus connectively how big data analytics are used in big data-driven marketing and how big data-driven marketing is used for digital customer experience management. The thesis answers the call for descriptive scientific research that provides theoretical and practical development combining customer experience management and big data-driven marketing as research objects. The study was done as qualitative research. The theoretical framework worked as a process description divided into strategical planning and operational implementation by setting a direction and making choices to implement customer experience and comprehend the success of customer experience management to learn from it. The data were collected by conducting eight semi-structured thematic interviews with a purposeful sampling of professionals from considerable business management, marketing, and technology companies. Analysis was done with qualitative thematic analysis on NVivo. According to the research findings, continual big data analytics and data-driven marketing are the underlying driving forces for customer experience management that require clearly defined objectives and actions that can be measured and monitored to gain the necessary insights with data analytics. The capabilities of customer experience management necessitate comprehensive processes at the strategic and operational level, technology through data manoeuvrability, intelligence, and interpretation, as well as people who bring a strong and supportive organisational culture by understanding the value of customer experience for business growth and that they are responsible for it within their allocated roles in the process. Further, implementing customer experience happens by piloting on a smaller scale before moving towards larger target groups and thereafter maybe even modelling the concept into continuous use. Comprehensive management must be done systematically, in a structured manner so that it can be adhered to and documented. Moreover, customer experience management requires constant learning to renew customer experience by continually developing, maintaining, and repeating operations. The results of the study altogether support extant theory and research in many aspects. Still, this study provides a deeper practical look into the customer experience with the provided detailed process description. Significantly, customer experience management cannot be compromised since it is critical to the organisation's competitiveness in the 2020s to provide incredible and customised data-driven experiences whereby big data analytics and data-driven marketing play a crucial role when attracting, converting, and advocating customers.Digitalisaatio on muokannut liiketoiminnan luonnetta kilpailun painopisteen siirtyessä kohti erottuvaa ja kokonaisvaltaista asiakaskokemusta data-analyysin myötä. Nykyään kerätyn big datan huomattava määrä laajentaa organisaatioiden mahdollisuuksia perusteelliseen asiakaskokemuksen johtamiseen, sillä big datasta voidaan kerätä erilaisia ​​asiakaskokemusta koskevia oivalluksia, joilla voidaan täydentää organisaatioiden nykyisiä strategioita laajentamalla välttämättömiä dataan perustuvia toimintoja sekä asiakaslähtöisyyttä. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten digitaalinen asiakaskokemuksen johtaminen big dataohjatussa markkinoinnissa toteutetaan ja siten yhdistettynä, kuinka big data-analytiikkaa käytetään big dataohjautuvassa markkinoinnissa sekä vastaavasti, kuinka big dataohjautuvaa markkinointia käytetään digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen johtamiseen. Opinnäytetyö vastaakin tieteenalan kehotukseen kuvailevasta tieteellisestä tutkimuksesta, joka tarjoaa teoreettista ja käytännöllistä kehitystä yhdistäen asiakaskokemuksen johtamisen ja big dataohjautuvan markkinoinnin tutkimuskohteina. Tutkimus tehtiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Teoreettinen viitekehys toimi prosessikuvauksena, joka jakautui strategiseen suunnitteluun ja operatiiviseen toteutukseen asettamalla haluttu suunta ja tekemällä valintoja asiakaskokemuksen toteuttamiseksi ja ymmärtämiseksi. Aineisto kerättiin tekemällä kahdeksan puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua, joihin osallistui tarkoituksenmukaisesti valikoituja ammattilaisia liikkeenjohdon, markkinoinnin ja teknologian alan yrityksistä. Analyysi tehtiin kvalitatiivisella temaattisella analyysillä NVivossa. Tutkimustulosten mukaan jatkuva big data-analytiikka ja dataohjautuva markkinointi ovat asiakaskokemuksen johtamisen kantavia tekijöitä, jotka edellyttävät selkeästi määriteltyjä, mitattavia ja seurattavia tavoitteita ja toimia, jotta tarvittavat näkemykset data-analytiikalla ovat saavutettavissa. Asiakaskokemuksen johtamisen valmiudet edellyttävät kattavia prosesseja strategisella ja operatiivisella tasolla, teknologiaa datan ohjattavuuden, älykkyyden ja tulkinnan kautta sekä ihmisiä, jotka tuovat vahvan ja tukevan organisaatiokulttuurin ymmärtämällä asiakaskokemuksen arvon liiketoiminnan kasvulle ja sen, että he ovat vastuussa kokemuksesta omissa rooleissaan prosessin aikana. Lisäksi asiakaskokemuksen toteuttaminen tapahtuu pilotoimalla pienemmässä mittakaavassa ennen kuin siirrytään suurempiin kohderyhmiin ja sen jälkeen ehkä jopa mallintamalla konsepti jatkuvaan käyttöön. Kokonaisvaltainen johtaminen on myös tehtävä järjestelmällisesti ja jäsennellysti, jotta sitä voidaan noudattaa ja dokumentoida jatkoa varten. Asiakaskokemuksen johtaminen edellyttääkin jatkuvaa oppimista asiakaskokemuksen uudistamiseksi kehittämällä, ylläpitämällä ja toistamalla toimintoja jatkuvasti. Tutkimuksen tulokset tukevat kaiken kaikkiaan olemassa olevaa teoriaa ja tutkimusta monilta osin, mutta ennen kaikkea tämä tutkimus tarjoaa yksityiskohtaisella prosessikuvauksella syvemmän käytännön katsauksen asiakaskokemukseen. Asiakaskokemuksen johtamisessa ei voida tinkiä, sillä organisaation kilpailukyvyn kannalta 2020-luvulla on ratkaisevan tärkeää tarjota uskomattomia ja räätälöityjä dataohjautuvia kokemuksia, joissa big data-analytiikka ja dataohjautuva markkinointi ovat ratkaisevassa asemassa asiakkaiden houkuttelemisessa, käännyttämisessä ja kannattamisessa


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    ABSTRAK Ihda Farhatun Nisak (1905855) “Program Artificial Intelligence Quality dalam Social Media untuk Menciptakan Digital Customer Experience sebagai Upaya Berkelanjutan Online Repurchase Intention” di bawah bimbingan Dr. Lili Adi Wibowo, S.Pd., S.Sos., M.M. dan Lisnawati, S.Pd., M.M. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh gambaran dan pengaruh dari program artificial intelligence quality terhadap online repurchase intention melalui digital customer experience pada pengguna Bukalapak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 7.850 dengan sampel berjumlah 200 responden penggina Bukalapak yang tergabung dalam Komunitas Bukalapak Indonesia dengan menggunakan teknik sample random sampling. Data diolah secara statistic menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil temuan pada penelitian ini menemukan bahwa gambaran program artificial intelligence quality, digital customer experience dan online repurchase intention berada pada kategori tinggi. Program artificial intelligence quality memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap online repurchase intention melalui digital customer experience, hasil pengaruh langsung menemukan bahwa Program artificial intelligence quality tidak memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap online repurchase intention. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan program artificial intelligence quality dapat membangun digital customer experience dan membentuk online repurchase intention pada pengguna Bukalapak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti merekomendasikan untuk meningkatkan personalization dan melakukan peningkatan pelayanan yang berbasis artificial intelligence sehingga pengguna akan mendapatkan pengalaman positif yang mendorong pengguna melakukan online repurchase intention. Kata Kunci: Program artificial intelligence quality, digital customer experience, online repurchase intention   ABSTRACT Ihda Farhatun Nisak (1905855) " Artificial Intelligence Quality Program in Social Media to Create Digital Customer Experience as an Effort to Sustain Online Repurchase Intention " under the guidance of Dr. Lili Adi Wibowo, S.Pd., S.Sos., M.M. and Lisnawati, S.Pd., M.M. This research aims to obtain an overview and influence of the artificial intelligence quality program on online repurchase intention through digital customer experience for Bukalapak users. This research uses descriptive and verification methods with a quantitative approach. The population in this study amounted to 7,850 with a sample of 200 Bukalapak user respondents who are members of the Bukalapak Indonesia Community using sample random sampling techniques. The data were statistically processed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The findings of this study found that the description of the artificial intelligence quality program, digital customer experience and online repurchase intention is in the high category. The artificial intelligence quality program has a positive and significant influence on online repurchase intention through digital customer experience, the results of the direct effect found that the artificial intelligence quality program does not have a positive and significant effect on online repurchase intention. This finding shows that the implementation of the artificial intelligence quality program can build digital customer experience and form online repurchase intention in Bukalapak users. Based on the results of the study, researchers recommend increasing personalization and improving artificial intelligence-based services so that users will get a positive experience that encourages users to make online repurchase intention. Keywords: Program artificial intelligence quality, digital customer experience, online repurchase intentio

    Mendapatkan word of mouth in social media dan loyalitas dengan digital customer experience

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    The concept of customer experience is indeed not new in marketing, it should be noted again that today's business concepts are starting to change. The various technologies has made companies and marketers rethinking how to build customer experience in the digital world. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of digital customer experience on satisfaction, loyalty, and word of mouth in social media. Two hundred millennial were chosen to be respondents, because this generation group will become a sizable market in the industry in the future. All respondents will be given a questionnaire which will then be processed using SEM-PLS analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that digital customer experience has an influence on word of mouth on social media both directly and indirectly, digital customer experience has an influence on customer loyalty indirectly and digital customer experience has a direct influence on customers


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    The theory of consumer experience has long been invented by schoolars, even starting in the 1990s. The disclosure of this theory began in the 1990s in a traditional and conventional business context. Businesses are still faced with purchases and consumers on the sidelines, face-to-face meetings, and direct interaction, and the consumer can still see and try the product in person. The development of business in the Internet era has brought about a variety of technologies and digital media, one of which is the online store. The conditions of online business are very different from those of conventional and traditional business. Consumers cannot interact directly and face-to-face; they cannot see and try the product directly. Then, what about the purchasing experience experienced and felt by today's consumers? This research looks at every element of the customer experience at every stage of consumer purchasing decisions. Research is qualitative research with the method of group discussion focused on questions that have been structured. The study involved 10 sources selected according to certain criteria, one of which was the age range of the millennial generation. The findings reveal new elements in consumer experience in the digital age by referring to consumer experiences presented in the 1990s.Teori mengenai pengalaman konsumen telah lama dikemukan oleh para ahli, bahkan mulai tahun 1990. Pengungkapan teori ini diawal tahun 1990 dalam kontek bisnis secara tradisonal dan konvensional. Bisnis masih dihadapkan pada pembelian dan konsumen secara langusung, bertemu tatapmuka, berinteraksi langsung, dan konsumen masih dapat melihat dan mencoba produk secara langsung. Perkembangan bisnis diera internet memunculkan beragam teknologi dan media digital, salah satunya adalah toko daring. Kondisi bisnis online sangatlah berbeda dengan bisnis konvensioanl dan tradisional. Konsumen tidak bisa berinteraksi secara langsung dan tatap muka, konsumen tidak bisa melihat dan mencoba produk secara langsung. Lantas, bagaimana dengan pengalaman pembelian yang dialamai dan dirasakan oleh konsumen saat ini. Penelitian ini melihat setiap elemen customer experience dalam setiap tahap keputusan pemebelian konsumen. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode diskusi group fokus menggunakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang telah disusun. Penelitian ini melibatkan 10 narasumber yang dipilih dengan kriteria tertentu salah satunya adalah rentang usia pada generasi millennial. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkap elemen-elemen baru dalam pengalaman konsumen di era digital dengan mengacu pada pengalaman konsumen yang dikemukakan pada tahun 1990

    Measuring The Digital Customer Experience Of The Finnish Tax Administration's E-Services

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    Digital customer experience is a constantly emerging topic with close to every interaction between the customer and the organization being possible to happen online. With a government facilitated organization such as The Finnish Tax administration, traditional customer experience metrics rarely are directly applicable. This thesis aims to define a suitable perception for what digital customer experience means in such context and how should it be measured. With extensive literature review, certain service quality dimensions were identified, to form metrics to attain an overall view of the customer experience. Empirical research was then conducted, putting the dimensions to practice and gathering relevant data to evaluate the feasibility of the proposed metrics. This thesis can potentially be used as a base for more in-depth research regarding any of the identified customer experience dimensions, or to create an even more accurate model for the measurement of digital customer experience in e-governance environments


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    Customers, by experience, they know more about purchasing than salespeople and they perceive themselves to have more control over the sales encounter. With increased mobility and connectivity, companies must map the customer’s path to purchase, understand customer touchpoints along the way and intervene in selecting the touchpoints that matter. The urgency of this research is to fnd out the role of the customer journey and store atmosphere that can build customer satisfaction in the new normal era for MSMEs in the Tangerang area, this study uses a digital marketing communication approach, integrated marketing communication, customer journey, store atmosphere, and customer satisfaction, the research stages The research was conducted looking for related data in the MSME data center in the Tangerang area, mapping problems, conducting observations and interviews with MSME actors to fnd out about one of them, consumer touchpoint activities in service, and well-maintained ambiance stores. case study method. The results of the study show, through mapping the consumer journey and the use of digital customer experience. First, MSME actors take steps to map the customer journey, to get typical consumers, and the interaction media used through WhatsApp Group media, and social media, as well as to fnd out consumer reactions when in contact with product brands, as well as obstacles that occur. Second, digital customer experience and consumer journey mapping provide customer satisfaction when interacting with MSME product brands, this is indicated, there is a high involvement between customers and MSMEs which is marked by repeated purchases, participating in programs carried out by ofered either through WAG or social media, as well as marketplaces

    Digital Customer Experiences of White Goods Industries

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    This study aims to show the path to be followed to the white goods companies aiming to increase their online sales in order to provide their customers with a perfect digital customer experience. With the ever-increasing customer expectations, it explores how to achieve customer satisfaction and repurchase intention through online customer experience. Various sub constructs of customer experience were analyzed, and among these, ease of use and delivery process were found to be the most influential factors for repurchase intention and customer satisfaction. The results have significant implications both for the literature and in managerial context. This study is intended to be a road map for white goods companies that have just started their online sales