203,389 research outputs found

    Digital Color Imaging

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    This paper surveys current technology and research in the area of digital color imaging. In order to establish the background and lay down terminology, fundamental concepts of color perception and measurement are first presented us-ing vector-space notation and terminology. Present-day color recording and reproduction systems are reviewed along with the common mathematical models used for representing these devices. Algorithms for processing color images for display and communication are surveyed, and a forecast of research trends is attempted. An extensive bibliography is provided

    The relation between color spaces and compositional data analysis demonstrated with magnetic resonance image processing applications

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    This paper presents a novel application of compositional data analysis methods in the context of color image processing. A vector decomposition method is proposed to reveal compositional components of any vector with positive components followed by compositional data analysis to demonstrate the relation between color space concepts such as hue and saturation to their compositional counterparts. The proposed methods are applied to a magnetic resonance imaging dataset acquired from a living human brain and a digital color photograph to perform image fusion. Potential future applications in magnetic resonance imaging are mentioned and the benefits/disadvantages of the proposed methods are discussed in terms of color image processing.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, short paper, submitted to Austrian Journal of Statistics compositional data analysis special issue, first revision, fix rendering error in fig

    Color camera computed tomography imaging spectrometer for improved spatial-spectral image accuracy

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    Computed tomography imaging spectrometers ("CTIS"s) having color focal plane array detectors are provided. The color FPA detector may comprise a digital color camera including a digital image sensor, such as a Foveon X3.RTM. digital image sensor or a Bayer color filter mosaic. In another embodiment, the CTIS includes a pattern imposed either directly on the object scene being imaged or at the field stop aperture. The use of a color FPA detector and the pattern improves the accuracy of the captured spatial and spectral information

    METACOW: A public-domain, high-resolution, fully-digital, noise-free, metameric, extended-dynamic-range, spectral test target for imaging system analysis and simulation

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    Standard, easily accessible, test targets have long served the field of color imaging as a foundation for comparison of the performance of various imaging systems and algorithms and the open and meaningful exchange of research results. This paper details the creation and application of a new digital color test target useful for research and development of color imaging systems. The target has several advantages over previous types of targets that include spatial resolution, dynamic range, spectral resolution, metameric properties, lack of noise, and continuous tonal variations. All these features can be important for visual assessment, computational analysis, and colorimetric evaluation. This target, known as METACOW, is freely available to all performing research in color imaging

    Simultaneous two-color imaging in digital holographic microscopy

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    We demonstrate the use of two-color digital holographic microscopy (DHM) for imaging microbiological subjects. The use of two wavelengths significantly reduces artifacts present in the reconstructed data, allowing us to image weakly scattering objects in close proximity to strongly-scattering objects. We demonstrate this by reconstructing the shape of the flagellum of a single-cell eukaryotic parasite Leishmania mexicana in close proximity to a more strongly-scattering cell body. Our approach also yields a reduction of approximately one third in the axial position uncertainty when tracking the motion of swimming cells at low magnification, which we demonstrate with a sample of Escherichia coli bacteria mixed with polystyrene beads. The two-wavelength system that we describe introduces minimal additional complexity into the optical system, and provides significant benefits

    Specialized Color Targets for Spectral Reflectance Reconstruction of Magnified Images

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    Digital images are used almost exclusively instead of film to capture visual information across many scientific fields. The colorimetric color representation within these digital images can be relayed from the digital counts produced by the camera with the use of a known color target. In image capture of magnified images, there is currently no reliable color target that can be used at multiple magnifications and give the user a solid understanding of the color ground truth within those images. The first part of this dissertation included the design, fabrication, and testing of a color target produced with optical interference coated microlenses for use in an off-axis illumination, compound microscope. An ideal target was designed to increase the color gamut for colorimetric imaging and provide the necessary Block Dye spectral reflectance profiles across the visible spectrum to reduce the number of color patches necessary for multiple filter imaging systems that rely on statistical models for spectral reflectance reconstruction. There are other scientific disciplines that can benefit from a specialized color target to determine the color ground truth in their magnified images and perform spectral estimation. Not every discipline has the luxury of having a multi-filter imaging system. The second part of this dissertation developed two unique ways of using an interference coated color mirror target: one that relies on multiple light-source angles, and one that leverages a dynamic color change with time. The source multi-angle technique would be used for the microelectronic discipline where the reconstructed spectral reflectance would be used to determine a dielectric film thickness on a silicon substrate, and the time varying technique would be used for a biomedical example to determine the thickness of human tear film

    The Cut & Enhance method : selecting clusters of galaxies from the SDSS commissioning data

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    We describe an automated method, the Cut & Enhance method (CE) for detecting clusters of galaxies in multi-color optical imaging surveys. This method uses simple color cuts, combined with a density enhancement algorithm, to up-weight pairs of galaxies that are close in both angular separation and color. The method is semi-parametric since it uses minimal assumptions about cluster properties in order to minimize possible biases. No assumptions are made about the shape of clusters, their radial profile or their luminosity function. The method is successful in finding systems ranging from poor to rich clusters of galaxies, of both regular and irregular shape. We determine the selection function of the CE method via extensive Monte Carlo simulations which use both the real, observed background of galaxies and a randomized background of galaxies. We use position shuffled and color shuffled data to perform the false positive test. We have also visually checked all the clusters detected by the CE method. We apply the CE method to the 350 deg^2 of the SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) commissioning data and construct a SDSS CE galaxy cluster catalog with an estimated redshift and richness for each cluster. The CE method is compared with other cluster selection methods used on SDSS data such as the Matched Filter (Postman et al. 1996, Kim et al. 2001), maxBCG technique (Annis et al. 2001) and Voronoi Tessellation (Kim et al. 2001). The CE method can be adopted for cluster selection in any multi-color imaging surveys.Comment: 62 pages, 32 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, "the CE galaxy cluster catalog can be downloaded from, http://astrophysics.phys.cmu.edu/~tomo/ce/
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