2,565 research outputs found

    Improvements in Digital Holographic Microscopy

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    The Ph.D. dissertation consists of developing a series of innovative computational methods for improving digital holographic microscopy (DHM). DHM systems are widely used in quantitative phase imaging for studying micrometer-size biological and non-biological samples. As any imaging technique, DHM systems have limitations that reduce their applicability. Current limitations in DHM systems are: i) the number of holograms (more than three holograms) required in slightly off-axis DHM systems to reconstruct the object phase information without applying complex computational algorithms; ii) the lack of an automatic and robust computation algorithm to compensate for the interference angle and reconstruct the object phase information without phase distortions in off-axis DHM systems operating in telecentric and image plane conditions; iii) the necessity of an automatic computational algorithm to simultaneously compensate for the interference angle and numerically focus out-of-focus holograms on reconstructing the object phase information without phase distortions in off-axis DHM systems operating in telecentric regime; iv) the deficiency of reconstructing phase images without phase distortions at video-rate speed in off-axis DHM operating in telecentric regime, and image plane conditions; v) the lack of an open-source library for any DHM optical configuration; and, finally, vi) the tradeoff between speckle contrast and spatial resolution existing in current computational strategies to reduce the speckle contrast. This Ph.D. dissertation is motivated to overcome or at least reduce the six limitations mentioned above. Each chapter of this dissertation presents and discusses a novel computational method from the theoretical and experimental point of view to address each of these limitations

    Digital Holographic Microscopy of Phase Separation in Multicomponent Lipid Membranes

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    Lateral in-homogeneities in lipid compositions cause microdomains formation and change in the physical properties of biological membranes. With the presence of cholesterol and mixed species of lipids, phospholipid membranes segregate into lateral domains of liquid-ordered and liquid-disordered phases. Coupling of two-dimensional intralayer phase separations and interlayer liquid-crystalline ordering in multicomponent membranes has been previously demonstrated. By the use of digital holographic microscopy (DHMicroscopy), we quantitatively analyzed the volumetric dynamical behavior of such membranes. The specimens are lipid mixtures composed of sphingomyelin, cholesterol, and unsaturated phospholipid, 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine. DHMicroscopy in a transmission mode is an effective tool for quantitative visualization of phase objects. By deriving the associated phase changes, three-dimensional information on the morphology variation of lipid stacks at arbitrary time scales is obtained. Moreover, the thickness distribution of the object at demanded axial planes can be obtained by numerical focusing. Our results show that the volume evolution of lipid domains follows approximately the same universal growth law of previously reported area evolution. However, the thickness of the domains does not alter significantly by time; therefore, the volume evolution is mostly attributed to the changes in area dynamics. These results might be useful in the field of membrane-based functional materials

    Digital holographic microscopy for diabetes screening

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    A digital holographic microscope operating in telecentric mode could be used to diagnose diabetes and evaluate long-term glycemic control in patients with diabetes

    Three dimensional tracking of gold nanoparticles using digital holographic microscopy

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    In this paper we present a digital holographic microscope to track gold colloids in three dimensions. We report observations of 100nm gold particles in motion in water. The expected signal and the chosen method of reconstruction are described. We also discuss about how to implement the numerical calculation to reach real-time 3D tracking
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