69 research outputs found

    Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to House Numbers Digit Classification

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    We classify digits of real-world house numbers using convolutional neural networks (ConvNets). ConvNets are hierarchical feature learning neural networks whose structure is biologically inspired. Unlike many popular vision approaches that are hand-designed, ConvNets can automatically learn a unique set of features optimized for a given task. We augmented the traditional ConvNet architecture by learning multi-stage features and by using Lp pooling and establish a new state-of-the-art of 94.85% accuracy on the SVHN dataset (45.2% error improvement). Furthermore, we analyze the benefits of different pooling methods and multi-stage features in ConvNets. The source code and a tutorial are available at eblearn.sf.net.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    Development of a Feature Extraction Technique for Online Character Recognition System

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    Character recognition has been a popular research area for many years because of its various application potentials. Some of its application areas are postal automation, bank cheque processing, automatic data entry, signature verification and so on. Nevertheless, recognition of handwritten characters is a problem that is currently gathering a lot of attention. It has become a difficult problem because of the high variability and ambiguity in the character shapes written by individuals. A lot of researchers have proposed many approaches to solve this complex problem but none has been able to solve the problem completely in all settings. Some of the problems encountered by researchers include selection of efficient feature extraction method, long network training time, long recognition time and low recognition accuracy. This paper developed a feature extraction technique for online character recognition system using hybrid of geometrical and statistical features. Thus, through the integration of geometrical and statistical features, insights were gained into new character properties, since these types of features were considered to be complementary. Keywords: Character recognition, Feature extraction, Geometrical Feature, Statistical Feature, Character

    Street View House Number Identification Based on Deep Learning

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    Text Detection and Pose Estimation for a Reading Robot

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    Sustainable | Sustaining City Streets

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    Streets are an integral part of every city on Earth. They channel the people, vehicles, and materials that help make urban life what it is. They are conduits for the oft-taken-for-granted infrastructures that carry fresh water, energy, and information, and that remove excess stormwater and waste. The very air that we breathe—fresh or foul—flows through our street canyons. That streets are the arteries of the city is, indeed, an apt metaphor. But city streets also function as a front yard, linear ecosystem, market, performance stage, and civic forum, among other duties. In their various forms, streets are places of interaction and exchange, from the everyday to the extraordinary. As the editors affirm, the more we scrutinize, share, and activate sustainable approaches to streets, the greater the likelihood that our streets will help sustain life in cities and, by extension, the planet. While diverse in subject, the papers in this volume are unified in seeing the city street as the complex, impactful, and pliable urban phenomenon that it is. Topics range from greenstreets to transit networks to pedestrian safety and walkability. Anyone seeking interdisciplinary perspectives on what makes for good city streets and street networks should find this book of interest

    Enhancing scene text recognition with visual context information

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    This thesis addresses the problem of improving text spotting systems, which aim to detect and recognize text in unrestricted images (e.g. a street sign, an advertisement, a bus destination, etc.). The goal is to improve the performance of off-the-shelf vision systems by exploiting the semantic information derived from the image itself. The rationale is that knowing the content of the image or the visual context can help to decide which words are the correct andidate words. For example, the fact that an image shows a coffee shop makes it more likely that a word on a signboard reads as Dunkin and not unkind. We address this problem by drawing on successful developments in natural language processing and machine learning, in particular, learning to re-rank and neural networks, to present post-process frameworks that improve state-of-the-art text spotting systems without the need for costly data-driven re-training or tuning procedures. Discovering the degree of semantic relatedness of candidate words and their image context is a task related to assessing the semantic similarity between words or text fragments. However, semantic relatedness is more general than similarity (e.g. car, road, and traffic light are related but not similar) and requires certain adaptations. To meet the requirements of these broader perspectives of semantic similarity, we develop two approaches to learn the semantic related-ness of the spotted word and its environmental context: word-to-word (object) or word-to-sentence (caption). In the word-to-word approach, word embed-ding based re-rankers are developed. The re-ranker takes the words from the text spotting baseline and re-ranks them based on the visual context from the object classifier. For the second, an end-to-end neural approach is designed to drive image description (caption) at the sentence-level as well as the word-level (objects) and re-rank them based not only on the visual context but also on the co-occurrence between them. As an additional contribution, to meet the requirements of data-driven ap-proaches such as neural networks, we propose a visual context dataset for this task, in which the publicly available COCO-text dataset [Veit et al. 2016] has been extended with information about the scene (including the objects and places appearing in the image) to enable researchers to include the semantic relations between texts and scene in their Text Spotting systems, and to offer a common evaluation baseline for such approaches.Aquesta tesi aborda el problema de millorar els sistemes de reconeixement de text, que permeten detectar i reconèixer text en imatges no restringides (per exemple, un cartell al carrer, un anunci, una destinació d’autobús, etc.). L’objectiu és millorar el rendiment dels sistemes de visió existents explotant la informació semàntica derivada de la pròpia imatge. La idea principal és que conèixer el contingut de la imatge o el context visual en el que un text apareix, pot ajudar a decidir quines són les paraules correctes. Per exemple, el fet que una imatge mostri una cafeteria fa que sigui més probable que una paraula en un rètol es llegeixi com a Dunkin que no pas com unkind. Abordem aquest problema recorrent a avenços en el processament del llenguatge natural i l’aprenentatge automàtic, en particular, aprenent re-rankers i xarxes neuronals, per presentar solucions de postprocés que milloren els sistemes de l’estat de l’art de reconeixement de text, sense necessitat de costosos procediments de reentrenament o afinació que requereixin grans quantitats de dades. Descobrir el grau de relació semàntica entre les paraules candidates i el seu context d’imatge és una tasca relacionada amb l’avaluació de la semblança semàntica entre paraules o fragments de text. Tanmateix, determinar l’existència d’una relació semàntica és una tasca més general que avaluar la semblança (per exemple, cotxe, carretera i semàfor estan relacionats però no són similars) i per tant els mètodes existents requereixen certes adaptacions. Per satisfer els requisits d’aquestes perspectives més àmplies de relació semàntica, desenvolupem dos enfocaments per aprendre la relació semàntica de la paraula reconeguda i el seu context: paraula-a-paraula (amb els objectes a la imatge) o paraula-a-frase (subtítol de la imatge). En l’enfocament de paraula-a-paraula s’usen re-rankers basats en word-embeddings. El re-ranker pren les paraules proposades pel sistema base i les torna a reordenar en funció del context visual proporcionat pel classificador d’objectes. Per al segon cas, s’ha dissenyat un enfocament neuronal d’extrem a extrem per explotar la descripció de la imatge (subtítol) tant a nivell de frase com a nivell de paraula i re-ordenar les paraules candidates basant-se tant en el context visual com en les co-ocurrències amb el subtítol. Com a contribució addicional, per satisfer els requisits dels enfocs basats en dades com ara les xarxes neuronals, presentem un conjunt de dades de contextos visuals per a aquesta tasca, en el què el conjunt de dades COCO-text disponible públicament [Veit et al. 2016] s’ha ampliat amb informació sobre l’escena (inclosos els objectes i els llocs que apareixen a la imatge) per permetre als investigadors incloure les relacions semàntiques entre textos i escena als seus sistemes de reconeixement de text, i oferir una base d’avaluació comuna per a aquests enfocaments

    Michigan v. M22

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