714 research outputs found

    Homogenization of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck Equations for Ion Transport in Charged Porous Media

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    Effective Poisson-Nernst-Planck (PNP) equations are derived for macroscopic ion transport in charged porous media under periodic fluid flow by an asymptotic multi-scale expansion with drift. The microscopic setting is a two-component periodic composite consisting of a dilute electrolyte continuum (described by standard PNP equations) and a continuous dielectric matrix, which is impermeable to the ions and carries a given surface charge. Four new features arise in the upscaled equations: (i) the effective ionic diffusivities and mobilities become tensors, related to the microstructure; (ii) the effective permittivity is also a tensor, depending on the electrolyte/matrix permittivity ratio and the ratio of the Debye screening length to the macroscopic length of the porous medium; (iii) the microscopic fluidic convection is replaced by a diffusion-dispersion correction in the effective diffusion tensor; and (iv) the surface charge per volume appears as a continuous "background charge density", as in classical membrane models. The coefficient tensors in the upscaled PNP equations can be calculated from periodic reference cell problems. For an insulating solid matrix, all gradients are corrected by the same tensor, and the Einstein relation holds at the macroscopic scale, which is not generally the case for a polarizable matrix, unless the permittivity and electric field are suitably defined. In the limit of thin double layers, Poisson's equation is replaced by macroscopic electroneutrality (balancing ionic and surface charges). The general form of the macroscopic PNP equations may also hold for concentrated solution theories, based on the local-density and mean-field approximations. These results have broad applicability to ion transport in porous electrodes, separators, membranes, ion-exchange resins, soils, porous rocks, and biological tissues

    A corrector theory for diffusion-homogenization limits of linear transport equations

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    This paper concerns the diffusion-homogenization of transport equations when both the adimensionalized scale of the heterogeneities α\alpha and the adimensionalized mean-free path \eps converge to 0. When \alpha=\eps, it is well known that the heterogeneous transport solution converges to a homogenized diffusion solution. We are interested here in the situation where 0<\eps\ll\alpha\ll1 and in the respective rates of convergences to the homogenized limit and to the diffusive limit. Our main result is an approximation to the transport solution with an error term that is negligible compared to the maximum of α\alpha and \frac\eps\alpha. After establishing the diffusion-homogenization limit to the transport solution, we show that the corrector is dominated by an error to homogenization when \alpha^2\ll\eps and by an an error to diffusion when \eps\ll\alpha^2. Our regime of interest involves singular perturbations in the small parameter \eta=\frac\eps\alpha. Disconnected local equilibria at η=0\eta=0 need to be reconnected to provide a global equilibrium on the cell of periodicity when η>0\eta>0. This reconnection between local and global equilibria is shown to hold when sufficient {\em no-drift} conditions are satisfied. The Hilbert expansion methodology followed in this paper builds on corrector theories for the result developed in \cite{NBAPuVo}.Comment: 25 page

    Efficient numerical calculation of drift and diffusion coefficients in the diffusion approximation of kinetic equations

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    In this paper we study the diffusion approximation of a swarming model given by a system of interacting Langevin equations with nonlinear friction. The diffusion approximation requires the calculation of the drift and diffusion coefficients that are given as averages of solutions to appropriate Poisson equations. We present a new numerical method for computing these coefficients that is based on the calculation of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of a Schr\"odinger operator. These theoretical results are supported by numerical simulations showcasing the efficiency of the method

    Extrinsic electromagnetic chirality in all-photodesigned one-dimensional THz metamaterials

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    We suggest that all-photodesigned metamaterials, sub-wavelength custom patterns of photo-excited carriers on a semiconductor, can display an exotic extrinsic electromagnetic chirality in terahertz (THz) frequency range. We consider a photo-induced pattern exhibiting 1D geometrical chirality, i.e. its mirror image can not be superposed onto itself by translations without rotations and, in the long wavelength limit, we evaluate its bianisotropic response. The photo-induced extrinsic chirality turns out to be fully reconfigurable by recasting the optical illumination which supports the photo-excited carriers. The all-photodesigning technique represents a feasible, easy and powerful method for achieving effective matter functionalization and, combined with the chiral asymmetry, it could be the platform for a new generation of reconfigurable devices for THz wave polarization manipulation.Comment: 11 page

    Diffusion and guiding center approximation for particle transport in strong magnetic fields

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    International audienceThe diffusion limit of the linear Boltzmann equation with a strong magnetic field is performed. The giration period of particles around the magnetic field is assumed to be much smaller than the collision relaxation time which is supposed to be much smaller than the macroscopic time. The limiting equation is shown to be a diffusion equation in the parallel direction while in the orthogonal direction, the guiding center motion is obtained. The diffusion constant in the parallel direction is obtained through the study of a new collision operator obtained by averaging the original one. Moreover, a correction to the guiding center motion is derived