6,051 research outputs found

    Exercise-Derived Microvesicles: A Review of the Literature

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    Initially suggested as simple cell debris, cell-derived microvesicles (MVs) have now gained acceptance as recognized players in cellular communication and physiology. Shed by most, and perhaps all, human cells, these tiny lipid-membrane vesicles carry bioactive agents, such as proteins, lipids and microRNA from their cell source, and are produced under orchestrated events in response to a myriad of stimuli. Physical exercise introduces systemic physiological challenges capable of acutely disrupting cell homeostasis and stimulating the release of MVs into the circulation. The novel and promising field of exercise-derived MVs is expanding quickly, and the following work provides a review of the influence of exercise on circulating MVs, considering both acute and chronic aspects of exercise and training. Potential effects of the MV response to exercise are highlighted and future directions suggested as exercise and sports sciences extend the realm of extracellular vesicles

    Arteriogenesis versus angiogenesis: similarities and differences

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    Cardiovascular diseases account for more than half of total mortality before the age of 75 in industrialized countries. To develop therapies promoting the compensatory growth of blood vessels could be superior to palliative surgical surgical interventions. Therefore, much effort has been put into investigating underlying mechanisms. Depending on the initial trigger, growth of blood vessels in adult organisms proceeds via two major processes, angiogenesis and arteriogenesis. While angiogenesis is induced by hypoxia and results in new capillaries, arteriogenesis is induced by physical forces, most importantly fluid shear stress. Consequently, chronically elevated fluid shear stress was found to be the strongest trigger under experimental conditions. Arteriogenesis describes the remodelling of pre-existing arterio-arteriolar anastomoses to completely developed and functional arteries. In both growth processes, enlargement of vascular wall structures was proposed to be covered by proliferation of existing wall cells. Recently, increasing evidence emerges, implicating a pivotal role for circulating cells, above all blood monocytes, in vascular growth processes. Since it has been shown that monocytes/macrophage release a cocktail of chemokines, growth factors and proteases involved in vascular growth, their contribution seems to be of a paracrine fashion. A similar role is currently discussed for various populations of bone-marrow derived stem cells and endothelial progenitors. In contrast, the initial hypothesis that these cells -after undergoing a (trans-)differentiation- contribute by a structural integration into the growing vessel wall, is increasingly challenged

    Polimorfismi a Singolo Nucleotide e Cellule Progenitrici Endoteliali

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    Uno dei più interessanti target della ricerca clinica in campo cardiovascolare degli ultimi anni è rappresentato dalle Cellule Progenitrici Endoteliali (EPC). Queste cellule, che derivano dal midollo osseo, sono in grado di differenziarsi in cellule endoteliali mature e hanno il compito di mantenere l’omeostasi vascolare partecipando ai processi di rinnovamento e riparazione della parete endoteliale. E’ stato ipotizzato che l’attivazione delle EPC avvenga ad opera di vari fattori molecolari secreti direttamente dal tessuto danneggiato quali VEGF e SDF-1α. Recenti studi hanno dimostrato che il numero e l’attività migratoria delle EPC circolanti è inversamente correlato ai fattori di rischio per CAD (coronary artery disease) ed in particolar modo all’iperglicemia che colpisce in maniera importante le EPC, riducendone la sopravvivenza e alterandone il funzionamento probabilmente a causa dello stress ossidativo e dello stato infiammatorio cronico. Scopo di questo lavoro di tesi è studiare varianti polimorfiche nei geni implicati nei processi di infiammazione e di attivazione delle EPC, al fine di individuare marcatori che correlino col numero di cellule endoteliali circolanti. Tramite l’analisi al citofluorimetro (FACS) sono state quantificate le EPC in una coorte di soggetti costituita da 18 diabetici di tipo II di nuova diagnosi, 34 pre-diabetici e 26 normoglicemici. Per validare la significatività di alcuni dati è stato possibile ampliare la popolazione studiata con ulteriori 62 soggetti. La tecnica della Real-Time PCR con metodo Taqman ha permesso di genotipizzare 12 SNP in 12 geni ottenendo come risultato associazioni significative tra i livelli delle EPC e i polimorfismi rs2070874 dell’IL-4, rs1800629 del TNF-α e rs5498 di ICAM-1. I livelli di EPC circolanti tra soggetti con genotipo C/C vs T/T per il polimorfismo rs2070875 dell’IL-4 sono risultati significativamente diversi (p-value=0,0388), mentre è al limite della significatività la differenza tra eterozigoti C/T vs T/T (p-value=0,0625). Tuttavia, questo dato potrebbe dipendere dal fatto che il genotipo T/T è presente in un unico soggetto. Il polimorfismo rs1800629 del TNF-α è risultato significativamente associato ai livelli di EPC. Soggetti con genotipo G/G presentano livelli di EPC minori di soggetti con genotipo A/A (p-value=0,0022). A causa della presenza di un solo soggetto con genotipo A/A, abbiamo accorpato i soggetti G/A e A/A per valutare l’associazione del cluster G/A+A/A vs G/G ed EPC circolanti. L’associazione rimane statisticamente significativa (p-value=0,0039). La significatività dei risultati è stata confermata anche a seguito dell’ampliamento della popolazione iniziale con l’aggiunta di 62 soggetti. Anche il polimorfismo rs5498 di ICAM-1 ha mostrato un trend di associazione positivo con i livelli di EPC. In particolare, il genotipo A/A vs G/G presenta un valore significativamente minore di cellule (p-value=0,02924), mentre è ai limiti della significatività la differenza tra G/A e G/G (p-value=0,0678). Anche in questo caso abbiamo raggruppato i soggetti A/A e G/A, per verificare l’associazione del cluster A/A+G/A vs G/G ed EPC circolanti ottenendo un p-value pari a 0,0302. A seguito dell’aggiunta nello studio degli ulteriori 62 soggetti, l’associazione risulta meno evidente e tra i genotipi A/A+G/A rispetto ai G/G perde la significatività statistica

    Histone deacetylase activity is essential for the expression of HoxA9 and for endothelial commitment of progenitor cells

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    The regulation of acetylation is central for the epigenetic control of lineage-specific gene expression and determines cell fate decisions. We provide evidence that the inhibition of histone deacetylases (HDACs) blocks the endothelial differentiation of adult progenitor cells. To define the mechanisms by which HDAC inhibition prevents endothelial differentiation, we determined the expression of homeobox transcription factors and demonstrated that HoxA9 expression is down-regulated by HDAC inhibitors. The causal involvement of HoxA9 in the endothelial differentiation of adult progenitor cells is supported by the finding that HoxA9 overexpression partially rescued the endothelial differentiation blockade induced by HDAC inhibitors. Knockdown and overexpression studies revealed that HoxA9 acts as a master switch to regulate the expression of prototypical endothelial-committed genes such as endothelial nitric oxide synthase, VEGF-R2, and VE-cadherin, and mediates the shear stress–induced maturation of endothelial cells. Consistently, HoxA9-deficient mice exhibited lower numbers of endothelial progenitor cells and showed an impaired postnatal neovascularization capacity after the induction of ischemia. Thus, HoxA9 is regulated by HDACs and is critical for postnatal neovascularization

    eNOS transfection of adipose-derived stem cells yields bioactive nitric oxide production and improved results in vascular tissue engineering.

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    This study evaluates the durability of a novel tissue engineered blood vessel (TEBV) created by seeding a natural vascular tissue scaffold (decellularized human saphenous vein allograft) with autologous adipose-derived stem cells (ASC) differentiated into endothelial-like cells. Previous work with this model revealed the graft to be thrombogenic, likely due to inadequate endothelial differentiation as evidenced by minimal production of nitric oxide (NO). To evaluate the importance of NO expression by the seeded cells, we created TEBV using autologous ASC transfected with the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) gene to produce NO. We found that transfected ASC produced NO at levels similar to endothelial cell (EC) controls in vitro which was capable of causing vasorelaxation of aortic specimens ex vivo. TEBV (n = 5) created with NO-producing ASC and implanted as interposition grafts within the aorta of rabbits remained patent for two months and demonstrated a non-thrombogenic surface compared to unseeded controls (n = 5). Despite the xenograft nature of the scaffold, the TEBV structure remained well preserved in seeded grafts. In sum, this study demonstrates that upregulation of NO expression within adult stem cells differentiated towards an endothelial-like lineage imparts a non-thrombogenic phenotype and highlights the importance of NO production by cells to be used as endothelial cell substitutes in vascular tissue engineering applications

    HDAC3 is crucial in shear- and VEGF-induced stem cell differentiation toward endothelial cells

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    Reendothelialization involves endothelial progenitor cell (EPC) homing, proliferation, and differentiation, which may be influenced by fluid shear stress and local flow pattern. This study aims to elucidate the role of laminar flow on embryonic stem (ES) cell differentiation and the underlying mechanism. We demonstrated that laminar flow enhanced ES cell–derived progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation into endothelial cells (ECs). Laminar flow stabilized and activated histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) through the Flk-1–PI3K–Akt pathway, which in turn deacetylated p53, leading to p21 activation. A similar signal pathway was detected in vascular endothelial growth factor–induced EC differentiation. HDAC3 and p21 were detected in blood vessels during embryogenesis. Local transfer of ES cell–derived EPC incorporated into injured femoral artery and reduced neointima formation in a mouse model. These data suggest that shear stress is a key regulator for stem cell differentiation into EC, especially in EPC differentiation, which can be used for vascular repair, and that the Flk-1–PI3K–Akt–HDAC3–p53–p21 pathway is crucial in such a process

    Endothelial Progenitor Cells Dysfunctions and Cardiometabolic Disorders: From Mechanisms to Therapeutic Approaches.

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of several disorders, such as hypertension, central obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycemia, insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Despite health policies based on the promotion of physical exercise, the reduction of calorie intake and the consumption of healthy food, there is still a global rise in the incidence and prevalence of MetS in the world. This phenomenon can partly be explained by the fact that adverse events in the perinatal period can increase the susceptibility to develop cardiometabolic diseases in adulthood. Individuals born after intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) are particularly at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and metabolic disorders later in life. It has been shown that alterations in the structural and functional integrity of the endothelium can lead to the development of cardiometabolic diseases. The endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are circulating components of the endothelium playing a major role in vascular homeostasis. An association has been found between the maintenance of endothelial structure and function by EPCs and their ability to differentiate and repair damaged endothelial tissue. In this narrative review, we explore the alterations of EPCs observed in individuals with cardiometabolic disorders, describe some mechanisms related to such dysfunction and propose some therapeutical approaches to reverse the EPCs dysfunction

    Nanopatterned acellular valve conduits drive the commitment of blood-derived multipotent cells

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    Considerable progress has been made in recent years toward elucidating the correlation among nanoscale topography, mechanical properties, and biological behavior of cardiac valve substitutes. Porcine TriCol scaffolds are promising valve tissue engineering matrices with demonstrated self-repopulation potentiality. In order to define an in vitro model for investigating the influence of extracellular matrix signaling on the growth pattern of colonizing blood-derived cells, we cultured circulating multipotent cells (CMC) on acellular aortic (AVL) and pulmonary (PVL) valve conduits prepared with TriCol method and under no-flow condition. Isolated by our group from Vietnamese pigs before heart valve prosthetic implantation, porcine CMC revealed high proliferative abilities, three-lineage differentiative potential, and distinct hematopoietic/endothelial and mesenchymal properties. Their interaction with valve extracellular matrix nanostructures boosted differential messenger RNA expression pattern and morphologic features on AVL compared to PVL, while promoting on both matrices the commitment to valvular and endothelial cell-like phenotypes. Based on their origin from peripheral blood, porcine CMC are hypothesized in vivo to exert a pivotal role to homeostatically replenish valve cells and contribute to hetero- or allograft colonization. Furthermore, due to their high responsivity to extracellular matrix nanostructure signaling, porcine CMC could be useful for a preliminary evaluation of heart valve prosthetic functionality

    Novel role of Ras-GTPase Activating Protein SH3 Domain-Binding Protein G3BP in adhesion and migration of 32D myeloid progenitor cells

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    Rho GTPases are involved in homing and mobilization of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells due to their impact on cytoskeleton remodeling. We have previously shown that inhibition of Rho, Rac and Cdc42 clearly impairs adhesion of normal and leukemic hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) to fibronectin and migration in a three-dimensional stromal cell model. Here, we identified the Ras GTPase-Activating Protein SH3 Domain-Binding Protein (G3BP) as a target gene of Rho GTPases and analysed its role in regulating HPC motility. Overexpression of G3BP significantly enhanced adhesion of murine 32D HPC to fibronectin and human umbilical vein endothelial cells, increased the proportion of adherent cells in a flow chamber assay and promoted cell migration in a transwell assay and a three-dimensional stromal cell model suggesting a strong impact on the cytoskeleton. Immunofluorescent staining of G3BP-overexpressing fibroblasts revealed a Rho-like phenotype characterized by formation of actin stress fibers in contrast to the Rac-like phenotype of control fibroblasts. This is the first report implicating a role for G3BP in Rho GTPase-mediated signalling towards adhesion and migration of HPC. Our results may be of clinical importance, since G3BP was found overexpressed in human cancers