9 research outputs found

    Differentially Private Bayesian Programming

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    We present PrivInfer, an expressive framework for writing and verifying differentially private Bayesian machine learning algorithms. Programs in PrivInfer are written in a rich functional probabilistic programming language with constructs for performing Bayesian inference. Then, differential privacy of programs is established using a relational refinement type system, in which refinements on probability types are indexed by a metric on distributions. Our framework leverages recent developments in Bayesian inference, probabilistic programming languages, and in relational refinement types. We demonstrate the expressiveness of PrivInfer by verifying privacy for several examples of private Bayesian inference

    Formal verification of higher-order probabilistic programs

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    Probabilistic programming provides a convenient lingua franca for writing succinct and rigorous descriptions of probabilistic models and inference tasks. Several probabilistic programming languages, including Anglican, Church or Hakaru, derive their expressiveness from a powerful combination of continuous distributions, conditioning, and higher-order functions. Although very important for practical applications, these combined features raise fundamental challenges for program semantics and verification. Several recent works offer promising answers to these challenges, but their primary focus is on semantical issues. In this paper, we take a step further and we develop a set of program logics, named PPV, for proving properties of programs written in an expressive probabilistic higher-order language with continuous distributions and operators for conditioning distributions by real-valued functions. Pleasingly, our program logics retain the comfortable reasoning style of informal proofs thanks to carefully selected axiomatizations of key results from probability theory. The versatility of our logics is illustrated through the formal verification of several intricate examples from statistics, probabilistic inference, and machine learning. We further show the expressiveness of our logics by giving sound embeddings of existing logics. In particular, we do this in a parametric way by showing how the semantics idea of (unary and relational) TT-lifting can be internalized in our logics. The soundness of PPV follows by interpreting programs and assertions in quasi-Borel spaces (QBS), a recently proposed variant of Borel spaces with a good structure for interpreting higher order probabilistic programs

    National Telecommunications and Information Administration: Comments from Researchers at Boston University and the University of Chicago

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    These comments were composed by an interdisciplinary group of legal, computer science, and data science faculty and researchers at Boston University and the University of Chicago. This group collaborates on research projects that grapple with the legal, policy, and ethical implications of the use of algorithms and digital innovation in general, and more specifically regarding the use of online platforms, machine learning algorithms for classification, prediction, and decision making, and generative AI. Specific areas of expertise include the functionality and impact of recommendation systems; the development of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and their relationship to privacy and data security laws; legal regulation of platforms under privacy, intellectual property, and antitrust laws; the science of monitoring and measuring the behavior of large deployed systems and networks; and programming languages and the science of rigorously specifying and verifying properties of algorithms and information systems

    Language-Based Differential Privacy with Accuracy Estimations and Sensitivity Analyses

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    This thesis focuses on the development of programming frameworks to enforce, by construction, desirable properties of software systems. Particularly, we are interested in enforcing differential privacy -- a mathematical notion of data privacy -- while statically reasoning about the accuracy of computations, along with deriving the sensitivity of arbitrary functions to further strengthen the expressiveness of these systems. To this end, we first introduce DPella, a programming framework for differentially-private queries that allows reasoning about the privacy and accuracy of data analyses. DPella provides a novel component that statically tracks the accuracy of different queries. This component leverages taint analysis to infer statistical independence of the different noises that were added to ensure the privacy of the overall computation. As a result, DPella allows analysts to implement privacy-preserving queries and adjust the privacy parameters to meet accuracy targets or vice-versa.In the context of differentially-private systems, the sensitivity of a function determines the amount of noise needed to achieve a desired level of privacy. However, establishing the sensitivity of arbitrary functions is non-trivial. Consequently, systems such as DPella provided a limited set of functions -- whose sensitivity is known -- to apply over sensitive data, thus hindering the expressiveness of the language. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new approach to derive proofs of sensitivity in programming languages with support for polymorphism. Our approach enriches base types with information about the metric relation between values and applies parametricity to derive proof of a function\u27s sensitivity. These ideas are formalized in a sound calculus and implemented as a Haskell library called Spar, enabling programmers to prove the sensitivity of their functions through type-checking alone.Overall, this thesis contributes to the development of expressive programming frameworks for data analysis with privacy and accuracy guarantees. The proposed approaches are feasible and effective, as demonstrated through the implementation of DPella and Spar

    Coupled Relational Symbolic Execution for Differential Privacy

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    Differential privacy is a de facto standard in data privacy with applications in the private and public sectors. Most of the techniques that achieve differential privacy are based on a judicious use of randomness. However, reasoning about randomized programs is difficult and error prone. For this reason, several techniques have been recently proposed to support designer in proving programs differentially private or in finding violations to it. In this work we propose a technique based on symbolic execution for reasoning about differential privacy. Symbolic execution is a classic technique used for testing, counterexample generation and to prove absence of bugs. Here we use symbolic execution to support these tasks specifically for differential privacy. To achieve this goal, we leverage two ideas that have been already proven useful in formal reasoning about differential privacy: relational reasoning and probabilistic coupling. Our technique integrates these two ideas and shows how such a combination can be used to both verify and find violations to differential privacy