4,338 research outputs found

    Orbifold Index Cobordism Invariance

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    We prove cobordism index invariance for pseudo-differential elliptic operators on closed orbifolds with KK--theoretical methods.Comment: New proofs for Theorems 4.2 and 4.3, results extended to all actions by compact Lie group

    Massive Orbifold

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    We study some aspects of 2d supersymmetric sigma models on orbifolds. It turns out that independently of whether the 2d QFT is conformal the operator products of twist operators are non-singular, suggesting that massive (non-conformal) orbifolds also `resolve singularities' just as in the conformal case. Moreover we recover the OPE of twist operators for conformal theories by considering the UV limit of the massive orbifold correlation functions. Alternatively, we can use the OPE of twist fields at the conformal point to derive conditions for the existence of non-singular solutions to special non-linear differential equations (such as Painleve III).Comment: 12 page

    Classical and quantum ergodicity on orbifolds

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    We extend to orbifolds classical results on quantum ergodicity due to Shnirelman, Colin de Verdi\`ere and Zelditch, proving that, for any positive, first-order self-adjoint elliptic pseudodifferential operator P on a compact orbifold X with positive principal symbol p, ergodicity of the Hamiltonian flow of p implies quantum ergodicity for the operator P. We also prove ergodicity of the geodesic flow on a compact Riemannian orbifold of negative sectional curvature.Comment: 14 page

    Twisted higher index theory on good orbifolds and fractional quantum numbers

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    The twisted Connes-Moscovici higher index theorem is generalized to the case of good orbifolds. The higher index is shown to be a rational number, and in fact non-integer in specific examples of 2-orbifolds. This results in a non-commutative geometry model that predicts the occurrence of fractional quantum numbers in the Hall effect on the hyperbolic plane.Comment: 47 pages, Late

    Twisted index theory on good orbifolds, I: noncommutative Bloch theory

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    This paper, together with Part II, expands the results of math.DG/9803051. In Part I we study the twisted index theory of elliptic operators on orbifold covering spaces of compact good orbifolds, which are invariant under a projective action of the orbifold fundamental group. We apply these results to obtain qualitative results on real and complex hyperbolic spaces in 2 and 4 dimensions, related to generalizations of the Bethe-Sommerfeld conjecture and the Ten Martini Problem, on the spectrum of self adjoint elliptic operators which are invariant under a projective action of a discrete cocompact group.Comment: 34 pages, LaTe

    Classical and Quantum Dynamics on Orbifolds

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    We present two versions of the Egorov theorem for orbifolds. The first one is a straightforward extension of the classical theorem for smooth manifolds. The second one considers an orbifold as a singular manifold, the orbit space of a Lie group action, and deals with the corresponding objects in noncommutative geometry

    Generalized Bergman kernels on symplectic manifolds of bounded geometry

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of the generalized Bergman kernel of the renormalized Bochner-Laplacian on high tensor powers of a positive line bundle on a symplectic manifold of bounded geometry. First, we establish the off-diagonal exponential estimate for the generalized Bergman kernel. As an application, we obtain the relation between the generalized Bergman kernel on a Galois covering of a compact symplectic manifold and the generalized Bergman kernel on the base. Then we state the full off-diagonal asymptotic expansion of the generalized Bergman kernel, improving the remainder estimate known in the compact case to an exponential decay. Finally, we establish the theory of Berezin-Toeplitz quantization on symplectic orbifolds associated with the renormalized Bochner-Laplacian.Comment: 33 pages, v.2 is a final update to agree with the published pape

    Equivariant quantization of orbifolds

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    Equivariant quantization is a new theory that highlights the role of symmetries in the relationship between classical and quantum dynamical systems. These symmetries are also one of the reasons for the recent interest in quantization of singular spaces, orbifolds, stratified spaces... In this work, we prove existence of an equivariant quantization for orbifolds. Our construction combines an appropriate desingularization of any Riemannian orbifold by a foliated smooth manifold, with the foliated equivariant quantization that we built in \cite{PoRaWo}. Further, we suggest definitions of the common geometric objects on orbifolds, which capture the nature of these spaces and guarantee, together with the properties of the mentioned foliated resolution, the needed correspondences between singular objects of the orbifold and the respective foliated objects of its desingularization.Comment: 13 page