11 research outputs found

    Static Fault Attacks on Hardware DES Registers

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    In the late nineties, Eli Biham and Adi Shamir published the first paper on Differential Fault Analysis on symmetric key algorithms. More specifically they introduced a fault model where a key bit located in non-volatile memory is forced to 0/10/1 with a fault injection. In their scenario the fault was permanent, and could lead the attacker to full key recovery with low complexity. In this paper, another fault model is considered: forcing a key bit to 0/10/1 in the register of a hardware block implementing Data Encryption Standard. Due to the specific location of the fault, the key modification is not permanent in the life of the embedded device, and this leads to apply a powerful safe-error like attack. This paper reports a practical validation of the fault model on two actual circuits, and discusses limitations and efficient countermeasures against this threat

    Differential Fault Analysis on SMS4 Using a Single Fault

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    Differential Fault Analysis (DFA) attack is a powerful cryptanalytic technique that could be used to retrieve the secret key by exploiting computational errors in the encryption (decryption) procedure. In the present paper, we propose a new DFA attack on SMS4 using a single fault. We show that if a random byte fault is induced into either the second, third, or fourth word register at the input of the 2828-th round, the 128-bit master key could be recovered with an exhaustive search of 22.1122.11 bits on average. The proposed attack makes use of the characteristic of the cipher\u27s structure, the speciality of the diffusion layer, and the differential property of the S-box. Furthermore, it can be tailored to any block cipher employing a similar structure and an SPN-style round function as that of SMS4

    Persistent Fault Analysis With Few Encryptions

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    Persistent fault analysis (PFA) consists in guessing block cipher secret keys by biasing their substitution box. This paper improves the original attack of Zhang et al. on AES-128 presented at CHES 2018. By a thorough analysis, the exact probability distribution of the ciphertext (under a uniformly distributed plaintext) is derived, and the maximum likelihood key recovery estimator is computed exactly. Its expression is turned into an attack algorithm, which is shown to be twice more efficient in terms of number of required encryptions than the original attack of Zhang et al. This algorithm is also optimized from a computational complexity standpoint. In addition, our optimal attack is naturally amenable to key enumeration, which expedites full 16- bytes key extraction. Various tradeoffs between data and computational complexities are investigated

    Statistical Effective Fault Attacks: The other Side of the Coin

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    The introduction of Statistical Ineffective Fault Attacks (SIFA) has led to a renewed interest in fault attacks. SIFA requires minimal knowledge of the concrete implementation and is effective even in the presence of common fault or power analysis countermeasures. However, further investigations reveal that undesired and frequent ineffective events, which we refer to as the noise phenomenon, are the bottleneck of SIFA that can considerably diminish its strength. This includes noise associated with the attack’s setup and caused by the countermeasures utilized in the implementation. This research aims to address this significant drawback. We present two novel statistical fault attack variants that are far more successful in dealing with these noisy conditions. The first variant is the Statistical Effective Fault Attack (SEFA), which exploits the non-uniform distribution of intermediate variables in circumstances when the induced faults are effective. The idea behind the second proposed method, dubbed Statistical Hybrid Fault Attacks (SHFA), is to take advantage of the biased distributions of both effective and ineffective cases simultaneously. Our experimental results in various case studies, including noise-free and noisy setups, back up our reasoning that SEFA surpasses SIFA in several instances and that SHFA outperforms both or is at least as efficient as the best of them

    An analysis and a comparative study of cryptographic algorithms used on the internet of things (IoT) based on avalanche effect

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    Ubiquitous computing is already weaving itself around us and it is connecting everything to the network of networks. This interconnection of objects to the internet is new computing paradigm called the Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Many capacity and non-capacity constrained devices, such as sensors are connecting to the Internet. These devices interact with each other through the network and provide a new experience to its users. In order to make full use of this ubiquitous paradigm, security on IoT is important. There are problems with privacy concerns regarding certain algorithms that are on IoT, particularly in the area that relates to their avalanche effect means that a small change in the plaintext or key should create a significant change in the ciphertext. The higher the significant change, the higher the security if that algorithm. If the avalanche effect of an algorithm is less than 50% then that algorithm is weak and can create security undesirability in any network. In this, case IoT. In this study, we propose to do the following: (1) Search and select existing block cryptographic algorithms (maximum of ten) used for authentication and encryption from different devices used on IoT. (2) Analyse the avalanche effect of select cryptographic algorithms and determine if they give efficient authentication on IoT. (3) Improve their avalanche effect by designing a mathematical model that improves their robustness against attacks. This is done through the usage of the initial vector XORed with plaintext and final vector XORed with cipher tect. (4) Test the new mathematical model for any enhancement on the avalanche effect of each algorithm as stated in the preceding sentences. (5) Propose future work on how to enhance security on IoT. Results show that when using the proposed method with variation of key, the avalanche effect significantly improved for seven out of ten algorithms. This means that we have managed to improve 70% of algorithms tested. Therefore indicating a substantial success rate for the proposed method as far as the avalanche effect is concerned. We propose that the seven algorithms be replaced by our improved versions in each of their implementation on IoT whenever the plaintext is varied.Electrical and Mining EngineeringM. Tech. (Electrical Engineering

    Physical Security of Cryptographic Algorithm Implementations

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    This thesis deals with physical attacks on implementations of cryptographic algorithms and countermeasures against these attacks. Physical attacks exploit properties of an implementation to recover secret cryptographic keys. Particularly vulnerable to physical attacks are embedded devices. In the area of side-channel analysis, this thesis addresses attacks that exploit observations of power consumption or electromagnetic leakage of the device and target symmetric cryptographic algorithms. First, this work proposes a new combination of two well-known attacks that is more efficient than each of the attacks individually. Second, this work studies attacks exploiting leakage induced by microprocessor cache mechanism, suggesting an algorithm that can recover the secret key in the presence of uncertainties in cache event detection from side-channel acquisitions. Third, practical side-channel attacks are discovered against the AES engine of the AVR XMEGA, a recent versatile microcontroller. In the area of fault analysis, this thesis extends existing attacks against the RSA digital signature algorithm implemented with the Chinese remainder theorem to a setting where parts of the signed message are unknown to the attacker. The new attacks are applicable in particular to several widely used standards in modern smart card applications. In the area of countermeasures, this work proposes a new algorithm for random delay generation in embedded software. The new algorithm is more efficient than the previously suggested algorithms since it introduces more uncertainty for the attacker with less performance overhead. The results presented in this thesis are practically validated in experiments with general-purpose 8-bit AVR and 32-bit ARM microcontrollers that are used in many embedded devices

    Design et Analyse de sécurité pour les constructions en cryptographie symétrique

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    The work done during this Ph.D. lies at the crossroads of symmetric cryptography and constraints environments. The goal of such cryptography, called lightweight cryptography, is to propose and evaluate symmetric algorithms that can be implemented on very ressource limited devices. The contributions of this thesis are first on the security evaluations of feedback with carry shift registers (FCSR) to some new attacks and second on a unified vision of generalized Feistel networks (GFNs) that allows to better understand their cryptographic properties. These studies gave rise to two new lightweight algorithms: first GLUON a hash function based upon FCSRs and second the cipher LILLIPUT based on a family further extanding the notion of generalized Feistel network. Finally, a generic method for carrying out a differential fault attack on GFNs is outlined.Les travaux réalisés au cours de cette thèse se situent au carrefour de la cryptographie symétrique et du monde des environnements contraints. Le but de cette cryptographie, dite cryptographie à bas coût, est de fournir et d'évaluer des algorithmes symétriques pouvant être implémentés sur des systèmes très limités en ressources. Les contributions de cette thèse portent d'une part sur l'évaluation de la sécurité des registres à décalage à rétroaction avec retenue (FCSR) face à de nouvelles attaques et d'autre part sur une vision unifiée des différents schémas de Feistel généralisés (GFN) qui permet de mieux cerner leurs propriétés cryptographiques. Ces études ont donné lieu à deux nouveaux algorithmes à bas coût~; d'une part GLUON une fonction de hachage à base de FCSR et d'autre part le chiffrement LILLIPUT basé sur une famille étendant plus avant la notion de GFN. Enfin, une méthode générique permettant de réaliser des attaques différentielles en fautes sur des GFN est esquissée