621 research outputs found

    Heuristic Optimization Algorithms in Robotics

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    Direkt adeziv restoratif sistemlerle polidiastema tedavisi: İki olgu sunumu

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    Diastemaların direkt adeziv restorasyonlarla kapatılması oldukça pratik ve konservatif bir yöntem olarak kabul edilmiştir. Adeziv rezin kompozit teknolojisi, diş hekimlerine herhangi bir madde kaybına neden olmadan dişler arasındaki boşlukları kapatabilme ve dişleri şekillendirebilme olanağı sunmuştur. Bu olgu sunumu polidiastema ve lateral eksikliğine sahip iki bireyin tedavisini içermektedir. Bu olgu sunumlarında diastemalar, herhangi bir preparasyon gerektirmeksizin tek seansta direkt kompozit rezin restorsayonlarla tedavi edilmiştir. Dişlerin renk seçimi ve izolasyonunun ardından etch and rinse sistem (Single Bond 2) diş yüzeylerine uygulanmış ve nanohibrit rezin kompozit (Filtek Ultimate) üretici firmanın önerileri doğrultularında dişlerin mezial yüzeylerine tabakalı olarak uygulanmıştır. Direkt adeziv restorasyonlar, hastanın son kontrolleri sırasında klinik olarak başarılı kabul edilmişlerdir. Direkt adeziv restorasyonlar, diastemaların tedavisinde, estetik, fonksiyonel ve biyolojik olarak kabul edilir ve önerilebilirler

    Coğrafi veri seçim işlemi sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesinde hata matrisinin kullanımı

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    Nowadays, as being in the information age, the needs for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and for its main component geographic data are incrementally increasing. Geographic data is the most expensive and time consuming component of GIS (Longley et al., 2001). Therefore construction of automation processes in geographic data production has high importance for data providers. In case of the availability of data having higher spatial resolution, derived geographic data with certain contents and specifications can be produced through generalization. Generalization is important to GIS, not only because of to drive towards automating the process to obtain derived databases, but also because generalization can seriously affect data within a GIS, even more so than within paper maps (Joao, 1998). A fully automated generalization cannot be anticipated at this moment (Spiess et al., 2005). Still lots of efforts are needed to automate the generalization processes (Stoter, 2005). And new automated methods need new quality control methods (Jaakola, 1994; Ruas, 2001). In this study, the usage of error (confusion) matrix is investigated in the accuracy assessment of selection process aiming to obtain derived geographic data. Geographic data selection process constitutes an important step in the production of derived datasets through generalization. The results of the selection process build the main skeleton of the derived data. Selection process and criteria used are highly depended on the intended usage purpose of the generalized data. In the selection process, unwanted features are eliminated and important features are retained. It is the one of the most immediate differences between maps of the same region at different scales (Joao, 1998). Contextual relations among geographic features should be considered in the selection process. Although selection process of geographic features constitutes an important step in the production of derived datasets, it is not only enough by itself. It should be considered together with other generalization operators (Shea and McMaster, 1989) in map or geographic data production line. Error matrix is generally used in the accuracy assessments of supervised and unsupervised classification of raster data (Congalton ve Green, 1999). An error matrix is a square array of numbers set out in rows and columns which expresses the number of sample units assigned to a particular class relative to actual class as verified by some reference data (Figure 3). The selection processes in the production of derived geographic data can be assessed as a kind of classification. Geographic data is classified in two different categories as “selected” or “eliminated”. The usage of error matrix in the accuracy assessment of selection results has been realized with an application. In the application, the automatic selection result of running waters and canals for the production of derived topographic maps has been used. Geographic data covered by Balıkesir J19 topographic map sheet was chosen as a test data. 1:25.000 scale content data was used for the automatic selection of running waters and canals for the production of 1:100.000 scale Balıkesir J19 topographic map sheet. Last edition of 1:100.000 scale Balıkesir J19 map sheet has been used as a reference data that is needed for verifying the selection result and constructing the error matrix. Due to the subjectivity of generalization, extra comments have been made in defining the accuracy of the selection results of individual features, in case of conflicts occurred between the selection results and the reference data. The lengths of geographic features can also be used in constructing error matrix. In this study, two types of error matrixes were constructed, using feature numbers and feature lengths, respectively. Then the accuracies of classification as a whole and as individual categories have been computed by using the error matrixes constructed. As a result, it has been found that error matrix provides objective and thorough information for the accuracy assessment of the selection process results for obtaining derived geographic data. It can be used for this purpose. Selection criteria would directly affect the selection results. Determining optimum criteria that will be used in the production lines constitute a critical issue. The Kappa coefficient of agreement (Cohen, 1960), which takes into account all the elements of the error matrix, yields a robust assessment for the accuracy of whole classification process and can be used in determining the optimum selection criteria.  Keywords: Geographic features, selection process, accuracy assessment, error matrix.Bilgi sistemlerinin yoğun olarak kullanıldığı günümüzde, Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemlerine (CBS) ve CBS’nin temel bileşenlerinden coğrafi verilere olan ihtiyaç, artarak devam etmektedir. Coğrafi verilerin üretimi, CBS bileşenleri arasında en çok zaman ve maliyet gerektiren işlemi oluşturmaktadır. Dolayısıyla coğrafi veri üreticileri için, üretim süreçlerinin otomasyonu son derece önem taşımaktadır. İstenilen nitelik ve içerikteki coğrafi veriler, daha yüksek mekânsal çözünürlüğe sahip coğrafi verilerin bulunması durumunda bu verilerden türetme yolu ile üretilebilir. Türetilen coğrafi verilerin doğruluğu, CBS içindeki veriyi ve dolayısıyla analiz sonuçlarını doğrudan etkilediğinden, basılı haritalardaki durumlarından daha da önemli hale gelmektedir. Bilgisayar destekli harita üretim tekniklerin kullanımı ile birlikte, genelleştirme işlemleri sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesinde kullanılacak yeni yöntemlere olan gereksinim, kendini belirgin olarak göstermektedir. Hata matrisi, raster verilerle yapılan sınıflandırma işlemlerinin doğruluk analizlerinde yoğun olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; hata matrisinin, türetme coğrafi veri üretim amaçlı gerçekleştirilen coğrafi veri seçim işlemi sonuçlarının değerlendirmesinde kullanımı irdelenmiştir. Türetme coğrafi verilerin üretiminde gerçekleştirilen coğrafi veri seçimi, aslında bir tür sınıflandırma işlemidir. Coğrafi detaylar, “seçilen” ve “seçilmeyen” şeklinde iki ayrı sınıfa ayrıştırılmaktadır. Hata matrisinin, coğrafi veri otomatik seçim sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesinde kullanımı bir uygulama ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Hata matrisinin, yapılan seçim işlemi sonucu ve doğruluğu hakkında yansız ve kapsamlı bir değerlendirme sunduğu ve bu amaçla kullanılabileceği görülmüştür. Hata matrisinin, seçim işlemini doğrudan etkileyen en iyi seçim ölçütlerinin belirlenmesinde de kullanılabileceği değerlendirilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Coğrafi veri, seçme ve eleme, doğruluk, hata matrisi

    Storing spatial data in multiuser level and tracking history in database

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    Coğrafi bilgi sistemlerinde veri tabanlarının artan kullanımı, veri tabanlarının sağlamış olduğu diğer faydaların da sistem içerisinde değerlendirilmesi fikrini oluşturmuştur. Bu faydalardan bir tanesi kullanıcılara çok kullanıcılı ortamın sunulması, bir diğeri ise verilerin özgeçmişlerinin takibidir. Coğrafi bilgi sisteminin herhangi bir aşamasında birden fazla kullanıcının eş zamanlı olarak aynı veri üzerinde güncelleme yapma ihtiyacı olabilmektedir. Bu durumda kullanılan veri tabanı yönetim sisteminin, kullanıcılarına verilerin birden fazla kopyasını almadan aynı anda güncelleme imkânı sağlaması gerekmektedir. Coğrafi bilgi sistemlerinde mekânsal bilgi çoğunlukla konum ve öznitelik bilgisi bileşenlerine ayrılmış ve zaman bileşeni sisteme dâhil edilmemiştir. Zaman bilgisinin de sisteme dâhil edilmesi coğrafi bilgi sistemini temsil ettiği gerçek dünyaya daha yakınlaştıracak ve mekânsal planlama ve karar vermede daha güvenli bir kullanıma imkân verecektir. Böylece veri tabanlarında özgeçmişlerin modellenmesi; geçmiş bir tarihteki veri tabanı içeriğini veya bir objenin zaman içerisindeki değişiminin görüntülenmesini sağlayacaktır. Verilerin özgeçmişlerinin takibi ve çok kullanıcılı güncelleme imkânının sağlanması için veri modeli seçimi çok önemli olmaktadır. Bu veri modeli veri tabanının hacmini artırmamalı ve verileri depolarken kompleks algoritmalar kullanmamalıdır. Özgeçmiş takibi ve çok kullanıcılı ortam için tek veri modelinin kullanılması çalışma hızını olumlu etkileyecektir. Bu amaca hizmet etmek için veri tabanları üzerinde mekânsal veri sunucusu olarak adlandırılan ve mekânsal verilerin depolanmasına imkân sağlayan yazılımlar geliştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada veri tabanı yönetim sistemleri incelenerek çok kullanıcılı ortam ve verilerin özgeçmişlerinin izlenmesi için bu yazılımların sunmuş olduğu en uygun yöntemin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Veri tabanı yönetim sistemi, versiyon, özgeçmiş takibi.The increased use of database management systems in geographical information systems technologies directed user to benefit the other advantages of database management systems. One of these advantages is to support multi-user level and the other is tracking history of data.A key feature in any multi-user database is the ability to manage concurrent access to the data. Users may be required to edit the same data at the same time at any stage of geographical information of systems. So database management systems of geographical information systems must support multi-user concurrent editing without creating multiple copies of the data. Databases provide a way to support this with versioning. The primary role of versioning is to simplify the editing experience. Many geographical information system edits require more than just a few minutes to complete. Yet some editing tasks require hours, days, or even months to complete. Long transaction editing is supported by creating versions. Versioning lets user simultaneously create multiple, persistent representations of the database without making copies of the data. Versioning involves recording and managing changes to a multi-user database by creating a "version" of the database  an alternative, independent, persistent view of the database that does not involve creating a copy of the data and supports multiple concurrent editors. Multiple users can simultaneously edit the same features or rows without explicitly applying locks to prohibit other users from modifying the same data. Spatial information is commonly broken into components of space and attributes in geographical information systems and time component isn't included in systems. Including time component will bring geographical information system closer to the real world which it represents, and enable a more reliable use of the data spatial planning and decision making. Thus modeling history in a database allows visualizing the database?s contents at a particular time in the past or visualizing how a particular object has changed over time. Many organizations wish to manage how their geographical database changes over time. This process is commonly referred to as history. A historical database records information about database entities objects, features, and relationships) through time. The historical database can be queried at a point in time and get the correct set of entities that existed in the database at that time. Modeling history in a database allows for analysis, such as visualizing how a particular object changed over time. History has been traditionally achieved through s special archiving strategy or custom applications that store deleted features in a special history layer or maintain fields on tables with active dates for each row. The development of temporal data modeling in geographical information systems parallels to the progress of temporal data modeling in the database systems. The incorporation of temporal components has been implemented with relational model and then with the object-oriented data models in database systems. The versioning provides an alternative to these methods. A version can be used to represent the state of a database at a specific point in time. The versioning model will maintain the old representation of objects, deleted objects, and the time that these events happened without having to manage special layers or date stamps on features. A versioned database is a database that can have multiple persistent representations of its contents without the need for data replication. Versioning allows an organization to manage alternative engineering designs and solve complex 'what if' scenarios without impacting the corporate database and to create point-in-time representations of the database. A versioned database will contain a number of versions. A version is an alternative representation of the database that has an owner, description, level of access, and parent version. Versions are not affected by changes occurring in other versions of the database. Typically, a version will represent a work order, a design alternative, or a historical point in time of the database. It is very important to select a data model for tracking history of data and multi-user level. This data model mustn't increases the size of database and mustn't use complex storing algorithms to store spatial data. Many different applications were developed on database management systems to achieve this aim. One of these applications is developing software called spatial database engine which allows storing spatial data in database management systems. The aim of this study is to research the database management systems and spatial database engines and to decide on the most convenient method that they provide.   Keywords: Database management systems, versioning, tracking history

    Determination of spatial changes caused by liquefaction and fault movements by means of photogrammetric methods.

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    Deprem sonrası ortaya çıkan sıvılaşma ve fay hareketlerinin neden olduğu hasarların ve konumsal değişimlerin belirlenmesinde, fotogrametri ve uzaktan algılama veri ve yöntemleri de kullanılmaktadır. Uzaktan algılama görüntüleri ile değişim belirlemede etken faktörler; zamansal, konumsal ve spektral ayırma gücü ile radyometrik çözünürlüktür. Yani, görüntü çiftlerinin yılın aynı zamanlarında, aynı daimi bakış açısıyla, aynı algılayıcı ile aynı çözünürlükte temin edilmiş olması elde edilecek sonuçların güvenilirlik düzeyini etkileyen konulardır. Bu çalışmada; 17 Ağustos 1999 tarihinde meydana gelen depremden sonra, Sapanca Bölgesinde oluşan konumsal değişikliklerin ve Gölcük Bölgesinde çöken binaların, hava fotoğrafları ve Landsat 7 uydu görüntülerinden belirlenmesi hedef alınmıştır.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Fotogrametri, sıvılaşma, uydu görüntüsü. Liquefaction is a process by which sediments below the water table temporarily lose strength and bearing because of rapidly applied loading and behave as a viscous liquid rather than a solid. The actions in the soil which produce liquefaction are seismic waves and primarily shear waves. Liquefaction occurs in saturated soils, that is, soils in which the space between individual particles are completely filled with water. Damages and three dimensional changes on the ground and structure which are caused by liquefaction and fault movements after an earthquake can be determined by using photogrammetry and remote sensing data and methods. Temporal, spatial and spectral resolutions are the effective factors to change detection by means of remote sensing imagery. That means, reliability of the obtained results are directly effected by the image pairs which are preferred to be taken by the same instantaneous field of view, the same sensor, same resolution and the same time of the year. In this study, it is aimed to determine using aerial photographs and Landsat-7 satellite images the spatial changes (displacements) in the area of the lake Sapanca and also the buildings collapsed due to the earthquake of 17 August 1999. Keywords: Photogrammetry, liquefaction, satellite image

    DEM (Digital Elevation Model) production from 1:16.000 scale aerial photographs and accuracy modeling

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    Hava fotoğrafı ve uydu görüntülerindeki veriler, çok uzun zamandır klasik yollarla ve operatörler tarafından elle çizilmekteydi. Bilgisayar teknolojisi ve dijital görüntü işleme alanlarındaki gelişmeler, günümüzde bu işlemlerin otomatikleşmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Otomatikleşmenin hedefi hızı arttırmak ve değerlendirme masraflarını azaltmaktır. Bu kapsamda fotogrametri alanında otomatikleşmenin büyük oranda sağlandığı işlemlerden birisi de Sayısal Yükseklik Modeli (SYM) üretimi olmuştur. Bununla birlikte otomatik yöntemlerin doğruluklarını artırmak amacıyla birçok çalışma yapılmasına rağmen, birçok alanda klasik yöntemlerin doğruluklarına ulaşılamamıştır. SYM üretiminde klasik yöntem olan fotogrametrik değerlendirme ile eş yükseklik eğrilerinin çizimi ve otomatik yöntem olan görüntü eşleme ile SYM üretimi ve doğruluklarının araştırılması konusunda çeşitli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Ancak bu çalışmalarda elde edilen sonuçlar kullanılan kaynak veriye, üretim yöntemine, topoğrafik özelliklere, üretilen SYM’nin çözünürlüğüne ve karşılaştırmada kullanılan referans veriye göre farklılık göstermektedir. Bu çalışmada iki farklı bölgede (Bursa ve Ankara) 1:16.000 ölçekli hava fotoğrafları kullanılarak fotogrametrik değerlendirme ile üretilen eş yükselti eğrilerinden ve otomatik görüntü eşleme ile SYM üretimi yapılmış ve her iki yöntem doğrulukları bakımından karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında Bursa bölgesinde üretilen SYM kullanılarak SYM doğruluğu eğim ve çözünürlüğe göre modellenmiştir. Model olarak birinci ve ikinci dereceden bir polinom seçilerek, polinom katsayıları dengeleme ile hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar,  SYM doğruluğu ve çözünürlüğün büyük oranda  korelasyonlu olduğunu, SYM çözünürlüğündeki düşüşle beraber SYM doğruluğunda da düşüş gerçekleştiğini göstermiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sayısal yükseklik modeli, otomatik görüntü eşleme, hava fotoğrafları.Aerial photographs and satellite imagery have been evaluated manually by the operators for a long time for the extraction of the vector data. Computer technology and digital image processing technologies have been developed and this development provides to perform these extraction processes automatically or semi-automatically. The aim of making the processes automatic is to increase the speed of collecting the data and to reduce the cost. Digital elevation model production has been one of the most automated  process of photogrammetry. Although, formats and accuracy for some formats of digital elevation models are standardized, data sources, quality of data sources and production methods of digital elevation models to provide or improve the standards are not determined clearly. Nonexistence of standards and production criteria causes loss of time and money and production of digital elevation models without known standards and accuracies. Also these nonstandard productions cause data loss of digital elevation models which are needed dense work and source. Many researches are made about the production of digital elevation models from different data sources and with different methods. In all of the studies, digital elevation models having different resolutions and data sources are produced and the accuracies of digital elevation models are investigated. The results of these studies vary according to the source data, resolution, ground control point distribution, production method, topography and reference data for the accuracy assessment. On the other hand, the accuracies are investigated in these studies, but the duration of digital elevation model productions are neglected generally. This situation prevents the optimization of production. Photogrammetry provides the most frequently used data sources and techniques for generating digital elevation models (Stocks & Heywood, 1994), either by direct generation of digital elevation models or indirectly via its use in topographic mapping for production of contour lines. Photogrammetry either involves stereoscopic techniques for interpretation of aerial photography or digital image correlation applied to aerial photographs. In this study, digital elevation models are produced by automatic image matching from 1:16.000 scale aerial photographs and the accuracies of digital elevation models are assessed. Also digital elevation models are produced from contour lines compiled from the same sources. Optimum data collection interval and accuracy of digital elevation models are investigated. Automatic image matching and photogrammetric compilation methods for digital elevation model production are compared. Accuracies are also investigated according to the resolution of digital elevation model and slope of topography. Some solutions are suggested for the areas having high errors. Two different test regions are used for the study. First region is Gölbaşı near Ankara. Gölbaşı is a test region used for different purposes for aerial photography. 40  1:16.000 scale aerial photographs of the region were taken in 2002. Second region is an area at the proximity of Bursa. 1:16.000 scale aerial photographs of the region were taken right after the 1999 Gölcük Earthquake. Five meter interval contour lines were compiled from stereo models for Gölbaşı region. First digital elevation model was produced from these contour lines. At the second stage, a digital elevation model was produced from the same area by automatic image matching. These digital elevation models are compared with 27 check points which are measured at the field by GPS. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the digital elevation model produced from contour lines is found to be 0.61 meter.  RMSE of digital elevation model produced by automatic image matching is found to be 2.98 meters. Five meter interval contour lines were compiled from stereo models for Bursa region also. Nine digital elevation models with the resolutions changing from 1 meter to 256 meters were produced from the contour lines. Digital elevation models are compared with 25 meter interval main contour lines which were compiled more precisely. RMSE of the digital elevation model is found to be 0.61 meter. Also the accuracies of digital elevation models changing with the resolution of digital elevation model and slope of topography are tried to be modeled with a polynomial equation. The results showed that the accuracy is correlated highly with digital elevation model resolution. Keywords: Digital elevation model, automatic image matching, aerial photographs

    Documentation of cultural heritage by means of photogrammetric methods and transfer to GIS

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    Tarihi eser veya alanları koruma; bu eser veya alanlara ait ilk teknik dokümanları üretmeyi ve bu dokümanları oluşturabilmek için gerekli plan ve çalışmaları organize edebilmeyi gerekli kılar. Elde edilen bu dokümanlar yardımıyla tarihi eser veya alanlarda yapılacak herhangi bir çalışma için istenilen her türlü bilgiye  kolaylıkla ulaşabilmek olanaklı olacaktır. Dijital fotogrametri ve Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemlerinin  (CBS) birlikte kullanılması ile oluşturulacak bir bilgi sistemi, tarihi eser veya alanların korunması konusunda çalışan ve ilgilenen tüm kişilerin ulaşabilecekleri bir ortam sağlayacaktır. Bu çalışmada, tüm bu gelişmelerden yararlanılarak tarihi eserlerin fotogrametrik olarak belgelenmesi ve bu belgelemenin CBS ile en uygun kullanım olanaklarına ulaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri, fotogrametri, tarihi eser.Turkey is one of the rare countries with a rich cultural heritage. We have been left with a historic heritage covering the centuries from pre-historic to modern times, which have left the marks of their civilizations on the lands of Anatolia.. Therefore these riches should be preserved and left to the next generations with the care such treasures deserve. We have to be aware of the responsibility of leaving these treasures to the next generations as well as displaying them to the tourists. The saving methods of these treasures are supported by modern technology. Using these methods enables us to increase the efficiency and impact of the saving process. Using the advanced technologies in the disciplines other than architecture and by cooperation among the different fields, the future of cultural heritage can be guaranteed in order to save the historical objects and areas. It is necessary to organize the plans and works covering the necessary technical documents of the objects and lands to preserve these objects and lands. The information system generated by the use of digital photogrammetry and Geographical Information System together will enable any person interested in saving the cultural heritage to reach the necessary data. The aim of this study is to use this technology for the photogrammetric documentation of the cultural heritage and to enable the use of the documentation by using GIS. Keywords: Geographic Information Systems, photogrammetry, cultural heritage

    Evaluation of the Demineralization Development around Different Types of Orthodontic Brackets

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    The aim of this study was to compare the demineralizations of the enamel surfaces around different types of orthodontic brackets in an artificial cariogenic environment. A total of 90 extracted human maxillary first premolar teeth were used in this in vitro study. The teeth were divided into 6 groups, 5 study and 1 control, each consisting of 15 samples. Victory metal, Gemini metal, Clarity self-ligating ceramic, APC Clarity Advanced ceramic and Clarity Advanced ceramic brackets (3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif) used in the study groups were bonded to the teeth with the direct technique. The gingival, occlusal and proximal enamel surfaces adjacent to the brackets were measured with a DIAGNOdent pen (KaVo, Biberach, Germany) (T0). Then, the teeth were placed in a cariogenic suspension environment containing Streptococcus mutans, sucrose and artificial saliva. The teeth were removed from the cariogenic suspension at the end of 28 days. Enamel surfaces were remeasured with DIAGNOdent and the values were recorded (T1). Whether the obtained data were homogeneously distributed or not was determined by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, within-group comparisons were performed with the Wilcoxon test, and between-group comparisons were performed with Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Significance level was accepted as p < 0.05. In all groups, the demineralization values of the enamel surfaces in the gingival, proximal and occlusal surfaces adjacent to the brackets were significantly higher in the T1 period than in the T0 period (p < 0.05). In the T1 period of Gemini metal, Clarity self-ligating ceramic and Clarity advanced ceramic bracket groups, the demineralization values of the proximal enamel surfaces were found to be significantly higher than the Victory metal and APC Clarity Advanced ceramic bracket groups (p < 0.05). In the T1 period, the demineralization values of the occlusal enamel surfaces of the Victory metal, APC Clarity Advanced ceramic bracket groups and control group were significantly lower than the Gemini metal, Clarity self-ligating ceramic and Clarity Advanced ceramic bracket groups (p < 0.05). Significant increases in enamel demineralization values were observed as a consequence of increased retention areas for microbial dental plaque on enamel surfaces adjacent to the bracket. Considering the importance of minimizing enamel demineralization in fixed orthodontic treatments, less enamel demineralization in Victory metal and APC Clarity Advanced ceramic bracket groups showed that these brackets can be preferred in patients with poor oral hygiene

    Yer bilimlerinde servis odaklı mimari ile coğrafi bilgi sistemi oluşturulması

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    Yerkabuğu deformasyonu &ccedil;alışmaları, tekrarlı jeodezik &ouml;l&ccedil;melerin analizi ve bunların jeolojik ve jeofizik araştırmalardan elde edilen sonu&ccedil;lar ile birlikte değerlendirilmesine dayanır. Bir disiplinin &uuml;rettiği sonu&ccedil;, diğer bir disiplinin girdi verisi olduğundan, tek tip veri &uuml;reten bir &ccedil;alışmanın, diğer &ccedil;alışmalardan &uuml;retilmiş değişik tipteki verileri kendi verisi ile entegre etmediği s&uuml;rece anlamlı bilgi &uuml;retemeyeceği a&ccedil;ıktır. Bu da g&ouml;stermektedir ki, &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;lmesi gereken problem doğal olarak disiplinlerarası bir karaktere sahiptir. Ancak yer bilimciler genellikle problemin bir yanı &uuml;zerine &ccedil;alışmakta ve sadece istendiğinde verisini paylaşma eğilimindedirler. Bu nedenle kaynaklar, tekrar tekrar aynı &ccedil;alışmalar &uuml;zerinde boşuna harcanmış olmaktadır. Halbuki g&uuml;n&uuml;m&uuml;zde verinin m&uuml;mk&uuml;n olduğu kadar &ccedil;abuk ve efektif olarak bilgiye d&ouml;n&uuml;şmesi gerekmektedir. Bunu ger&ccedil;ekleştirebilmek i&ccedil;in hesap ve analiz ortamlarının araştırmacıların, karar vericilerin ve eğitimcilerin masa&uuml;st&uuml; bilgisayarlarına taşınmış olması gerekmektedir. Bu &nbsp;&ccedil;alışmanın amacı, &ccedil;ok disiplinli yer bilimleri verilerini, ara&ccedil;larını ve yazılımlarını birbirine bağlayan ve paylaşımını sağlayan servis odaklı mimari yapıda bir Coğrafi Bilgi Sisteminin oluşturulması ve bu sisteme farklı seviyelerde kullanıcıların (bilimadamı, eğitimci, karar verici vd.) ulaşımının sağlanması ve b&ouml;ylece T&uuml;rkiye&rsquo;de depremler ile ilgili &ccedil;alışma yapmak isteyenlerin, kolay kullanım aray&uuml;z&uuml; ile interaktif olarak veriye, hesap ve analiz ortamına ulaşmasının sağlanmasıdır. Servis odaklı mimari farklı işletim sistemleri ve platformlarda &ccedil;alışan ve farklı programlama dilleri ile yaratılmış uygulamalardan elde edilecek dağıtık bilginin belli ama&ccedil;lar i&ccedil;in biraraya gelmesini sağlayan bir &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;md&uuml;r.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Coğrafi bilgi sistemi, servis odaklı mimari, internet, yer bilimleri.The studies of recent crustal movements are based on analyses of repeated geodetic measurements, and their combination with results of geophysical and geological investigations. It is obvious that a single data producer can not produce useful datasets and information without integrating data from others because one scientist's results become another's data. So, the problem to be solved naturally has an interdisciplinary character. However, earth scientists traditionally work on one aspect of the problem and they have a tradition of sharing of data but they are willing to share it if asked. Because of this, the resources are being wasted in duplicative efforts. However, the goal is for data to evolve it into information, and then into knowledge as quickly and effectively as possible. In order to do this, calculations and analysis need to bring to the desktops of researchers, decision-makers, and educators. The aim of this study is to develop a service-oriented architecture (SOA) based Geographic Information System (GIS) that enables linking and sharing multidisciplinary earth science data, tools, and software and to provide a wide range of users access to the system and in this way to build an easy-to-use interactive access to data and analysis environment to study earthquakes in Turkey. In this study, a system was developed to access the earth science data that is available now and data which will be coming online, and to provide users easy access to computation and visualization tools. This study is a motivation for developing the necessary information technology infrastructure applicable to earth science areas. It speeds up the scientific discovery process. It is scalable to accommodate future growth and changes since the framework is based on the service oriented architecture. This architecture allows the modules to be written in separate programming languages, and to be run on different computers over the Internet. GIS is used as a user interface. The functional requirements of the system are the various information technologies. It includes many types of data and algorithms from the field of the earth sciences, computers, GIS, networking and databases. In the study, several software tools are used for processing input data, storing them, and presenting on the web. Most of them are open source programs. Therefore, this study shows the usability of open source software in earth science studies. The study represents a system for calculating strain and analysis of outputs. There are different kinds of methods to obtain strain. Geodetic methods of repeated determination of position are used to obtain and monitor strain accumulation and analysis. The results are affected by the determination of the small regions in which the strain is assumed as homogeneous. In this study, strain from geodetic velocities and also from seismic data is obtained. Seismic hazard assessment depends on the ability to understand where strain in the Earth's crust is accommodated and how much of this strain is accommodated seismically. So strain rate maps can be used to visualize the present day deformation of Earth's crust. In the method used, the model grid is continuous in longitudinal and latitudinal directions and covers the study area, Turkey, between 30°N and 45°S and between 20°W and 45°E. The model is calculated on a regular grid. Each grid area is 0.5° x 0.5° in dimension whether an area is considered to be deforming or not is based primarily on seismicity occurrence. This study involves the development of an Internet based system that brings together data, tools, computations and users in a single efficient framework to be used for earthquake related application. A portal based architecture has been adopted in the user interface and service oriented architecture in the middleware. Portals provide users with a single point of access to the system. They also provide a dynamic environment and interactive capabilities. The benefits of this architecture include flexibility and scalability. It also promotes reusability of components. This minimizes the need for new coding. One of the main advantages of Web services is that it does not raise issues of firewalls since it can support any communication protocol. Furthermore, Web services can significantly reduce the data volume and computing resources at the user side. Web services are considered as the next generation of distributed systems because of their advantages such as interoperability. Keywords: Geographic information system, service oriented architecture, internet,  earth sciences

    Does Al2O3 airborne particle abrasion improve repair bond strength of universal adhesives to aged and non-aged nanocomposites?

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    This study investigated the effect of universal adhesives on the resin composite–composite adhesion for immediate and aged repair with and without air-borne particle abrasion. Composite resin specimens were fabricated by placing multiple increments of resin composite (Clearfil Majesty Posterior) into cylindrical cavities (diameter: 4 mm, height: 2 mm) and photo-polymerized. Specimens (N = 720) were randomly assigned to 4 groups (fresh dry specimens, 24 h and 6 months water storage and thermocycled). These four main groups (n = 180) were further assigned to 2 groups (n = 90) according to the surface conditioning procedures; (a) Al2O3 air-abrasion and (b) No air-abrasion. Then, all subgroups were divided into six subgroups due to the adhesive procedures (a) All Bond Universal: AB (Bisco Inc.), (b) Monobond Plus: MP (Ivoclar Vivadent), (c) G-Premio Bond: GP (GC), Gluma Bond Universal: GB (Heraus Kulzer), Clearfil Universal Bond: CU (Kuraray), Clearfil Universal Bond Quick: SK (Kuraray). All bonding systems were applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions and new composite blocks were bonded to the specimens for shear bond strength testing at the Universal Testing Machine (0.5 mm/min). Al2O3 air-abraded groups showed significantly higher bond strength values compared to non-treated groups (p < 0.0001). CU and SK groups showed higher bond strength values and the worst values were observed for the groups of MP. Conditioning with Al2O3 air-abrasion and silane in universal adhesives improves the bond strength of universal adhesives in composite repair