41,785 research outputs found

    Invariant Discretization Schemes Using Evolution-Projection Techniques

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    Finite difference discretization schemes preserving a subgroup of the maximal Lie invariance group of the one-dimensional linear heat equation are determined. These invariant schemes are constructed using the invariantization procedure for non-invariant schemes of the heat equation in computational coordinates. We propose a new methodology for handling moving discretization grids which are generally indispensable for invariant numerical schemes. The idea is to use the invariant grid equation, which determines the locations of the grid point at the next time level only for a single integration step and then to project the obtained solution to the regular grid using invariant interpolation schemes. This guarantees that the scheme is invariant and allows one to work on the simpler stationary grids. The discretization errors of the invariant schemes are established and their convergence rates are estimated. Numerical tests are carried out to shed some light on the numerical properties of invariant discretization schemes using the proposed evolution-projection strategy

    Wavelet-based Adaptive Techniques Applied to Turbulent Hypersonic Scramjet Intake Flows

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    The simulation of hypersonic flows is computationally demanding due to large gradients of the flow variables caused by strong shock waves and thick boundary or shear layers. The resolution of those gradients imposes the use of extremely small cells in the respective regions. Taking turbulence into account intensives the variation in scales even more. Furthermore, hypersonic flows have been shown to be extremely grid sensitive. For the simulation of three-dimensional configurations of engineering applications, this results in a huge amount of cells and prohibitive computational time. Therefore, modern adaptive techniques can provide a gain with respect to computational costs and accuracy, allowing the generation of locally highly resolved flow regions where they are needed and retaining an otherwise smooth distribution. An h-adaptive technique based on wavelets is employed for the solution of hypersonic flows. The compressible Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved using a differential Reynolds stress turbulence model, well suited to predict shock-wave-boundary-layer interactions in high enthalpy flows. Two test cases are considered: a compression corner and a scramjet intake. The compression corner is a classical test case in hypersonic flow investigations because it poses a shock-wave-turbulent-boundary-layer interaction problem. The adaptive procedure is applied to a two-dimensional confguration as validation. The scramjet intake is firstly computed in two dimensions. Subsequently a three-dimensional geometry is considered. Both test cases are validated with experimental data and compared to non-adaptive computations. The results show that the use of an adaptive technique for hypersonic turbulent flows at high enthalpy conditions can strongly improve the performance in terms of memory and CPU time while at the same time maintaining the required accuracy of the results.Comment: 26 pages, 29 Figures, submitted to AIAA Journa

    Interplay of spatial dynamics and local adaptation shapes species lifetime distributions and species-area relationships

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    The distributions of species lifetimes and species in space are related, since species with good local survival chances have more time to colonize new habitats and species inhabiting large areas have higher chances to survive local disturbances. Yet, both distributions have been discussed in mostly separate communities. Here, we study both patterns simultaneously using a spatially explicit, evolutionary community assembly approach. We present and investigate a metacommunity model, consisting of a grid of patches, where each patch contains a local food web. Species survival depends on predation and competition interactions, which in turn depend on species body masses as the key traits. The system evolves due to the migration of species to neighboring patches, the addition of new species as modifications of existing species, and local extinction events. The structure of each local food web thus emerges in a self-organized manner as the highly non-trivial outcome of the relative time scales of these processes. Our model generates a large variety of complex, multi-trophic networks and therefore serves as a powerful tool to investigate ecosystems on long temporal and large spatial scales. We find that the observed lifetime distributions and species-area relations resemble power laws over appropriately chosen parameter ranges and thus agree qualitatively with empirical findings. Moreover, we observe strong finite-size effects, and a dependence of the relationships on the trophic level of the species. By comparing our results to simple neutral models found in the literature, we identify the features that are responsible for the values of the exponents.Comment: Theor Ecol (2019

    The DUNE-ALUGrid Module

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    In this paper we present the new DUNE-ALUGrid module. This module contains a major overhaul of the sources from the ALUgrid library and the binding to the DUNE software framework. The main changes include user defined load balancing, parallel grid construction, and an redesign of the 2d grid which can now also be used for parallel computations. In addition many improvements have been introduced into the code to increase the parallel efficiency and to decrease the memory footprint. The original ALUGrid library is widely used within the DUNE community due to its good parallel performance for problems requiring local adaptivity and dynamic load balancing. Therefore, this new model will benefit a number of DUNE users. In addition we have added features to increase the range of problems for which the grid manager can be used, for example, introducing a 3d tetrahedral grid using a parallel newest vertex bisection algorithm for conforming grid refinement. In this paper we will discuss the new features, extensions to the DUNE interface, and explain for various examples how the code is used in parallel environments.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure