5 research outputs found

    Differential Equation Models Derived from an Individual-Based Model Can Help to Understand Emergent Effects

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    We study a model of primacy effect on individual's attitude. Typically, when receiving a strong negative feature first, the individual keeps a negative attitude whatever the number of moderate positive features it receives afterwards. We consider a population of individuals, which receive the features from a media, and communicate with each other. We observe that interactions favour the primacy effect, compared with a population of isolated individuals. We derive a differential equation system ruling the evolution of probabilities that individuals retain different sets of features. The study of this aggregated model of the IBM shows that interaction can increase or decrease the number of individuals exhibiting a primacy effect. We verify on the IBM that the interactions can decrease the primacy effect in the conditions suggested by the study of the aggregated model. We finally discuss the interest of such a double-modelling approach (using a model of the individual based model) for this application.Primacy Effect, Information Filtering, Agent-Based Model, Aggregated Model, Collective Effects of Interactions, Double-Modelling

    Modelling Fresh Strawberry Supply "From-Farm-to-Fork" as a Complex Adaptive Network

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     The purpose of this study is to model and thereby enable simulation of the complete business entity of fresh food supply. A case narrative of fresh strawberry supply provides basis for this modelling. Lamming et al. (2000) point to the importance of discerning industry-specific product features (or particularities) regarding managing supply networks when discussing elements in "an initial classification of a supply network" while Fisher (1997) and Christopher et al. (2006, 2009) point to the lack of adopting SCM models to variations in products and market types as an important source of SCM failure. In this study we have chosen to move along a research path towards developing an adapted approach to model end-to-end fresh food supply influenced by a combination of SCM, system dynamics and complex adaptive network thinking...

    Modelling the impact of beliefs and communication on attitude dynamics : a cognitive agent-based approach

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    In the context of military training for stabilization operation of a crisis zone with civilian population, understanding the formation of attitude and its dynamics is a key issue. This paper presents a multi-agent model for simulating attitude formation and change based on individual's perception of information and its diffusion through communication. We represent the attitude as object-evaluation associations of varying strength proposed by Fazio [1]. Individuals observe military operations. They exchange and revise beliefs about social objects depending on multiple criteria deriving from social psychology theories. They compute their attitude value based on analytic assessment of these beliefs. We illustrate, through several simulation experiments, the role of communication on attitude dynamics

    Stochastic Approximation to Understand Simple Simulation Models

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    This paper illustrates how a deterministic approximation of a stochastic process can be usefully applied to analyse the dynamics of many simple simulation models. To demonstrate the type of results that can be obtained using this approximation, we present two illustrative examples which are meant to serve as methodological references for researchers exploring this area. Finally, we prove some convergence results for simulations of a family of evolutionary games, namely, intra-population imitation models in n-player games with arbitrary payoffs.Ministerio de Educación (JC2009- 00263), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010: CSD2010-00034, DPI2010-16920

    Perspectives on the relationship between local interactions and global outcomes in spatially explicit models of systems of interacting individuals

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    Understanding the behaviour of systems of interacting individuals is a key aim of much research in the social sciences and beyond, and a wide variety of modelling paradigms have been employed in pursuit of this goal. Often, systems of interest are intrinsically spatial, involving interactions that occur on a local scale or according to some specific spatial structure. However, while it is recognised that spatial factors can have a significant impact on the global behaviours exhibited by such systems, in practice, models often neglect spatial structure or consider it only in a limited way, in order to simplify interpretation and analysis. In the particular case of individual-based models used in the social sciences, a lack of consistent mathematical foundations inevitably casts doubt on the validity of research conclusions. Similarly, in game theory, the lack of a unifying framework to encompass the full variety of spatial games presented in the literature restricts the development of general results and can prevent researchers from identifying important similarities between models. In this thesis, we address these issues by examining the relationship between local interactions and global outcomes in spatially explicit models of interacting individuals from two different conceptual perspectives. First, we define and analyse a family of spatially explicit, individual-based models, identifying and explaining fundamental connections between their local and global behaviours. Our approach represents a proof of concept, suggesting that similar methods could be effective in identifying such connections in a wider range of models. Secondly, we define a general model for spatial games of search and concealment, which unites many existing games into a single framework, and we present theoretical results on its optimal strategies. Our model represents an opportunity for the development of a more broadly applicable theory of spatial games, which could facilitate progress and highlight connections within the field