7 research outputs found

    Longitudinal diffusion changes in prodromal and early HD: Evidence of white-matter tract deterioration

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    INTRODUCTION: Huntington's disease (HD) is a genetic neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects striatal neurons. Striatal volume loss is present years before clinical diagnosis; however, white matter degradation may also occur prior to diagnosis. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) can measure microstructural changes associated with degeneration that precede macrostructural changes. DWI derived measures enhance understanding of degeneration in prodromal HD (pre-HD). METHODS: As part of the PREDICT-HD study, N = 191 pre-HD individuals and 70 healthy controls underwent two or more (baseline and 1-5 year follow-up) DWI, with n = 649 total sessions. Images were processed using cutting-edge DWI analysis methods for large multicenter studies. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics were computed in selected tracts connecting the primary motor, primary somato-sensory, and premotor areas of the cortex with the subcortical caudate and putamen. Pre-HD participants were divided into three CAG-Age Product (CAP) score groups reflecting clinical diagnosis probability (low, medium, or high probabilities). Baseline and longitudinal group differences were examined using linear mixed models. RESULTS: Cross-sectional and longitudinal differences in DTI measures were present in all three CAP groups compared with controls. The high CAP group was most affected. CONCLUSIONS: This is the largest longitudinal DWI study of pre-HD to date. Findings showed DTI differences, consistent with white matter degeneration, were present up to a decade before predicted HD diagnosis. Our findings indicate a unique role for disrupted connectivity between the premotor area and the putamen, which may be closely tied to the onset of motor symptoms in HD. Hum Brain Mapp 38:1460-1477, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Spatiotemporal analysis for detection of pre-symptomatic shape changes in neurodegenerative diseases : initial application to the GENFI cohort

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    Brain atrophy as measured from structural MR images, is one of the primary imaging biomarkers used to track neurodegenerative disease progression. In diseases such as frontotemporal dementia or Alzheimer's disease, atrophy can be observed in key brain structures years before any clinical symptoms are present. Atrophy is most commonly captured as volume change of key structures and the shape changes of these structures are typically not analysed despite being potentially more sensitive than summary volume statistics over the entire structure. In this paper we propose a spatiotemporal analysis pipeline based on Large Diffeomorphic Deformation Metric Mapping (LDDMM) to detect shape changes from volumetric MRI scans. We applied our framework to a cohort of individuals with genetic variants of frontotemporal dementia and healthy controls from the Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) study. Our method, take full advantage of the LDDMM framework, and relies on the creation of a population specific average spatiotemporal trajectory of a relevant brain structure of interest, the thalamus in our case. The residuals from each patient data to the average spatiotemporal trajectory are then clustered and studied to assess when presymptomatic mutation carriers differ from healthy control subjects. We found statistical differences in shape in the anterior region of the thalamus at least five years before the mutation carrier subjects develop any clinical symptoms. This region of the thalamus has been shown to be predominantly connected to the frontal lobe, consistent with the pattern of cortical atrophy seen in the disease

    Spatiotemporal analysis for detection of pre-symptomatic shape changes in neurodegenerative diseases: Initial application to the GENFI cohort

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    Brain atrophy as measured from structural MR images, is one of the primary imaging biomarkers used to track neurodegenerative disease progression. In diseases such as frontotemporal dementia or Alzheimer's disease, atrophy can be observed in key brain structures years before any clinical symptoms are present. Atrophy is most commonly captured as volume change of key structures and the shape changes of these structures are typically not analysed despite being potentially more sensitive than summary volume statistics over the entire structure. In this paper we propose a spatiotemporal analysis pipeline based on Large Diffeomorphic Deformation Metric Mapping (LDDMM) to detect shape changes from volumetric MRI scans. We applied our framework to a cohort of individuals with genetic variants of frontotemporal dementia and healthy controls from the Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) study. Our method, take full advantage of the LDDMM framework, and relies on the creation of a population specific average spatiotemporal trajectory of a relevant brain structure of interest, the thalamus in our case. The residuals from each patient data to the average spatiotemporal trajectory are then clustered and studied to assess when presymptomatic mutation carriers differ from healthy control subjects. We found statistical differences in shape in the anterior region of the thalamus at least five years before the mutation carrier subjects develop any clinical symptoms. This region of the thalamus has been shown to be predominantly connected to the frontal lobe, consistent with the pattern of cortical atrophy seen in the disease

    Spatiotemporal analysis for detection of pre-symptomatic shape changes in neurodegenerative diseases: Initial application to the GENFI cohort

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    Brain atrophy as measured from structural MR images, is one of the primary imaging biomarkers used to track neurodegenerative disease progression. In diseases such as frontotemporal dementia or Alzheimer's disease, atrophy can be observed in key brain structures years before any clinical symptoms are present. Atrophy is most commonly captured as volume change of key structures and the shape changes of these structures are typically not analysed despite being potentially more sensitive than summary volume statistics over the entire structure. In this paper we propose a spatiotemporal analysis pipeline based on Large Diffeomorphic Deformation Metric Mapping (LDDMM) to detect shape changes from volumetric MRI scans. We applied our framework to a cohort of individuals with genetic variants of frontotemporal dementia and healthy controls from the Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) study. Our method, take full advantage of the LDDMM framework, and relies on the creation of a population specific average spatiotemporal trajectory of a relevant brain structure of interest, the thalamus in our case. The residuals from each patient data to the average spatiotemporal trajectory are then clustered and studied to assess when presymptomatic mutation carriers differ from healthy control subjects. We found statistical differences in shape in the anterior region of the thalamus at least five years before the mutation carrier subjects develop any clinical symptoms. This region of the thalamus has been shown to be predominantly connected to the frontal lobe, consistent with the pattern of cortical atrophy seen in the disease

    Diffeomorphic Shape Trajectories for Improved Longitudinal Segmentation and Statistics

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    International audienceLongitudinal imaging studies involve tracking changes in individuals by repeated image acquisition over time. The goal of these studies is to quantify biological shape variability within and across individuals, and also to distinguish between normal and disease populations. However, data variability is influenced by outside sources such as image acquisition, image calibration, human expert judgment, and limited robustness of segmentation and registration algorithms. In this paper, we propose a two-stage method for the statistical analysis of longitu-dinal shape. In the first stage, we estimate diffeomorphic shape trajectories for each individual that minimize inconsistencies in segmented shapes across time. This is followed by a longitudinal mixed-effects statistical model in the second stage for testing differences in shape trajectories between groups. We apply our method to a longitudinal database from PREDICT-HD and demonstrate our ap-proach reduces unwanted variability for both shape and derived measures, such as volume. This leads to greater statistical power to distinguish differences in shape trajectory between healthy subjects and subjects with a genetic biomarker for Huntington's disease (HD)

    Longitudinal changes in subcortical morphology in Huntington Disease and the relationship with clinical, motor and neurocognitive outcomes

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    Huntington disease (HD) is a devastating inherited neurodegenerative disease which causes progressive motor, psychiatric and cognitive disturbances as well as neurodegeneration. Mapping the spatiotemporal progression of neuroanatomical change in HD is fundamental to developing biomeasures suitable for prognostication and to aid in development and testing of potential treatments. The neostriatum is central to HD and is known to start to degenerate more than a decade before observable motor onset. It is central to a number of frontostriatal re-entrant circuits which regulate motor control and other forms of behaviour. Changes in striatal morphology can consequently be correlated with observable clinical, motor and cognitive outcomes. However, the neostriatum is merely one part of the "hubs and spokes" of neural circuitry and neurodegeneration in HD also occurs in other areas of the brain. The hippocampus has been less fully studied in HD and has implications for neural plasticity, particularly given neurogenesis continues into adulthood in this region. Furthermore, thickness of the corpus callosum may be used as a proxy for cortical changes that are known to occur later in HD. This thesis uses data from the IMAGE-HD study to characterise neuroanatomical changes in HD, with the aim to improve knowledge of HD-associated neurodegenerative pathways and to provide further insight to relate quantitative measures of morphology to function. A number of analytical techniques are used to investigate changes in size and shape of neuroanatomical structures and to correlate these with clinical, motor and neurocognitive outcomes. This thesis demonstrates that shape changes in the neostriatum in HD and pre-symptomatic HD correlate with functional measures subserved by corticostriatal circuits, and identifies significant longitudinal differences in putaminal and caudate shape. Only the putamen has a significant group by time interaction, suggesting that it is a better marker for longitudinal change in pre-symptomatic HD and HD. While HD has its most marked effects on the neostriatum, it also has more subtle effects on other subcortical areas. This thesis shows surface contraction occurring in HD in the hippocampus compared to controls, although without correlations to functional measures or significant longitudinal change. Unlike these "hubs", this thesis finds that the large "spoke" of the corpus callosum is not impacted early in the HD process but becomes affected after symptom onset, highlighting the spread of neurodegeneration in other structures. This is the first time that such robust statistical analysis of longitudinal shape change in HD has been able to be performed and shows the neostriatum, particularly the putamen, as a potentially useful structural basis for the characterisation of an endophenotype of HD. This thesis provides a more comprehensive picture of neuroanatomical change in HD by using a "hubs and spokes" approach to analyse key areas, increasing knowledge about neurodegenerative pathways and functional outcomes